Is Morocco Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 69 / 100 based on 40 user reviews.

Morocco FlagMorocco : Safety by City

Morocco is a country located in North Africa, boasting both Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines and bordering Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east, and the North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north.

It is known for its typical and unique culture that its neighboring countries or any country, for that matter, share.

It is a mix of cultures and influences, actually, such as Roman ruins or French architecture.

It is filled with gorgeous natural beauties varying from sea to mountain and desert, and the mix of cultures is best visible in the fact that the four languages most spoken in Morocco are Arabic, French, Berber, and Spanish.

It is, for the most part, a safe country, if not the safest, but it is important to be careful at all times since it is filled with petty crime.

Warnings & Dangers in Morocco

Overall Risk


Morocco is, for the most part, a safe country to visit. Its crime rates are relatively low, but it is advised to remain vigilant at all times and keep your valuables in a safe place. It is a friendly Muslim country, so it is expected of tourists to be respectful of Islamic culture and customs.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transportation in Morocco is mostly safe to use. However, as a tourist, you should keep an eye on your belongings or your valuables while on public transport.

Pickpockets Risk


Petty crime is an everyday occurrence in Morocco, so never let your guard down. Be especially careful on beaches, crowded places, and tourist landmarks and areas. Seniors have also been reported as thieves, so be on the lookout.

Natural Disasters Risk


During the rainy season that spreads from November to March, occasional flooding has been known to happen, as well as earthquakes. Also, if you're thinking of venturing into Sahara, be wary of scorpions and snakes.

Mugging Risk


Mugging isn't common in Morocco, and neither is kidnapping, though there have been some reports of Westerners' kidnapping by some terrorist organizations. It is advised to avoid quiet and poorly lit areas and to remain vigilant wherever you are.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorists are somewhat likely to try and carry out a terrorist attack in this country. While there have been no attacks since 2011, there have been threats to government institutions/personalities. Also, demonstrations are occasionally carried out throughout the country, but they are mostly peaceful.

Scams Risk


Common scams characteristic for Morocco are cyber scams with scammers extorting money from people via emails. Scams reported were requests of money in exchange for some services or for certain investments.There are also con artists that are a persistent problem in Morocco. They usually pretend to be the tourist's friend for a couple of days, shows them around the city, and gives them tips on where to eat or stay. It is only when the tourist finally believes them to be genuine that the con artist steals everything they can from them.

Women Travelers Risk


Women will probably encounter constant harassment on the streets, if alone, but this is usually just cat-calls and (disturbing) hisses. Do not be polite since no Moroccan woman would put up with behavior like that. Dark sunglasses make it easier to avoid eye contact. It is strongly advised to stay away from empty and poorly lit streets and to not go out alone at night.

So... How Safe Is Morocco Really?

It is generally known that Morocco is considered a safe country.

It is relatively low in crime, even though it is filled with petty crime and it is important that you remain vigilant at all times.

Far from it that Morocco is devoid of crime, but the uncomfortable situations can be easily avoided if you follow the rules of common sense, and typical dangerous situations for any tourist: avoid walking at night or in dark alleys, avoid being alone on the streets and keep your money and passports in a safe place.

It should be noted that, in Morocco, it’s difficult to walk down the street without being bothered by somebody offering to help you with something, give you directions, sell you something, etc.

Your best bet is to politely refuse their services and keep walking, as all they are after is money.

Con artists are also an everyday problem in Morocco.

The majority of them are relatively easy to spot, but there are others that seem legitimate and genuine for several days.

They pretend they are your friend for a couple of days, and then steal everything they can from you.

How Does Morocco Compare?

CountrySafety Index
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Most countries do not need a visa in order to enter Morocco, only a passport valid for at least 90 days from the day of departure from Morocco. However, if you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Moroccan Dirham is the official currency in Morocco. ATMs are widely used, and credit cards are usually accepted in restaurants and hotels of big cities and important tourist areas. Compared to Europe or the US, the budget you will need for food, accommodation or travel is relatively low.



Since its climate conditions vary depending on the area of the country, Morocco is nice to visit year-round. The north and central areas of the country are usually hot and dry during the summer, while winters in those parts are usually mild and somewhat wet. However, if you go to more southern parts, you will encounter more extreme winter conditions.



Mohammed V International Airport is an airport located about 30 km south-east of Casablanca. It is the busiest airport in Morocco with approximately 8 million passengers passing through it each year. Another important airport in Morocco is the Rabat-Sale International Airport located to the north of Rabat.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Morocco, since it covers not only medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Morocco Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 12° C
Feb 13° C
Mar 15° C
Apr 16° C
May 18° C
Jun 21° C
Jul 23° C
Aug 23° C
Sep 22° C
Oct 19° C
Nov 16° C
Dec 14° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Morocco - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

Where to Next?

40 Reviews on Morocco

  1. R
    Rebecca says:

    I adore the Morocan cuisine!

    Too bad Morocco is getting a bad rep from some people. It’s such a beautiful country and while it does have its share of problems, I generally felt safe there. I would visit it anytime. I absolutely adore the Moroccan cuisine!

    1. Thanks Rebecca. My wife & I live in the Spanish province of Málaga. Some days we can see Morocco. My Spanish wife was brought up and educated in Tangiers and thus is fluent in French. In our opinion Morocco is a great country to visit. Many people speak English, more speak Spanish and even more speak French. If you happen to be in Spain or are visiting Spain do yourself a favor and visit Tangiers. It’s really worthwhile even if you go there and back in one day from Southern Spain. Talk to a travel agent about it. Most travel agents in Spain have some staff who speak English.

    2. I wouldn’t go again

      Avoid Morocco.

      1. im Moroccan what is your excuse?

    3. A
      Anonymous says:

      I agree with you, having travelled by car to Morocco on numerous occasions, it is a beautiful country, the people are very welcoming & helpful. Yes you do need to be on your guard in some areas as with any other country in the world. I miss going to Morocco, not having been for a few years due to having many dogs! Given the opportunity I would be there tomorrow

  2. Like the people

    Someone did try to mug me when I was there but hey, I’m from New York, so I’m used to it :)). It wasn’t a scary situation, the mugger just tried to steal my phone but didn’t manage to. I like the people there and I will be going back.

    1. I love the sense of humour and glad you don’t hold the grudge, as bad things can happen.
      I love the country. I also had a small problem with a local guy trying to get us to pay him after he voluntarily gave us advice without us asking for it. Aside from that minor incident, the trip was awesome and can’t wait to visit again!

  3. s
    salam my trip to morocco wonderful bezafff says:

    salam labss hamduillah my trip to Morocco was amazing and beautiful the people were so kind and gentle and very helpful I love the people I was amazed at how the animals run free and not caged up a food was amazing there was nothing I didn’t love about morocco if I could I would move there an stay the water was amazing to swim in so many things I could say about Morocco that’s positive nothing negative inshallah.

  4. Beware of Con-Artist Hamza Rhani

    I was the victim of a con-artist who did what you describe here, befriending me and helping me travel and visiting different cities with me. I really thought that he was a great guy and then he ende dup stealing 7000 euros from me. His name is Hamza Rhani, he tells people he is Rhani. I disocvered he is prolific con artist and that he has done this to many others. In fact I have spoken to others he has done this to as well. When my friend realised that he was doing, he tried to drown her. Please people, be careful.

    1. Don’t go with strangers

      I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience. Please don’t hold the entire country responsible for one man. The US has plenty of scammers but most of us don’t want to move. I advise you to use a legitimate tour company like Globus instead of a stranger. You’re lucky to be alive after taking a risk like that.

    2. A
      Anonymous says:

      this happends a lot, they pretend to be sooooo friendly and they are not. they are the best scammers ever!!!! great actors. watch out!!!!! especially female travelers

  5. A
    Anonymous says:

    morocco is the best place to visit ,people food culture, there is every thing you need ,scumbags and crimes are all over the world ,where ever we come from can be worst ,i find morocco as the best place i visited ,i will keep going there it is save just take time .

    1. E
      EvilWhiteMan says:

      Obtrusive and manipulative people!

      You’re right, scumbags can be everywhere….but in some places (like Morocco) there is a much higher concentration of them.

      1. NOT SO!!!

        There are more ‘scumbags’ in Spain where I’ve lived with my Spanish wife since 1982 than there are in Morocco.

      2. A
        Anonymous says:

        absolutely true. Morocco is a very dangerous country for women tourists. they do black magic on the women and then the women give everything that they have and end up with nothing. i’ve seen hundreds of women falling for this scam. they get married, give them a lot, then when the man gets everything he dumps her and she lost everything

    2. “Best” is a little bit of too much to say about any country.

  6. Amazing!

    I visited several cities including Casablanca and Marrakech. In my opinion, the most dangerous thing about Morocco is crossing the street. It was terrifying but I’m proud that I completed that dare devil stunt. The things we’ll do to get to a restaurant. Morocco is a beautiful country. The food is delicious. The people are friendly. Plus, your dollars go a LONG way!

  7. Marrakech is it safe?

    hi i dont have a review but a question please. i’m thinking of taking my family of 4 (2 children) to Marrakech is it safe, the begging doesn’t worry us. i’m guessing during the day its ok rather than night time to be walking the streets. its sounds an amazing place to visit. were thinking end of may next year any ideas how warm it’ll be? and one final question our child will be 11&13 is there much for them to see to be interested in? (ideas on places to visit). i hoping the culture of such a historical city will be very educational for them both and for us.

    1. T
      Timothée Berthaud says:

      Marrakech is pretty safe, police are everywhere there. There is even a specific police for tourists is touristic places. Marrakech is probably safer than Paris.

      1. E
        EvilWhiteMan says:

        Violent Bunch

        You wanna know why Paris is less safe (these days)? Because all of those people from countries like Morocco come to France (and other parts of Europe) and bring aggression and violence with them.

        1. P
          PeteTheMeat says:


          I concur. I had the misfortune of having to drive through London recently. The demographic makeup made it look like a third-world hellhole, and I witnessed acts of criminality, including violence. The place stunk like it looked…grim.

          1. a
            anonymous says:

            London is Great!

            Really? Been to London multiple times past few years, love it, looks great, so much to do and see, travelled all over by foot and on the tube – not 1 instance of trouble or feeling any kind of unease. Unlike here in the “land of the free”, where no where is safe.

        2. A
          Anonymous says:

          You’re right I’m from there and most people are violent. Well even 99% doesn’t mean all but I understand your anger

        3. R
          RationalMan says:

          Its less safe because police are shit.
          You gotta be more rational a lil bit, thats why police are here for to keep the countries safe.
          They have to change some laws and be more competent.

  8. I loved it

    I spent a month there with another female friend in Dec 2018 and absolutely loved it. I do have to say as an older woman its much easier to move around and avoid the male harassment. Went from Tangier to Chefchouen to the desert towns in Sahara to Fez, Casablanca and Marakech. Fabulous experience all around and am so grateful to have those memories given the craziness now.

  9. Not safe

    I would not recommend going there. it doesn’t feel safe at all being there.

    1. A
      Armands says:

      Yes. Thats a rat hole. I never go again.

  10. S
    Stanley says:

    I love Morocco!

    Morocco has so much to offer! Please try to give it a chance! Don’t get scared of the Safety index this site has given it. While I agree that there are thieves and pickpockets that will try to steal your phone or anything else they can easily get their hands on, this doesn’t happen all that often. And yes, you can encounter scammers that will first try to gain your confidence and will not do anything for a few days. When/if they get your trust they will try to steal your belongings, money, phone, etc. So, just try to be on guard and don’t give anyone access to your personal things.

    Other than this, I didn’t personally hear or experience anything bad while in Morocco. This country can be magical if you know where to go and what to visit. Here are just a few places I would recommend you visit if you have the time for it:

    Marrakesh Medina is one of the most known places in Morocco. It’s always filled with this buzz and agitation in the good sense. The medina is like a maze and filled with shopkeepers. And there’s beautiful mountains in the background – just so beautiful.

    Essaouira should be a must visit. It’s a wonderful seaside town which was once the greatest hippie hangout in Morocco. The city has a very important local art presence. You can surf, walk along the beach or do some sightseeing.

    If you are into architecture or/and history then you should go to the Draa Valley. It’s a fascinating place to explore and has been used as a place to shoot many movies.

    Chefchaouen is a town located on a hill and it is filled with blue buildings. This place is nice for a walk to admire the architecture, the colors, the mountain. It’s a very peaceful spot where you can relax or do some hiking or trekking.

  11. I have been to Agadir twice and loved it. There were 15 of us the first time. We all went out at night and the only problem we had was little boys putting their hands up my friend’s skirt. We had a guide and he was brilliant. The restaurants were great at night.

    The second time I went with my mum and she is dying to go back. They couldn’t do enough for us everyone was lovely. Looking forward to going back again.

  12. A must see country

    My husband and I visited Morocco 45 years ago and vowed we would go back. In a couple of months time we will be there. Generally the people are great and are happy to tell you of their country. Many children used to try and guess your nationality by your accents, it can be fun. But be aware of receiving a gift from the young ones, they expect a gift back. (usually money) Although we will be on an organized tour we are looking forward to the free time to see things that we missed before.

  13. D
    Don't go mo says:

    After visited this country, I understood why every moroccan taxi drivers in my country are notorious for scam and fraud. You can basically think that if you don’t look like Moroccan, people will try to cheat on you all the times. I barely say I had a bad trip at least if I had a good time but this country is not even worthy for 1 star.

  14. Don’t go here alone as a woman

    The risk factor for women is extremely high!!! I would never ever ever recommend a woman to solo travel in Morcco or even just with a group of only women. I’ve never had a worst experience than in Morcco, ESPECIALLY in the bigger more touristy citites. I just started in my hotel the last two days since it was so svart going out, I almost got kidnapped from a tack driver, men groping you and catcalling you… So so unsafe and disgusting. All women please be safe out there!!

  15. Not safe

    worst experience in a country. full of violent scammers and there is no police to be seen. I do not recommend

  16. M
    Moroccan American man. says:

    Amazing land, people and savoir vivre.

    Morocco was once an Empire that extended from Andalucia to way down around today’s Senegal. It has a rich history that goes back thousands of years. So many civilizations have been there. It’ has monuments that are a thousand years old if not more. Moroccan cuisine has Andalusian, Amazigh, Arab and Jewish influences. It is rich and diverse.
    The Moroccan people are cultured peaceful and very generous and welcoming.
    In fact a lot of French senior citizens have chosen Morocco as a place to retire. Morocco has a great infrastructure. Many international airports. The fastest High speed train in Africa. Most cities now have electric buses, tramways… Beside local eateries and restaurants you can find all the main chains like McDonald’s kfc Burger king Starbucks Chilli’s or TGI Fridays… There are banks and ATMs everywhere. A great mobile network coverage with different Carriers to choose from. There are great museums, world class hotels like La Mamounia ..major Hotel resorts like Amanresorts and chains like the Marriott..Hayat… Sheraton.. Four seasons..Movenpec..Fram..
    Marrakech, Morocco was in the 1st place at Trip Advisor’s annual best place to visit..and recently number 7 in best cities in the world in the category of tourism. There are clubs with world renowned DJ’s.
    A lot of Big names and famous celebrities and world leaders have chosen Morocco for their birthdays and vacations.
    Supermarkets are everywhere with plenty of food local and imported. You can buy anything you typically find at a Target or a Walmart. There are plenty of clinics and doctors offices for a variety of specialties. There are many food venues and many fun things to do for all budgets and all age groups.. There are malls with all the big international brands..and of course there are Medinas and Bazars where can find all kinds of souvenirs.
    Morocco is like any other country in the world there are some pickpockets and there are some people who are opportunistic and might charge a little more because they are used to haggling with their customers. But the majority of Moroccans are honest friendly and welcoming people that are eager to help and honored you came to visit their country. Most of the people there are genuine and want you to feel welcome and have a pleasant beautiful and memorable trip.
    I don’t understand why some people here are unjustly taking a dump on a peaceful country and it’s people.. in fact I doubt if some of them really been to Morocco.
    I live in the US. And I take my precautions when am outside at night in an empty street just like I would do in any other part of the world.
    That’s my 2 cents!
    I hope you all get a chance to visit Morocco at least once. Some people who visited Morocco and booked food tours and such with tour agencies enjoyed their trip and got to see more. The also highly recommend visiting Morocco.

  17. Morocco is a wonderful destination with lovely people, places and a great topology. I recommened the atlantic sea side (cities: Essaouira, Agadir ..) and also the Sahara (Zagora, Marrakech).

  18. Not what it seems

    I am a woman who always travrlwith my mother and children. I try to be open minded and responsible to any country I visit by booking for tours through local businesses so local people would benefit from my cash but Morocco is the third North African country that we visited where my good will is taken advantage of. Kindness and respect is seen as weakness and we are as a family all getting weary of all of this. Local tour businesses always think you are stupid not to realise that they con you with what seem to be cheaper price but they cut out meals and shorten the time off from your package. They are not wise nor honourable and to us it’s very disappointing.

  19. my experience in Morocco

    To anyone coming to Morocco, I can only recommend doing this tour with Addi. We booked a 4 day trip to the desert and back to Marrakech. As we were planing on going to the rural areas and villages we were glad to have a local guide who knows the best spots and can inform us about the Moroccan traditions.

    Addi is the best guide any touist can ask for. He is extremly helpful, warm hearted, organized and was always willing to tell us his personal experiences. This made the tour an absolute highlight. The hotels were all super and the camping in the desert was a memory we will never forget.

    Morocco has definitely stolen our hearts
    this is their business website:

  20. A
    Anonymous says:

    watch out when you go there with those volunteer sites where you exchange work for a stay and food. those hosts are all looking for a woman to get married with and take them to the west or to give them money. and they will fool you. they are the best actors and manipulators

  21. C
    ChristineR says:

    Morocco is safe

    I have a wonderful trip with my friend during our stay in Morocco. For our desert excursion including different activities and visited many attractions. The hotels used were amazing and we really loved the overnight stay in the camp. The food was really tasty thanks to Mohamed and Said. I highly recommend this amazing experience!

Morocco Rated 3.45 / 5 based on 40 user reviews.

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