Is Thailand Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 77 / 100 based on 23 user reviews.

Thailand FlagThailand : Safety by City

Thailand, officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, with coastlines on the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand.

It shares its borders with Myanmar (Burma) to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Cambodia to the southeast, and Malaysia to the south.

It is a country known for warm and welcoming people that are used to the heavy flows of tourists that come to this country in growing numbers every year.

Thailand is probably the most touristy Southeast Asian country, as they line up to visit its incredible features, that are aplenty: anything you want in a holiday – you name it and Thailand’s probably got it: green luscious jungles, turquoise waters so warm that it feels like you’re taking a bath, and food that will challenge your taste buds like none other.

Though exotic as can be, it is equipped with everything a tourist might need or want, and there is something for everyone, and for every budget.

Some of the best luxury hotels are located here even though Thailand is known for being backpacker-friendly.

The most important thing about Thailand: it has resisted the heavy flows of tourists, and kept its innate Thai identity, keeping its rich culture, religions, and history safe.

Warnings & Dangers in Thailand

Overall Risk


Generally speaking, Thailand can be considered a safe country: some parts are very safe, while others are highly dangerous. You better apply all possible precautious measures, just in case you stumble upon the latter.

Transport & Taxis Risk


There is a great risk when it comes to transportation conditions in Thailand. The number one cause of death for visitors to Thailand is motorbike accidents that often occur on the narrow, mountainous and twisty roads of Phuket and Samui. These are completely new traffic rules for tourists, that they are not used to, which makes it difficult to be a part of the transportation system. Avoid public transport too, as this is where the pickpockets operate.

Pickpockets Risk


As Thailand is a growingly popular tourist destination, it's actually to be expected that pickpockets operate everywhere, usually in crowded places filled with foreigners. Excessive vigilance is highly recommended.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, Thailand is known for tsunamis, severe storms, and occasional earthquakes.

Mugging Risk


Kidnappings are not that often, though they have happened, especially in the National Parks in the area close to Myanmar (Burma) border, areas known as gathering places of bandit groups. Muggings are also rare, but they're also possible, especially in the remote areas of the country, and on the outskirts of big cities.

Terrorism Risk


It is advised against visiting far south regions of Thailand, such as Yala, Pattani, and Songkhla since they have been targets of small bomb attacks and shootings. As for Thailand’s main cities, they have been assessed as a medium-threat location for terrorist activity.

Scams Risk


Be prepared that most people providing any type of service for tourists in Thailand are probably going to try to scam you or rip you off. Tuk-tuk drivers, fake police officers, street vendors are all possible scammers. Keep in mind that ATMs are places where criminals try and steal pin codes. Also, avoid drinking in local clubs and bars. There have been many reports of tourists being drugged and then stolen from.

Women Travelers Risk


Even though Thailand could generally be considered a safe country for women, they are still highly advised to follow the basic rules of precaution. Try avoiding dark alleys, walking alone along with dark, poorly lit or deserted areas, or finding yourself late at night in areas filled with bars or clubs as you might receive some unwanted attention. Apart from that, use your common sense and apply all basic precaution measures.

So... How Safe Is Thailand Really?

Thailand is somewhat safe to visit, though it does have its dangers.

Petty theft like pickpocketing or bag snatching is more than common and you should expect it at every step.

Violent crime has been on the rise during the past couple of years and muggings and robberies are not rare at all.

Avoid any confrontations at bars and clubs as you might get severely beaten up.

There have, of course, been reports of getting ridiculously overcharged by taxi drivers, street vendors, practically anyone providing any service, so do be careful about getting scammed.

Another, probably the most severe, danger in Thailand, and the number one cause of death for visitors to Thailand is motorbike accidents, that often occur on the narrow, mountainous and twisty roads of Phuket and Samui.

Always wear a helmet, avoid driving at night at all costs and never drink and drive.

Keep in mind that you should never, under any circumstances, say or mumble anything negative, or make jokes about the Thai royal family, as you might get attacked, and severely so.

There are strict Lese Majeste laws, and these laws extend to even the national currency bearing the picture of the king.

Many locals might try to physically assault upon hearing something bad about the Thai royal family, and at the very least you can expect getting verbally attacked.

How Does Thailand Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



US citizens planning on traveling to Thailand for less than 30 days do not need a visa. Just make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months past the date of arrival into this country. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Thai BAHT is the official currency of Thailand. Bear in mind that Kasikom Bank and Siam Commercial Bank have the best exchange rates and, as mentioned earlier, treat the money well: never step on a coin, or throw, tear or burn paper bills, because it shows disrespect to the royal family.



The climate in Thailand is tropical, with mostly high temperatures and an abundance of humidity throughout the year. The best time to visit Thailand is between November and February.



Suvarnabhumi Airport, unofficially known as Bangkok Airport, is one of two international airports serving Bangkok the capital of Thailand. The other is Don Mueang International Airport.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Thailand, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Thailand Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 27° C
Feb 29° C
Mar 30° C
Apr 31° C
May 31° C
Jun 30° C
Jul 30° C
Aug 29° C
Sep 29° C
Oct 29° C
Nov 28° C
Dec 27° C
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Thailand - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Chiang Mai73

Where to Next?

23 Reviews on Thailand

  1. S
    Sandy Poole says:

    Thailand is safer than the USA

    This review is so full of shit. Thailand is overall much safer than the USA. Yes it has bad parts, but the US has more. An idiot wrote this page.

    1. I totally agree. I’ve been visiting Thailand since 2004 and it is one of the safest places I’ve been. Bangkok is a massive is a massive city but it doesn’t have no go neighborhoods like many US or EU cities. The biggest danger is scams, but if you are not greedy it is easy to avoid. Saying it is a high risk country is a joke.

  2. B
    Bill Lanz says:

    Safe but watch out!

    I have been coming to Thailand for 50 years. I can carry on a simple conversation in Thai. 99% are friendly beyond you dreams. But….I have been pulled off my motorcycle by thieves trying to rob the passenger on the back. Result: broken back. Most recently I have had my recently repaired hearing aids from the US taken by customs and held for tax charges. I have had them for 3 years and returned them to the original place where I bought them for repairs. I have had to simply abandon them, being unable to provide original doctors prescription, sales receipt, etc. Losses approximately $2,000. Do not have anything sent to you while you are in Thailand. You either will not receive it or it will cost you excessively.

    1. P
      PoonyPorn says:

      Lol a broken back dont sound too friendly to me . Some people never learn .

  3. D
    Domanic says:

    Thailand is safe.

    Whoever wrote this article is a shitster. Thailand is beautiful of its own and it is actually quite safe to travel.

  4. Traveled to Thailand with my fiancé and we never felt unsafe, we even had complete strangers help us out when we got a flat tire on our motorcycle on a remote road an hour out of Chiangmai. Took public transport in Bangkok all the time and also never saw any threats.

  5. E
    EvilWhiteMan says:

    Same review as for all the other Southeast Asian countries. People are only friendly when they can sell you something, otherwise very unfriendly and aggressive. Thais are probably the most racist people out there (right behind the Chinese). They hate white people, they hate black people and they also hate every Asian from outside. Weird bunch.

    1. P
      Pakhwan says:

      your experience is a reflection of your attitude.

      1. M
        MontRealGuy says:

        Thailand is very safe for tourist

        This is so wrong. I visit Thailand almost every year and it’s one of the safest and tourist friendly country i’ve been to. Bangkok might feels crazy because of the crazy traffic but it is very safe. I can walk around at night anywhere and most locals do too.

  6. Respect

    The fact is there are bad areas everywhere, it’s all about how your carry yourself! Walk around acting like an over privilege stuck up idiot and you will become a target! Walk around flaunting all this expensive stuff you own you will be a target . As in America you will be a target as such in Thailand . Your in a different country show these countrymen some respect and you shall receive it in return

  7. P
    PoonyPorn says:

    More like dont listen to the idiot commenters . The poster is correct . Tland will have dumb farangs for breakfast if cause Thai to lose face , the whole street will mob ya . Taxis carry guns , corrupt cops shake ya down for bahts . Even the women can be dangerous . Ladyboy groups will MuayThai ur @ss down and rob ya . I wouldn’t even trust a monk there . Asia has a thing for chopping pee pees too so if she seems sketchy then gtfo . Stick to Chiang Mai if staying long term. It’s the more peaceful ,rural region . Bangkok and Pattaya a dam zoo .

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      what have i just read 💀

  8. double pricing

    Don’t forget “double pricing” scams. A Thai sees a foreigner walking up and the prices immediately go up. Always get estimates or listed prices before buying anything.

  9. Never had problems in Thailand

    Been to Bankok, Pattaya. Ban Chang, Chunburi. NEVER had a problem. Just dont act like an ass, be polite. “SMILE” !!!! Tuk tuk drivers were friendly, taxis were friendly (from bangkok airport all the way to Ban Chang). NEVER HAD A PROBLEM! Although we were two good sized white males traveling on vaca. Nobody F’d with us. I got sak yants, bought gold necklaces, went to bars in bangkok. even went to bars in Pattaya (near walking street), No problems. You mind your business, nobody f***s with ya. Was a great experience. Scheduled a 2nd trip March of 2021, but got cancelled due to the pandemic. Will go again in Jan 2022. Who knows maybe my stories will change.

  10. S
    Shehran says:

    Safer than the US

    Pickpockets are pretty fervent, nonetheless Thailand is safer than many other countries there on the map (including the USA) for sure.

  11. Don't do anything on a trip which you wouldn't do at home

    My travel advice to anyone is: Don’t do anything on a trip which you wouldn’t do at home. I mean it.
    Like what would you think of a man approaching you on the streets of NYC trying to sell tailormade suits? Right, you’d politely get out of the situation (in case the guy could be armed).
    Would you ride a rental motorbike without a helmet and wearing shorts and flip flops in downtown L.A.? So if you wouldn’t – don’t do it in Phuket.
    Would you help out a woman you spent only one night with in Chicago and lend her 5k bucks? No, then don’t do it in Bangkok.
    It’s as easy as that and you will be totally fine during your trip.
    People in Thailand are just like anywhere else so don’t fall for the feeling that everything is so easy going there in the tropical heat.

  12. T
    Timmy T says:

    The land of smiles because they grin like winner when they sell you something at twice the local going rate.

  13. N
    Nathaniel says:

    I had a great time

    The good:
    Probably one of the most beautiful and special countries in the world! You have so much to see and admire in Thailand!

    The people are generally very friendly, helpful and hospitable! They might offer to help you if you are having car problems or any type of problem.

    Even though many tourists are visiting this country it still has managed to keep its identity and its culture unchanged. This is a huge plus as you can experience the true Thai culture with its great history.

    Prices are generally quite decent, and in some areas even low compared to many other countries. You can generally afford a longer vacation in certain cities from Thailand than you would in other countries. Look for good deals on known sites online or if you’re more adventurous, find accommodations on the go while in Thailand.

    The bad:
    Double pricing scams. As soon as locals (some of them, not all of course) see that you are a tourist they will offer you prices that are higher than normal just because you are a tourist. At first you might not realize this as you don’t know the prices.

    Pickpockets can be seen if you take a closer look. This doesn’t mean they are everywhere or that you should be afraid. Just stay vigilant and don’t make yourself an easy target. Keep money and important belongings close-by and pay attention and you’ll be fine.

    Taxis can sometimes try to overcharge you. Always ask for the price BEFORE going on the ride and you can avoid problems.

    Traffic rules are a bit different so be very careful if you ride a motorbike here. Familiarize yourself with the rules, go slow and pay attention.

    Muggings can happen but aren’t frequent. Just do a bit of research on which areas are to be avoided in each town you go to.

  14. 🙏🏿

    Thailand is generally very safe. Because the people here are mostly religious. And in most cases there is almost no murder in Thailand. This is due to their religious belief that killing people is a sin, which is a plus.

  15. C
    Cool hand luke says:

    I stayed in Bangkok for 3 months and have never been double charged, robbed, or in general anything bad. For taxis take grab and the price is set or even better the BTS is cheap, clean and easy to use.

  16. T
    Truthteller says:


    Most racist country I’ve ever been to in my life. This place is full of scammers and the people have a shit attitude. They only see foreigners as ATMs. It’s very dangerous and not welcoming.

Thailand Rated 3.87 / 5 based on 23 user reviews.

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