Mass Shootings by Country

Updated On November 11, 2023
Mass Shootings by Country

There is a history of mass shootings in almost every country.

Americans view this hostile act as taking place where large groups of people form.

Schools, malls, and sporting events are examples of targeted areas.

The Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, in the United States, defines a mass shooting as a single incident where three or more individuals are killed.

The FBI further added that these occurrences take place in public populated areas.

Mass Shootings by Country

CountryTotal Deaths 2009-2015
United States199
United Kingdom12
Czech Republic9

Top 8 Countries Where Mass Shootings Have Occurred

The list below contains the number of killings per country.

Not all have happened in public places according to each country’s definition of mass shootings.

These figures represent recent incidents over six years.

8. Switzerland

Switzerland has had three mass shooting incidents from 2016 to 2023.

A total of eight people were killed and six wounded.

Only one incident occurred in a public setting.

The other two happened in private homes.

7. Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has had three massacre events from 2019 to 2023.

In 2019, one gunman opened fire in a hospital waiting room and killed seven people, including himself.

Two people were injured.

This was the only gun-related event.

The other two were arson.

6. Belgium

Belgium has experienced two mass shootings since 2011.

One happened at Saint-Lambert Square where seven people, including the shooter, were killed.

125 more were injured.

In 2014, four civilians were killed at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in Brussels.

5. Russia

Russia has had eleven mass shootings in the past 6 years.

This number only includes shootings in public places.

The number of shootings on private property is twice as high.

2022 proved to be the deadliest year with fifty-five people declared deceased in 4 separate incidents.

4. Germany

Germany reported twelve deaths in 6 years.

5 shootings occurred in public places with assault rifles.

With an increase in school shootings, legislature has been introduced to tighten the gun laws in this country.

3. Serbia

Serbia received quite a shock when 2 separate mass shootings took place within a week of each other in 2023.

While normally an area for little gun crime, these 2 public incidents took the lives of just under 2 dozen people.

2. France

France began seeing mass shootings in 2015.

During this year, 3 mass shootings accounted for 147 deaths.

In 2018, the killings continued with 80 people killed in 12 mass shootings.

8 more shootings continued in 2023.

1. United States

The United States tops the list with over 560 mass shootings in 2023 alone.

From 2015 to 2022, over 19,000 were killed or wounded from mass shootings.

Other Countries

Other countries that have earned mention for mass shootings are Italy, Austria, Albania, Finland, Netherlands, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and Norway.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are loose gun laws the reason behind mass shootings?

In comparison, gun laws by country, have mixed reviews.

The Czech Republic, Germany, and the United States have the most lenient laws for residents to carry firearms.

However, countries like Finland and Serbia have gun control laws and still experience mass shootings.

Why do mass shootings continue to rise in the United States?

Easy access to guns is a response to gun ownership in America.

Fear, mental illness, and societal trends are considered the most prominent in gun ownership and mass shootings.

How to prevent future mass shootings?

Restrictive gun laws do not always prevent gun violence.

Safety, including training and licensing, is the first step in owning a gun.

Proper storage is the second step in assuring access to individuals.

Keeping gun manufacturers accountable and joining area support groups for gun safety are also recommended.

1 Comment on Mass Shootings by Country

  1. Mass shootings have unfortunately occurred in many countries, with the United States having a particularly high number of incidents.

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