Is Nigeria Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 74 / 100 based on 83 user reviews.

Nigeria FlagNigeria : Safety by City

Nigeria is a country located in equatorial West Africa and Africa’s most populous nation.

It is also the seventh most populous country in the world.

It shares borders with Benin to the west, Cameroon to the southeast, Chad to the northeast, and Niger to the north, and it also boasts a southern coastline on the Gulf of Guinea.

While being famous for its population, it is also the largest African oil producer and, since April 2014, the largest economy in Africa.

Even though this country is rather dangerous, there are ways to spend quality time there – without getting hurt.

You can go to the Lekki Forest Reserve, which is basically an interesting patch of tropical rainforest with wooden walkways but you’ll have a hard time explaining the location to taxi drivers as locals often don’t know about this place.

You can also visit Obudu: a small and cool mountain escape that also offers a nice resort (Obudu Mountain Resort) on the mountain.

You can count on activities like forest walks, hiking, cable car driving, and swimming in swimming pools with fountains.

Warnings & Dangers in Nigeria

Overall Risk


Nigeria is currently a very dangerous destination for potential tourists. Governments in several countries have even issued warnings against traveling to this country, for reasons such as terrorism, kidnappings, and other types of violent crime.

Transport & Taxis Risk


As for transport, it is not safe, and you should always opt for taxis and hired drivers to get around Nigeria. However, buses, although dangerous because of possible roadblocks and the possibility of passengers being attacked are reliable and can take you to any part of the country you wish to go. Still, be very careful when getting around Nigeria.

Pickpockets Risk


Crime levels are high in Nigeria and this goes for both petty and violent crime. Expect petty crimes like pickpocketing, bag snatching, camera snatching, and other forms of theft, especially on the streets of Lagos.

Natural Disasters Risk


Nigeria gets severely hit by heavy tropical rains each year from May to September, which usually leads to flash floods. Floods are the most devastating natural disaster in Nigeria and they have also devastated the Niger Delta.

Mugging Risk


There have been some pretty scary reports concerning violent crime in Nigeria towards foreigners particularly. U.S. Department of State reporting more than 140 foreign nationals have been kidnapped, and six of them killed, since 2009. This is why it is essential that you avoid walking around Nigeria altogether, be it during the day or night. Opt for driving.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Nigeria. Avoid northern and northeast Nigeria at all costs as those are the parts of the country where most of the terrorism takes place. However, there have been numerous attacks elsewhere, too. Threats are mostly coming from the terrorist group Boko Haram.

Scams Risk


Of course, scams too are common in Nigeria, so double check your change, never pay anything upfront, and negotiate everything in advance. Be very careful around ATMs and be wary of anyone trying to distract you.

Women Travelers Risk


Nigeria is not a safe destination for women. Do not go alone anywhere, and keep in mind that it is best not to move around Nigeria at all, except if you're in a car with windows rolled up.

So... How Safe Is Nigeria Really?

You should know that there are plenty of foreign governments that advise against traveling to Northern and Central Nigeria altogether due to ethnic quarrels, lawlessness and the murderous Islamist groups such as Boko Haram.

You should avoid gathering anywhere while in Nigeria, and church-goers should not form in groups which are too large due to suicide bombings.

You may encounter jihadist groups in the regions of Borno, Kaduna, Bauchi, Yobe, and Kano.

When it comes to crime, Nigeria is considered a dangerous destination.

It is strongly advised that you travel in the company of at least one person.

Going to the capital, Abuja is not dangerous as it’s the home of most diplomats and politician so there’s plenty of security there.

Everywhere else, crime levels are high and you are strongly advised against roaming around alone, especially at night.

The roads are also dangerous as there’s a constant threat of an armed robbery.

The Niger delta area is also considered unsafe for tourists, as is Northern Nigeria because of the ethnic and religious tensions that took over this area.

The presence of Boko Haram isn’t helpful either.

The waters outside Nigeria are also dangerous: you are most likely to get attacked by pirates here.

If you’re a member of LGBT, avoid this country.

Homosexuality is ILLEGAL here with penalties of up to death.

In the North of the country, the sharia law is regularly implemented so LGBT travelers are advised to be extremely careful should be very cautious.

Both gay men and lesbian women can be executed.

Refrain from all public or private displays of affection at all cost.

How Does Nigeria Compare?

CountrySafety Index
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Most countries do need a passport in order to enter Nigeria. You will need a valid passport and keep in mind that it is usually impossible to acquire a visa upon arrival so make sure you apply for one well in advance. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



The Nigerian naira is the official currency in Nigeria. ATMs are becoming more and more available throughout the country.



Nigeria has a tropical climate, due to it being located in the tropics, and it is characterized by a rainy and a dry season as in most countries in the tropics. Nigeria's rainy season lasts from May to September during which period it receives extreme amounts of rain.



Murtala Muhammed International Airport is the main airport in Nigeria, serving the entire country. It is located in Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Nigeria, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Nigeria Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 27° C
Feb 29° C
Mar 30° C
Apr 29° C
May 28° C
Jun 27° C
Jul 25° C
Aug 25° C
Sep 26° C
Oct 26° C
Nov 28° C
Dec 27° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Nigeria - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

Where to Next?

86 Reviews on Nigeria

  1. M
    Maria Gorretti says:

    Nigeria is not that bad!!!

    Now, Murtala Mohammed Airport is the main airport in Nigeria? This is incorrect.

    There are insecurity issues but definitely not as bad as this review paints it. I could be attacked just as easily in the US as I could in Nigeria.

    1. P
      Patricia Emuze says:

      There are problems in every country in the world… if you don’t know the culture the people who are trying to thrive for their own, make there own way you only see them thew stained glass. Not everyone is right all the time yes, there are problems but the true test is how long it takes for us to learn from it. I agree with you I’ve been twice, buggy’s from Edo state.he’s my heart I’m planning to return in January.

      1. I’m Glad to hear some positive posts. I feel more than comfortable as a white American woman traveling alone to Nigeria I am being hosted and will be staying in Odimodi for a week I will be the first white American woman to come to their community . Obviously this is not an adventure I take lightly, I have Met several of the community members via FaceTime etc.

        Again, thank you for bringing some bright light back into traveling

    2. Perfect

      I have been visiting Nigeria as a European for multiple times now.

      I have to say, please Nigerians reading this, be very proud of your people and country. I have enjoyed many things in Nigeria.

      I have driven a car myself, and roamed the streets myself. Nigerians are very curious and like to talk toc you, as long you are respectful they are too. I have nothing negative to say about this country. I will be going there in 3 weeks again.

      1. Nice place to visit!

        I have visited twice in 2022 March and in November and had a wonderful time! I felt more safe there with so many nice respectful individuals than I have visiting my home town in Southern California and Northern California where you are hearing gun shots and sirens throughout the night! I did not hear or see any violence. Please! talking about safety! Oh! I am more subject to being robbed walking in Los Angeles at night! I plan to visit again and again! I Love the music, the people, and the bars 🙂

    3. I’m meeting my BF there. We have been dating about a year, I found a hotel and I’ll be in port harcourt. Is it safe. He’ll be with me the entire time.
      But I am nervous

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        Hi I just was ready what u right. And to tell u I’m American from chicago. And I have been talking my BF for more than one year and I’m traveling to negiria go to the airport port Harcourt and I’m looking for the hotel. And he will be with me all the time .but I’m nervous…..

  2. O
    Ola Richard says:

    Nigeria, a place to be

    All of the reviews here are misrepresentation. Every country has their level of risk but what is written here is exaggerated. The country is secure, warm to foreigners and also an abode to visitors. This does not mean that some level of caution is required

    Northern Nigeria has religious Islamic jihadist. East and west is as save as other cities in the world

    1. Not the truth

      What are you speaking about? A place to be? Where do you grew up?

      1. 🤞🏾

        March 2022: If you’re planning on visiting Nigeria; don’t! Security is in shambles, lots of reported kidnappings and extortions. But it’s still my favorite country😍. I strongly believe in change and things will get right eventually🙏🏾🤲🏾

    2. A
      Agba poet says:

      Here's the truth

      Lol😂😂. Nigeria: a place to be? I am a Nigerian living in Nigeria but you’ll wonder why every Nigerian’s dream is to run out of the country. The truth is: the Nigerian security system is in total jeopardy. Every one knows that plying some roads like the Kaduna-Abuja express is just as good as suicide. There are lots of kidnappers, armed robbers and bandits scouting in the forest areas and waylaying innocent travellers. Even the Eastern and Southern regions aren’t free from the attack. Recently, the Owo massacre traced the bloody death of hundreds of church worshippers. In summary, Nigeria is currently a death zone and no matter what security issue may be found in the U.S, be rest assured that the Nigerian condition is far worse. Typing this as at October 2022.

      1. N
        Najeeb Rana says:

        Is Abuja City safe or not?

        1. I
          Ibenz hrc says:

          Abuja is nice

          No part of the country can be regarded as the safest but Abuja is safe. Although the cost of living there is very high, people still go there because it is the country’s capital. Abuja can be said to be one of the most developed part of Nigeria. Nigerians see the residents of Abuja as wealthy people due to their high cost of building, clothing, feeding etc so if you have the money visit or stay there

  3. Beautiful Nigeria

    In my opinion, this article is highly exaggerated.

    Sure, there are certain safety measures that need to be taken, just as in any other country.
    There are a number of problems I have with this article.

    First of all, Nigeria is steadily becoming a much more diverse country, and tourists are widely accepted here, in fact, most Nigerians are happy when they meet a tourist appreciating their way of life.

    Secondly, for the most part, this article is correct.

    However, I strongly disagree with the fact that transportation is a high risk. The ‘Keke’, commonly known as ‘Tuk Tuks’ is enjoyed by travelers due to low costs and friendly drivers; and the mugging? Really?. Muggings and pick-pocketing are high in almost every country in the world.

    I suggest you, yourself should experience the true beauty of Nigeria, rather than basing this article off of your own prejudice.

    For the most part, I did agree with most of this article, just needs a bit of editing in my opinion.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Beautiful Nigeria?

      Yes the article is exaggerated, but most of it is true
      I don’t agree with the camera snatching and bag snatching, thieves are not that confident here, it is very rare.
      Pick pocketing is also quite rare, I have lived in Nigeria all my life and not even once have I or people I know been victims of pickpocketing.
      Let’s face it, Nigeria is not very safe for travellers who have no experience whatsoever about third world countries.

  4. N
    N.Fishel says:


    Traffic was impossible, police were abusive and corrupt, the people were unfriendly and inhospitable and the government was almost non-existent. There was this sense of foreboding that you could not escape. It was as if something bad was about to happen and everybody knew what it was except you. You see very few smiles and a lot of angry faces there. One of the most depressing places I have ever been to. I could not wait to get out.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      May God forgive you!

    2. V
      Victoria Anthony says:

      Yo,Unfriendly you say.That’s no true.Nigerians welcome are more friendly with foreign than they are with their fellow nigerians.

      1. B
        Bryndon Dunn says:

        Not a flex

        That’s kinda sad actually.

      2. F
        Fran William says:

        From what I read in the reviews I have changed my mind I so wanted to go there I love their culture I like the beauty of Nigeria I love their movies the actors that perform in the movies which is my reason to visit and if possible to meet actor Frederick Leonard first and foremost and the other actors as well they seem so nice and kind in Logos so disappointed right now maybe it will change for travelers I still love my sisters and brothers in Nigeria. Love always from the United States in St Louis Mo.

    3. Wow I plan to go but reading ur comment about Nigeria I’m staying home in America

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        Don’t let someone else experience stop you.

        Don’t be discouraged Fear will cripple your growth. I am going next month looking forward to my experience.

      2. A
        Allison ireland says:

        Nigeria safe to travel

        It doesn’t matter where you go in the world there always something, if you bothered that much you wouldn’t travel at all . My partner is Nigerian I’m white e English I’m going over to meet my new family and can’t wait .uk

    4. This cannot be true.
      Perhaps you were so prejudiced and it stopped you from experiencing the hospitable nature of majority of Nigerians.

    5. Completely untrue. Nigeria is a very safe country. An interesting place to be if you have your cash.

      Completely untrue. Nigeria is a very safe country. An interesting place to be if you have your cash.

    6. Where in Nigeria?

      May I ask where in Nigeria you visited? I’m planning a trip there this August. I’m from the USA. I’m female and will be traveling alone. I find your post disturbing especially after reading this frightening article. I’m sure it’s been exaggerated but After reading your comment I’m wondering if I should take a body guard with me.

      1. Definitely hire a bodyguard. My husband is Nigerian and I am American. As he has tried to convince me to visit Nigeria (after years of telling me how corrupt and dangerous it is), he has tried to sweeten the deal by saying we could hire bodyguards. I don’t want to go anywhere where I have to hire a bodyguard, but that is totally a personal decision.

      2. F
        Felipe-A says:

        Understand where you are going

        I’m Brazilian and I work for a Nigerian company. I travel there regularly, doing anything but tourism, going through many places most people reading this won’t go. I never had a problem there and I can say I felt very welcome by all people. Nigerians are mostly very helpful, respectful and fun. Nigeria, as many developing countries, requires you to be smart when traveling. Safety will depend a lot of where and how you are going. Plan your trip, read about it, talk to people and understand the context of the place. Keep in mind that majority of people there is just like you and me, living honest lives and working hard. I strongly recommend hiring someone to drive you around, as traveling on your own may be confusing, and definitely try to get a local SIM.

      3. R
        ReFrain says:

        Advice you not to go and not at this time

        Yes mam you should everything they said is true. Do not be fooled by what theses people are saying that it is safe. You have to have someone to invite you there and they will have to stay with you at all times, the are responsible for your safety. And I know it’s true because my husband is there and we just finished talking about this. No nothing may not happen at that time but you better just be aware of your surroundings and never be by yourself. And be be careful going anywhere because they kidnap and rob you just whatever they want to. So when they say it’s okay to go there it’s not. And it’s election time now this is a crucial time to go there. Far as I know they are not letting anyone in they are telling all Americans to leave in reference to their safety. In UK as well and some of the Nigerians are leaving to. The muslins is terrible over there I will leave at that. So if you are able to go to Africa/Nigeria be careful and travel at your own risk that’s what they will tell you. Be Blessed

    7. B
      Be nice says:

      I believe you because I been to Accra Ghana and they was no smiling faces much there they look depressed and I seen a lot of homeless Muslim children and mother’s there in 2021 and also January 2022 I gave away face masks and money to the hunger ones and homeless one there and you are right the authorities there in Africa 🌍 are very rude and talk hateful mean too there citizens there and I couldn’t wait to go back to America were it’s a lot more smiles and speaking too and cheerful givers then Africa…it’s a very very selfish country I was going to get married in Nigeria but when i was reading the warning signs from America to reconsider to Nigeria 2022 for kidnapping bad jand pickpocket bsd I believe it because they’ll have no jobs there and the ones who are very rich there are selfish and will not give so I don’t blame you I don’t ever want to go waste my Americans dollars to go visit a selfish country like Africa they want to come over here bad because there leaders or selfish to them and corrupt the scammers and 419 scammer all online Facebook whatassp social media I have had my share with GHANA and Nigeria ppl there I don’t think they like us Americans they just love our money to make them rich in there country I seen jealousy and selfish bad bad bad in Africa even the pastors there they are hypocritical too love money greed not thinking about there congregation they just want there naira dollars you my find 5 out of 99 that are true to God and not that greed over there beautiful country but the people there are harsh to one another and selfish…and that is truth they know it ?

      1. N
        Nana Yaw says:

        America is not Heaven

        I am a Ghanaian American , l would not want to invalidate your experience in GH ,but l think you are over exaggerating .Your might have come to GH because of goodwill or recommendation .You came during a pandemic as well. The Muslims on the streets are mostly from Niger and Chad .Ghana is not perfect place ,but we are loving and respectful people .l have lived in Europe as well, l can tell you, Today Americans are unfriendly, People walk by without even a hello and so much racism and rudeness .There are areas and cities here in the U.S dangerous as well. Car breaks and theft esp. in Seattle ,WA. There are a lot of homeless in LA and Detroit and most downtowns than you find in Africa. America is not Heaven

    8. Sorry you had a bad experience 💜

  5. Not Bad

    Nigeria Is Even Safer Than Egypt

    1. J
      John COx says:

      Egypt is as safe as Ukraine or Baghdad!!! So true king

  6. A
    Anonymous says:

    Sadly, I want to make my country look good but most of these factors are pure truth. Though as a locale, I know how to enjoy my homeland with understanding and precautions too, you too can

  7. A
    Anonymous says:


    Since when was Nigeria dangerous? According to this website, NIGER is safer than Nigeria. Wasn’t it the other way round?

  8. Exaggerating

    Who ever wrote this article, must be the dumbest person on earth. I can get mugged even in usa and all places in Europe. I hope other foreigners are not gullible to believe this piece of beautiful nonsense.

    1. A
      Akah prince says:

      True it’s definitely exaggerated

    2. I will feel very unsafe if Nigeria is filled with people like you.

    3. A
      Anonymous says:

      The New Opionion about Nigerian Nation.

      Muggings occur all over the World but for Nigeria, I do not have all the stats,
      Some areas of the country are very unsafe, especially the North and Northeast.

      The Capital Abuja is very nice and safe except for the slum Areas.
      Lagos has been described as a nightmare for the entire citizenry.
      Kane Enugu and other cities like Port Harcourt are nightmares.

      The culture is vibrant and the people are amazing so is the food and the Religious aspect.
      For those with Expatriate families Go to Nigeria with a mind of Gold because the nation could and can be dangerous for those who are naive and inexperienced travelers out there.

      For a really cool experience, Nigeria is an eye-opener for travelers out there.
      If you are from the East or the West Seek the advice of your Government or Embassy before traveling to Nigeria.

      Nigeria is an extraordinary Experience for 2022 despite Covid-19.

      1. I got stuck in 3-hour traffic from the airport Don’t even get me started with the police or the immigration officials. Nigeria is beautiful but quits painting this fairytale of it being magical because the dark side is way more prevalent than you saying.

      2. A
        Abimbola says:

        When next you want to visit Nigeria, please come down to Lekki, Lagos. Or Abuja, Calabar, and Uyo. We still have so many lovely places that you will never forget your experience. I don’t mind to host you in Lekki Lagos, Nigeria.

  9. K
    Kira Liam says:


    Nigeria is the most horrible place I have ever been to, the rate of crimes is extraordinary the police are corrupt

  10. B
    BGood Man. says:

    The United States is more dangerous than Nigeria. Reasons………there are more shootings and killing of people in the U.S.A than it happens in Nigeria. Racial discrimination does occur frequently in the whole of Europe and America. All sorts of immorality are more rampant in the Western world than you can ever witness on the continent of Africa as a whole. Even, democratic principles were ridiculed by the so called the Liberty country recently. But in Nigeria we witnessed a smooth transition in 2015; despite the fact that an opposition political party defeated an incumbent government then. What a brain twisting write-up about Nigeria you have put here? What a trash? For we Nigerians, we are really enjoying our country irrespective of the difficulties we might be experiencing now. It is a temporary situation. We will get over it soon.

    1. T
      Tommyjuandoe says:

      Is it dangerous in the USA sure but you pretty much have to go into a area a neighborhood where it’s already known to be tough so you just don’t go. In places in Nigeria just talking with locals and knowing about boko haram which would be extinct in the USA within weeks of its first caper of evil. So your wrong foreign or developing countries especially growing up with scandal in government and all the way down to the store owner hiring practice in a lot of Nigeria is sleep for a job. No it doesn’t happen as rampant as it does. Some places are worse than others just stay away unless your Jesus oh sorry boko

    2. A
      Aldric S. says:

      An American that Loves Nigeria

      I live in America and I totally agree with you. I’ve been to Abuja and Lagos and people treated me like a king or royalty and I was always greeted with smiles. I live in America and it’s the most wicked, immoral place on earth. The daily shootings and killings across this country is mind blowing. The politians here are just as corrupt, if not more. The rating for the U.S. should be a 33.

      1. U
        Uchenna says:

        Enjoyed 1st visit

        I’m planning on visiting Lagos in September for my wedding this will be my 2nd visit I had no problems Yes I followed the instructions n rules that were given to me But my future husband was always around or h I s family so I felt safe but alert to what n where to go or do Nigerian people where friendly n I’m looking forward to being back there in September

        1. J
          Jessica says:

          Aww hope I get to get there soon my fiance is there and I can’t wait to get to go for our wedding

  11. B
    BGood Man. says:

    Nigeria: A good country.

    Nigeria is a very good country. This write-up is just a trash. It is brain twisting.

  12. G
    Glointheedark says:

    The most fun you'll ever experience is in Nigeria

    Brought all my American friends to Nigeria. We did a weekend in Lagos hoping in and out of ubers and then headed to the east, Enugu. All my friends had a ball and they are even planning on coming back again this year.

    This article should calm down.

    Guys If you are coming to Nigeria just come with a friend who is Nigerian and you will have the most fun of your life.

    Doubt me check our my youtube: glointheedark and see all the adventures and beautiful places i go to in Nigeria as a Nigerian American!

  13. O
    Olufemi says:

    This is misleading!

    This article definitely does not represent the Nigeria where I live and work. Like any other country, there are issues in Nigeria but not as painted in this jaundiced write-up. I really don’t know which Nigeria the writer went to…

  14. I just came back from Nigeria (Lagos/Victoria Island) yesterday, May 8th, 2021. I wouldn’t go to the North if you paid me, but in VI I had ZERO issues. I stayed in a safe estate and the restaurants were simply AMAZING! The amount of politeness and courtesy was 2nd to none. Btw I’m white!

    The reviewer has never been to Nigeria.

  15. M
    Miracle peter says:

    Good as any other country

    Inside 100℅ of the article na 10℅ be true

  16. A
    Aderounmu Aisha says:

    This article is unfair to Nigerians

    This article based on pure lies and prejudice. It’s true that we experience this crimes in our country but we have peace of mind which literally mean that it’s not as bad as you claim it to be. Moreover, Nigerians are widely known for welcoming foreigner and we love it when they attempt to have a taste of our way of life

    1. S
      SheilaE says:

      As a white older American female, where is travel & site seeing the safest. Where do you recommend a female stay? What is a must to see? Any suggestions & recommendations is greatly appreciated.

  17. A
    Anonymous says:

    This is the worst. This could happen in all countries. My mum and family live in Nigeria and nothing happened to them

    1. M
      My name is not important says:

      I’ve lived here all my life and the worse thing that has ever happened to me is loosing my laptop for a month

  18. A
    Arewaman says:

    North and south are different

    Yes naija is corrupt. People get killed every day without justice and so on… But they are ways around it. Insecurity yes. But most cities are safe. Just don’t go to villages or war zones, and you’ll most likely be fine. Thing is we love foriegners, we can’t help it.

    northerners are stoic, but don’t misintepret that for hostility. They don’t just don’t care what happens the next moment. Too much death and poverty made us like that. We don’t show emotions. So if you hate that stay in the south, that’s the vibrant places. Churches and parties. Still if you come to the north and just observe quietly, we will blow your mind.

    unwritten rules, pride in our state, culture and political expertise. Though admittedly it might be as mind blowing as a boring documentry you stumbled upon while searching for a cartoon, and was forced into watching.

  19. M
    MUBARAK says:


    naija is a very safe place to live: what i have to say is that we all know that the only dangerous part of the country is the northern area so western part is very safe and cool thelike of lagos we can see chinese,portuguse,holland,british etc living safe in lagos: in ore foreiners living there yoruba land is safe and there security is tight there youth are hardworking and bold security network is good they has establish there own security agency called amotekun yoruba land is the most safe part of naija

  20. Truth Untold

    Never bounce off others details.
    One sould only know the truth when you go there to enjoy experience of out come for yourself.

  21. Good Nation

    Inasmuch as some of the things the writer did say a true,but there is no country without crime rate. There is no country as peaceful as heaven.

    Most of the things the writer says here is over exaggerated ,and not the way it’s, .. Nigeria consist of 36; state non inclusion of the fct, likewise The United States of America consist of 50 state ,some state has a high crime rate than other,that’s is what is obtainable in Nigeria also. Nigeria is good nation and we value forigner more than our own.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Nigeria Here I Come

      I can’t wait to return. Actually want to live there. Best place I’ve ever visited and I’ve traveled the world, thanks to Reggae music. Nigerians were so welcoming. Even the police were friendly. Hotels great. Music all about. Feels like home to me.

  22. A
    Anonymous says:


    I have to say this article is false. I mean, all countries have their problems and so does Nigeria, but it is not as horrible as you make it seem. I walk to places, I make use of cabs, ‘keke’ (tuk tuk) and I ain’t dead yet, I’ve not been mugged, raped or any of the other things you wrote on your article. Plus, we Nigerians are as friendly as anyone can be especially to tourists and outsiders. Now, the country ain’t perfect, it has it’s flaws but it’s a great place to visit and is really really fun, and I’m proud of my ciountry.

    1. Not the truth

      I know persons who have been killed anf rapped, robbed. Its happening every day very often in Nigeria. If a woman gets rapped and she goes to the police maybe she can expect the same shit there..dont speak buölshit about this godless country. Every Nigerian would say the same!

    2. A
      Anonymous says:

      Bad government

      Nigeria can be good and it can also be bad .
      Nigerians are not to be blamed for the crimes in Nigeria. It is the government,so all these criticism should go to the government. Retirement age is 65 but how old is your president

  23. It sounds like a person would be safer sitting in the middle of a pride of lions. Or on safari with elephants monkeys and giraffes oh my.

    I guess that would go for just about every African country.

  24. Be careful!

    Im living now for a while in Nigeria and this article is the pure truth, i think its even worste. I know people from Europe who were killed cause they were on the wrong place at the wrong time. For me its that anyone is speaking about Nigerian tourism and a welcome country…wtf are you speaking about. Most of the people dont have even clean water, no food. Some people would rob or kill you for nothing! So dont speak bullshit how wonderful Nigeria is. Its nothing for a holiday trip abd if you have to work in Nigeria be careful!

  25. Roads are terrible

    Traffic in Nigeria is everywhere. Humans crowd downtown Lagos all the time. Never go to Nigeria. It is chaos. It is too corrupt for me. And most of all, floods almost are a yearly occurrence in the tropical areas.

  26. Amazing experiencie!

    I just came back from Nigeria. I went there for my friend’s wedding and, as much as we were with her and her family who lives there, I didn’t feel Nigeria as an unsafe country at all. It is true that it’s different to what you are used to as European and you can see corruption in the airport by police asking you for money, but being in the wrong place in the wrong time is the same, or even more possible, in cities such as Paris or London. People were lovely, smily and veeery welcoming. I loved every single day I spent there and cannot wait to go back.
    Best thing about Nigeria? If you asked me, definetely the people

  27. Nigeria is safe

    Nigeria is safer than USA and Mexico a very cool place except it is really hot

  28. C
    Connie Ighweku says:

    Let the truth be said

    Well I have to say this…. I love Nigeria! I’ve been there many times and will be coming back soon. Very very soon. Unfortunately my husband (who’s Nigerian) forbids me to move there because it’s too dangerous. The people are wonderful. They Greeted me, accepted me. Treated me like a Princess. But because of the government, this country lives in despair. That’s not completely the peoples fault. They are hungry for education,jobs, for money and to live normally like any other country. This country is Rich, but unfortunately the dictatorship is the cruel factor here. So if there is such crimes, it’s the person ruling the country that needs to be punished for the said crimes. Instead of making Nigeria Great, the dictator holds the money in his pocket, lives lavishly, and let’s his people live poorly under his thumb. And God forbid if you stand for your rights, you might end up dead or not ever seen again.
    So to say the people are unfriendly, or unkind…
    I Dey no gree gree ooo! Naija people are beautiful people!
    There are bad and good people in every country

  29. J
    Johny Walker says:

    Too white

    I have been working in Nigeria for the oil industry for 7 years. I have found it to be very corrupt. Nearly every time I drive down to the terminal I am stopped by the police and threatened with detention on made up charges ( being too white was one of them.)Miraculously, once a $20 note was produced and grabbed by their sweaty grasping hands any problem disappeared.
    Some of the locals are chilled and helpful but many are really lazy, pretending to be Jamaican and looking for something for nothing. There is a lot of organised crime, a huge drug problem, and there is a so called church called the house of God that is filled weekly with crazy drug addled goats blood drinking degenerates. I have heard they ship young schoolgirls up North and then they are forced to marry Islamist terrorists. This just be true as I met a shepherd in downtown Lagos who told me. Please keep your passport very safe as it is not unknown for Nigerians to steal it, fly to the UK make a claim for benefit and then fly home again. Anyway,, I have found it a disturbing country but surely better than Ghana.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Wow better than Ghana? I’ve heard wonderful things about Ghana. How is it better?

  30. A
    Anonymous says:

    Truth be told

    Accurate information! Terrible place for the lgbt. Long prison sentence are served to the lgbt. Robbery and kidnappings are frequent.

  31. E
    Ex soldier girl says:

    More dangerous than Battle field?

    I just by chance end up on this article I’m visiting soon and now I’m thinking of changing my mind even though my Soldier friend will be waiting for me there am I still safe to visit as a single ex female soldier? Wow sounds more frightening than going into mission blinded with no weapons

  32. The article is a bit over the top but going back home to Nigeria was an experience I never want to have again, loved every second with my family but ain’t no way in hell I will advise anyone first-time traveler or experienced to go to Nigeria and if you do go please have a guide.

    You can say what you want but be but from my perspective, if you are not mentally strong don’t leave your home because you’d be frustrated, angry, and pushed way past your limit when it comes to patience.

  33. C
    Christopher Ifeanyi says:

    As a tourist that has visited Nigeria, I would say that the country is one of the most buzzing and beautiful city to go to in Africa. Nigeria is like the new York of Africa . Although as usually their maybe little coax in some part of the country but the country is enterally safe and great to travel. Lagos, Abuja and the Eastern part of the country

  34. the best country ever

    This review is wrong every country has risks Nigeria is a beautiful country

  35. E
    Eduardo says:

    60% safe

    About 40% of this article is true while 60% is false. Nigeria isn’t that bad at all but, u have to be careful and wise. Some roads are bad, traffic is worse, northern part is bleedin, crime rate is medium, rape is not too high, just dress decentli, 70% of police are corrupt while 30% are cowards…but u can still survive there
    I like Nigeria though

    1. A
      Agba poet says:


      Lmao. rape is not too high? Crime rate is medium? This is false. The northern parts record high rape cases even though the women wear overflowing gowns and hijabs, so what are you saying about dressing decently? Recently, a girl was raped in the church! Enough of this sentiments. Nigeria is a horrible place at the moment. I am a Nigerian who has lived both in the north and south. The crime rate is drastic. Single women are not safe even in their homes. Kidnapping and killing is top-rated, not just in the north. As a locale, I find the country depressing, how much more a foreigner. If you insist on coming, kindly stay in civilized areas like lekki, VI in Lagos. Even at that, make arrangement for private security and be very cautious.

  36. A
    Anonymous says:

    Nigeria is very dangerous place to go please if you love yourself don’t dream to go to Nigeria

  37. M
    My name is not importand at all says:

    the problem of Nigeria is the government, besides Nigeria is a wonderful country

  38. A
    Anonymous says:

    This article is very exaggerated. The climate of Nigeria is not that bad. I’ve always believed that the weather is the only good thing in this country, better than many other places. I agree that Nigeria is unsafe and the police are corrupt. But if it was to the extent mentioned in this article, I believe many people won’t be able to survive.

    I’m a kid born and brought up in Nigeria. I’ve seen the bad things, for example cultist. But I have to say, personally I have never been a victim of crime in my life.

    There are many crimes in Nigeria, but it is safe in some places. To be able to survive in Nigeria you have to exercise safety precautions. I still plan on leaving Nigeria when I grow up, though. My only wish is that Nigeria becomes better.

  39. A
    Anonymous says:

    One of the best places

    We all have our own understanding of Nigeria, but to me there isn’t any country like Nigeria. It has it own uniqueness🥰🥰 and especially a safe and fun place to be. Except few of the northern part of it, but every country does have a dangerous part of it. So I don’t know what’s keeping you from not coming already💝💝

  40. R
    Root Thelucario says:

    A country you should probably avoid

    If there risk of scams are high its probably best to book a vacation elsewhere

  41. I want to see Nigeria.

    I was planning to visit Nigeria toward the end of the year, but after some of the reviews l have to pass on it for now. My family and strangers alike beg me to not go. l feel like they know what l don’t know. l would be traveling from Alabama.

Nigeria Rated 3.71 / 5 based on 83 user reviews.

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