Is Serbia Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 83 / 100 based on 75 user reviews.

Serbia FlagSerbia : Safety by City

Serbia is located on Balkan peninsula, with plain lands on the north and mountains with popular ski resorts in the south.

The capital city, Belgrade, is the reason why the tourist flow has considerably increased in the past decades, since its nightlife and extremely friendly people are so welcoming and offbeat, that more and more tourists come to Serbia every year, especially during the summer months.

Of course, the political situation had a lot to do with the increase of tourists, since it has finally settled after many, many years of war.

Serbia has always been a kind of an unknown surprise, even for people living in Europe, and they are always surprised, rightly so, at how welcoming its cities are, as well as its culture.

It is a cradle of many cultures and has a heavy load of history, which makes it a real gem for any tourist.

And since its people are so warm – this country is considered to be very much safe.

Warnings & Dangers in Serbia

Overall Risk


Serbia is generally very safe. It is ranked 31st of 162 on the list of the safest and most dangerous countries. Its people are very kind and happy to help, and tourists especially shouldn't encounter any bigger problems in Serbia.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transportation in Serbia is overall safe. Just be on the lookout for pickpockets on public transportation, and double-check if the taximeter is on when you enter a taxi.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpocketing and bag snatching are the most common form of street crime in Belgrade, so if you do encounter any problems it will probably be pickpocketing that mostly happens in public transportation. Be extremely careful when entering any bus in this country's capital, since its pickpockets are very skillful and you won't even notice anything missing until you get off the bus.

Natural Disasters Risk


In the past couple of years, the only natural disaster that severely affected Serbia was flooding of large proportions, with even fatal results. Apart from that, Belgrade stands in the seismically active area (Level 2a), but earthquakes of any kind rarely happen.

Mugging Risk


Mugging exists but is rare. There have been reports of kidnapping either as a consequence of someone failing to pay a debt, or kidnapping by rival criminal organizations. Crimes like these do happen, but have declined in the last decade significantly, and are not likely to happen to a tourist.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorist attacks are more likely to happen in most popular European capitals such as Paris, London, etc., than in Belgrade. There is a risk of a terrorist attack happening but it is really low.

Scams Risk


Any newcomer is in danger of scams when visiting a new country, and the same applies to Serbia. The most common scams are people ripping you off in bars or clubs, or by the street vendors, as well as drink spiking in strip clubs.

Women Travelers Risk


Serbia is very safe for women travelers. Attacks rarely happen, if ever, but still, be on the lookout at all times, especially at night, or in deserted areas, empty, poorly lit streets, etc.

So... How Safe Is Serbia Really?

Serbia is known for its warm and welcoming nation, and even more so towards tourist, so it often happens that the main tourist impression of Serbia is how kind its people are.

Therefore, it is no surprise that this country is considered to be very safe for any tourist to visit.

However, as anywhere, there are places that should be avoided, and if you use basic precaution measures, your trip should go smoothly.

Even though the main concern for visitors is pickpocketing, it should be noted that crime rate in Serbia is high, due to the activity of organized crime groups, constantly fighting over prominent areas, and their conflicts often end in violence.

As for its nightlife, which is highly popular in Serbia, the most popular place to be in Belgrade, since it is filled with clubs, bars and places called “splavovi” (meaning, basically, a club floating on water) that are open until early morning.

However, these floating clubs are generally owned by the Balkan criminal organizations and if any confrontation happens there, it usually also ends in violence, so although these places might be very attractive for newcomers, it may be best to avoid them.

Serbian people are very involved in sports and are usually ardent fans of one of two most popular rival clubs: Red Star or Partizan.

Visiting their games could be potentially dangerous for tourists (and not only for tourists), since there have been cases of foreigners being attacked by the fans of these clubs, in Serbia known as “hooligans”.

They are more often than not connected to criminal groups or ultra-nationalist organizations, so be extra cautious when attending sports games, especially because the rivalry between these two teams is extremely intense.

When it comes to street crime, the most dangerous thing that can happen to you is pickpocketing, usually in public transportation, crowded places such as bus stations in the city (the most popular city bus station Zeleni Venac is notorious for pickpockets) and the main pedestrian street in Belgrade – Knez Mihailova.

Other areas of concern in Serbia are:

  • vehicle theft – when renting a car avoid renting Volkswagen, Opel and other cars that are the most theft-prone and never leave your valuables in plain sight in the car
  • conflicts with refugees from Syria – since they transit through Belgrade, they tend to stay there for days, and many altercations with them have been reported, so try to avoid Belgrade’s main bus stations where they dwell and stay away from any suspicious activity
  • a high degree of corruption – bribery is so common in Serbia that is has basically become somewhat of a norm, especially in health care and political system. However, tourists rarely get a chance to encounter this problem in Serbia.

How Does Serbia Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Visa is not required for any stays shorter than 90 days. Be sure that your passport is valid for at least six months from your planned date of return to the country you're visiting. However, if you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Serbian Dinar (RSD) is the currency in Serbia. To avoid street money changers and exchange your money at official exchange offices and you'll find the best rate in the National Bank of Serbia. You can also withdraw RSD at a local ATM.



Serbia is known to have very hot summers (reaching up to 40℃) and very cold winters (reaching as low as -15℃). Serbian climate is considered to be mild.



The busiest airport in Serbia is in Belgrade, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (BEG). Another large airport is located in the city of Niš.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Serbia, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Serbia Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 1° C
Feb 4° C
Mar 8° C
Apr 13° C
May 18° C
Jun 21° C
Jul 23° C
Aug 23° C
Sep 18° C
Oct 13° C
Nov 8° C
Dec 3° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Serbia - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Novi Sad82

Where to Next?

76 Reviews on Serbia

  1. Y
    Yep, uh huh says:

    Most Dangerous Place in the World

    Serbia is very unsafe Place to Travel ,Live or trans pass. Corruption is the Highest in the world, if Police stops you is a must to gave theme 20 Euros or you will stay there all day, every one have Guns and they point at you for no reasons, they most respectful people on the world.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      This comments are very discouraging. I know several people from Serbia and they are good , wonderful people. Hardworking with excellent attitude and integrity.

    2. E
      EbonyAirHostess says:

      Safe and Beautiful

      Wow…speaking from experience? It is one of the safest places I have travelled to. As a flight attendant who has travelled extensively and as a solo female traveller I can speak from experience. I enjoyed Serbia and Croatia so much that I spent 8 months between the two. I was approached by many people to offer assistance and to just talk.

      1. He is probably Albanian from Kosovo and he hate Serbian 🙂 Serbian is safer that France, Italy, Germany, Spain,…

    3. V
      Visitor to Serbia says:

      Absolute lie.

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        At least someone isn’t bribed in these comments

    4. m
      michael says:

      Why those lies? You obviosly have never been in Serbia. It’s literally one of the safest countries in the world for tourists.

    5. H
      Hoosier Newman says:

      The Truth of the Matter

      Not my experience. I enjoyed Serbia and was treated very well. The food Ahhhh excellent. The streets are clean in old and new (Novi) Belgrade. I walked alone all over the place and never had even a ‘side eyed’ glance. Loved it

      Going back again and again.

    6. S
      Svensson says:

      lol, just lol
      I think you must be Albanian and every single day i understand better why Kosovo should never be a country and the Kosovo really belongs to Serbs.
      I have several friends from Serbia and i have been twice to visit, they are really good to me. They can adapt everywhere, i live in multi ethnical country and have never seen before in my life people with such a good attitude and energy. Well educated people (parent education and university degree), brave people with history, you can not understand until you really meet them, media write terrible things about them but not even 1% is truth. Bosnia is good country too and SAFE, i have bosnians friends and they are similar to Serbians. I really enjoyed my time in Serbia and would love to go back one day, safe country in every aspect of security. My next destination is probably Croatia!!!!

      1. Review

        This comment is nationalistic and suggests the political undermining of a group of people.

    7. Safe 100%

      Wow, who are you?! Why lie so much when you KNOW that Serbia is one of the safest countries in the world… nobody except police has no guns, people are the nicest you could ever meet, and people live in peace, wth are you talking about?!

    8. You must be Albanian or Croat.

    9. A
      Anonymous says:

      I was born and live in Serbia and i can tell you with confidence that this is bunch of bullshit. Police wont make you pay them 20 Euros for no reason, nor will they waste your time. They will stop you only if you were speeding or doing something simillar that is somewhat illegal. Also, not a single person that i know owns a gun or even a hunting rifle and i havent yet seen somebody carrying it on the street. All I can say is that you would be very welcome and people would happily help you with any kind of problem.

      1. One of my favorite countries

        This comment was definitely written by a Croat, Albanian, or Bosnian Muslim. Serbia is one of the safest countries in the world. Its’ people are very warm and welcoming. Anyone is safe there. There is no hate towards anybody, including Croats, Albanians, and Bosnian Muslims, who unite in hate against the Serbs. Serbian people are very highly educated, smart, and fun to be around. Belgrade is one of the most entertaining cities in the world. Serbian girls are amazingly beautiful and very well raised (not easy). I love going to Serbia.

        1. Serbia

          My boss is Serbian and she is just great in everything. Very kind, humble. I’ve never seen a person like her. So I will travel to Serbia once in my life.

    10. J
      Jasmine says:

      Serbia is so beautiful .

      Beautiful country . Friendly people. Great food. Great nightlife. I would highly recommend it.

    11. W
      World traveler says:

      Lovely place to visit

      This is not true. Serbia is wonderful place to visit, smart people, amazing manners, able to speak few languages, pretty, sports oriented, friendly. Country has amazing nature, food and it is extremely safe.

    12. Speak from experience

      To Yep: this is complete BS and absolute LIE and you know it. You probably got your information from cheap B-movies where Serbian people are always bad guys. Serbian is very safe and I know it first hand.

    13. Total BS - awesome place to visit!

      Have you ever been there?

    14. J
      Jasna Stefanovic says:

      Nothing like I experienced

      Pretty strong statement. I’m sorry for my bias as I was tiny when my parents immigrated to Canada. I’ve been there numerous times mistaken for a foreigner wandering the streets alone at night. My relatives preferes cafes and gatherings and I’d disappear on my own. I never had an incident that went beyond guys constantly trying to pick me and most females up. Just smile and keep walking, which may be hard to do because the men are damn fine. Please note that the last time I was there was 2009.

    15. M
      Mike, Ontario says:

      Please ignore Albanian who wrote review above. It is completely untrue.

    16. G
      Gordon C says:

      safe and friendly

      I’m from Canada and have travelled to Serbia and surrounding areas for almost 20 years now. Very safe and very friendly people.

      Take simple precautions as you would in any other country and you’ll be fine.

    17. The comments about Serbia being unsafe is utter nonsense I’ve lived in Serbia for 5 years as a British national and had no issues what so ever Serbia is a lovely country with people that keep themselves, to themselves and will help you if needed. The type of comments on here strike me to be from narrow minded individuals from a neighbouring country, where its deemed normal to hate a country and its people for no real modern day reason. Serbia may have corruption and other evils in its lurks of politics, but not as bad as almost every other country on this planet. Normal BALKAN place, normal life.

    18. This is total BS… I lived there for a while and met only nice, helpful people. There is no crime there at all… Never saw a gun once there unless it was military police, who are trained and do not use them..

    19. S
      Steve Norton says:

      I heard similar things about Albania. You seem to know the region, is it true,

    20. Volim te Serbijo

      As I am working a quarter of my time in Serbia, I can tell you that you had a bad experience and maybe isolated.
      Indeed the cops are still taking small bribes but they will not stop you if you didn’t do anything wrong.
      Most of the people living in Serbia are friendly, welcoming and hard workers.
      Volim te Serbijo!

    21. W
      World traveller says:

      I had the same experience from Belgrade. Police stops me and asking money for the traffic violation that I don’t have. They took my passport, driving license and car documents. Finally I have to pay 5000 Dinar (10000 were asking) to return my documents). I didn’t have any other option as I was in short vacation and they were simply wasting my time. I don’t the politics you were talking, but it is happening in Serbia.

    22. T
      Travelguy38 says:

      None of this is true. Been living there for 3 years, been fine, no danger.

  2. T
    Traveller says:

    Serbia is LOVELY and VERY safe

    Absolutely untrue! Serbia is very safe, as a visitor I can confirm that I have NEVER experienced any of this and I can guarantee neither have they! Very much recommend visiting Serbia!

    1. A
      Arkin Mustafa says:

      Serbian Border Bribe..

      Serbia is one of the UNSAFE place to be,if you are Turkish or Muslim.I live in England and recently in July 2020 I was driving through Serbia to Turkey together with my three young children and my spouse.On check-point from Hungary in to Serbia I was stoped by the 2 police officers,which I was told to present my documents which I did,everything was fine till I asked where is my destination will be.I said TURKEY.And that was it!!Mood change he than started to find all kinds of silly excuses and really pushing me to the edge to say something to make situation worse.I than unkindly called by one of the officer to his small cabin with all my documents in his mercy.I asked “why you doing this”?no reply.!!After 20 seconds,he said..NO SEAT BELT.with that horrible English.I said to my self “here we go”.I knew I have no chance of winning here.I did try to explain that he is mistaken,there is no way I drive my car without seat belt. But my words was helpless,guy didn’t care and nor interested.He than asked me to pay €250 euros for each passenger which adds up to€1250 in total.I went mad..!!!! After 2-3 minutes low heated arguments,I offered him my credit card to pay the fine.His face impression has changed dramatically.Now I understand this guy is up to NO GOOD. Now I know I have to play his game and pay him the BRIBE.Yes BRIBE.I said I ve only have €100 in my pocket and my Credit Card..Which one?He started to smile with a ugly smirk in his face.I said I need to leave,now it has been 15 min and my wife kids started to feel scared and worried..I put €100 on his table and said come on let us go!!!..He got up gave Me a funny look and said “take documents and go”..! This is my Serbia 🇷🇸 experience..I knew they hate Turks and Muslims but this is beyond me..Just Wanted everyone to know that..!!!!!

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        U probably got pulled over by fake cops, and no, people in serbia DO NOT hate turks or muslims! However i think 30% of serbia’s pooulation are muslims! Serbs only hate albanians! Dont mix those 2!

        1. 3% of Serbia’s pooulation are Muslims.

      2. Z
        Zdravko says:

        Bribes are monetary non-religious crimes.

        You know that when it comes to most corrupt police who take bribes, it is all about money and seldom about the individuals that they are shaking down. In those cases Orthodox Christian Serbs are just as much victims as Muslims are. However, to put things into perspective – You walked out, live and well and it only cost you 100 Euros. Jamal Khashoggi (a Muslim) never walked out alive when he walked into Saudi Arabia’s (Muslim country) consulate in Istanbul Turkey (also a Muslim country).

      3. Are you sure you crossed Hungarian check point ? Because i had similar experience on the same border, but with Hungarian cops …

      4. N
        Natasha says:

        Türkçeyi seviyoruz!

        I’m sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience. But your experience is not a rule. I am from Serbia and I can tell you that we LOVE Turks. For example, I’m learning turkish language just because I love it. We do not hate other Muslims either. Dirty cops are a problem in Serbia, not just for foreigners, but also for us who are from Serbia.

  3. A
    Anonymous says:

    Amazing place with some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met

    A beautiful country to visit and stay-still its’ main assets are friendly, proud and kind people, happy to help and host visitors. Hosting visitors or tourists is actually very much engrained in the culture there-don’t be surprised if you’re invited to people’s homes even after superficially knowing a person there. Will be returning to Serbia many, many times.

  4. Generally safe to walk there. police may harass you for no reason. Corruption is commonplace and the road border between Serbia and Bosnia can be an unpleasant experience on the Serbian side.

  5. Extraordinary place

    Amazing place with extraordinary night life and food. Every single thing we ate was exceptional and usually meaty, so if you are a vegan, you will have less choices than in the US for example. People are kind, one random girl helped us to find our hotel and we ended up partying that night. Restaurants are A game with normal prices. Definitely coming back soon!

  6. A
    Abdel Rahman (and Maya) :) says:

    Great times in Serbia!

    Ive traveled many times to serbia, loved it! Compared to other balkan is the safest, cleanest and kindest. I had the worst time in Croatia, unpleasant people, got robbed, no one cared, no one spoke english and were pretty rude when i said i loved my trips to serbia. loved novi sad, zlatibor, belgrade especially. last time i went with my wife (newly married), and since we are from saudi arabia, she wears and abaya, and no one, not a single person was rude. so the comment above, about serbians harassing muslims is nonsense. the oldest mosque in the world is actually in Belgrade, and there are muslims from the gulf who live there, and are super happy. We’re definitely going once the virus is gone!

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Cleanest 😂, I live here, what nation are you from ?

  7. S
    Sayed Gulame Mustafa says:

    They may have changed (very less chance) but their past is horrible

    Serbians are terrorists , look how just years ago they killed thousands and thousands of muslims men and raped another thousands and thousands of muslim women in Bosnia….they are committers of genocide of common people with no arms and ammunition – so you can understand how their hearts are! An ugly one. If serbians would have had even slightest of goodness in their hands they would have stood against their governent for killing of unarmed people. May be all Serbians must not have such genocidal thoughts but by their act you can judge how illiterate they must be in terms of ethics.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      again lies … During all wars ever, the Serbs suffered the most.

      1. Very bad country

        Serbs suffered the least because they started all wars

      2. Serbia Has Improved

        Milosevic was a swine who destroyed Yugoslavia and brought NATO down on Serbia. It has made bad feelings with people since but time heals so that Serbia can be a good place again so that I can visit and enjoy the good things I am hearing about this country.

    2. Z
      Zdravko says:

      You are presenting Lies as Truth

      You are either spinning lies or are ignorant (meaning uninformed) of that fact that Bosnia declared war on itself. It did so by removing Serbians out of its constitution – which recognized three constituient people – Serbs, Croats and Muslims. Jasenovac was a concentration camp in which Croatia in WW2 committed atrocities against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. Skull Tower is located in Serbia and made up of Serbian skulls. It was built by Turks during their occupation of Balkans. Handžar divizija was purely Muslim and with Nazis it committed atrocities in Bosna. It’s only victims were Serbians. This time around, Serbians had no choice but to defend themselves. Removing Serbians from Bosnia’s constitution was a fooolish move that saved Serbians because it showed the Muslim’s hand and intent. What transpired was an ugly war that produced a brand new nationality called “Bosniak”. Before that we were all “Bosanci”. Every historian out there will at least privately admit to you that vast majority of Bosnian Muslims are ex-Orthodox Serbs that Turks converted to Islam during their occupation of Bosnia. Those are Muslim family names that end with “ić”. Albania created additional set of atrocities by forcing families to change their last name by changing those “ić” into various other endings. All of this goes totally against what you wrote. Unlike you, I have given you plenty of examples and plenty of History to research and cite back to us all. P.S. The full that tried to remove Serbs from Bosnia’s constitution, he never even ran in Bosnia’s presidential elections. Presidency was won by Fikret Abdic and then taken over by Ilia Izetbegovic. Why do you not start with that piece of history then walk your self backwards through everything else that I pointed out for you.

    3. Y
      Your Mirror says:

      Um.. just to be clear and fair. Telling from the name you used you are probably of turkish origin? (Turkey, and not just the government, but most, if not almost all, of the people!) doesn’t recognise the genocide of armenians. Does it mean that turkish people have the same hearts as those genocidal serbs? See? This stick has 2 ends.

  8. S
    Samantha says:

    Wonderful country and people

    Look what muslims do all over the world!!!! So is every muslim a terrorist???? Muslims in Serbia have more freedom then in many Muslim countries. People do not listen to bs and go to Serbia and have some fun and meet wonderful serbian people! You will feel more free and welcomeed then in many wealthier countries.

  9. D
    Diana Withers says:

    Fun, safe and cosmopolitan.

    Serbia is a safe place to travel for women. I had no problems travelling alone and felt as safe as I do in Australia. Everyone was helpful and there is so much to see and do. I was surprised to see how cosmopolitan Belgrade was. In Novi Sad, I met many young people and the city had a very nice vibe. I also met Serbs who were originally refugees from Bosnia and was surprised to hear how many Serbs became refugees as a result of the 90’s wars. We have so much to learn about this country and I hope to return one day.

  10. u
    um..... says:

    Serbia shall not allow this website on the internet!


    1. K
      Kristina says:

      I study terrorism and that’s absolute crap you are trying to pull

  11. Good people, beautifull country

    I was impressed by the hospitality of the people, even that im an albanian
    Was on a short trip of one week, alot thing to see, good people to met
    Very nice night life, amazing food
    I was not sure on visiting because of my nationality.. But i think we should leave past things behind us
    Would recommend any visiting for albanians, and also muslim people!

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Thank you! You are absolutely right and always welcome! <3 <3 <3

  12. Dont Mind the Fake Bad Comments by Albanian Nationalists

    The best country I’ve ever visited. Kindest and most welcoming people. I visited The Mediterranean coast as well including Albania and found the Albanians to be extremely vulgar and provocative. Unlike the Serbian people, they treated me terribly and was thrown many racial slurs. Defo recommend visiting Serbia, a stunning place with even nicer people.

  13. S
    Someone says:

    As a Serbian myself I can say...

    I live in a small town (Raška) near Novi Pazar. A big part of the people in Novi Pazar are muslims, but they are treated the same as other people! This country is very safe, and we try to be as nice as possible. We are NOT terrorists. Those are probably fake comments from people that hate Serbia for some reason, idek, since this is a very safe country! ✨

    1. T
      Ted Mckenna says:

      Albania is fantastic so is Serbia, I’m an expat. Me and my Serb wife holidayed in Albania x2 on their riviera, during pandemic, great country/people and safe. Serbia is fantastic too, extremely safe. That’s my experiences of both and I’ve lived Belgrade 8 years

  14. W
    Welcome to Serbia says:

    This is a very safe country and everyone is welcome. Some capitals in western Europe are less safer than Belgrade, for example.

  15. R
    RandomSerb says:

    Not so Safe, Stay in a Group

    Serbia is becoming an dangerous place so better be in groups and careful cuz there are lots of young adults who will mugg you and you can get stabbed n stufc i know all of it cuz I’m born here in belgrade and it’s dangerous at night like VERY

    1. R
      RealBelgradian says:

      Please check your writing and please be honest, because your colors show! #notverytruthful

  16. J
    Jasmine says:

    Beautiful Serbia.

    Serbia is such a beautiful country. The nature is stunning. People are so friendly and hospitable. Serbian food is great and very affordable. Belgrade is cosmopolitan ,interesting city. So many things to do and see. I would highly recommend Serbia as a travel destination.

  17. S
    Sarah Jones says:

    Single traveler

    Very safe, people are very helpful and friendly. Easy to communicate as they all speak English very well, especially the younger people.

  18. R
    Ronda M says:

    To Serbia with Love

    I work in Canada with a wonderful girl from Serbia. She invited me to visit Serbia and said she would try to coordinate her trip back to her homeland with mine. She is the kindest, most beautiful, warm hearted person I have met in a long time. I will definitely try and fit Serbia in to my travel plans next year. Thank you for all the positive reviews. 💕

  19. Amazing place

    Im from england and i had to travel to belgrade last summer because of covid regulations to be allowed back into america where i study. I was a little skeptical at first as i had never been and only been fed negative media about balkans and serbia. However this was one of the biggest positive suprises i ever had travelling here i luckily had a friend from belgrade already so it made the experience even better. Everyone i met was so welcoming and warm and just happy to show me their culture. This is hands down one of the funnest and best cities ive ever travelled to. Amazing night life, great food, great weather, great coffee, great family values. I could go on forever. Another important note i am a distance runner and so i had to train whilst i was there i ran in short shorts vests sometimes no t shirts and i never had any problems ran through city center etc. People just seemed to be thinking why is this guy running when its this hot 😂. So when talking about safety that says enough, i had plenty more problems at home in england with heckling. Final note you will never run out of things to do in belgrade.

  20. P
    Proud to be serb says:

    530 years serbs was slaves for Turkish people, who is terrorist?

  21. Not going to Serbia

    Currently I’m in Macedonia. I’ve traveled through Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and now in Macedonia. I googled travel information on Serbia as this seemed like the likely next step in my trip and this site came up. After reading the hateful comments directed at Albanians and Croats I decided not to go Serbia. The racists postings on this site in comment section support the notion that the country is dangerous. I think I’ll take myself and my money to Romania vis a vis Bulgaria and then onto Turkey.

  22. From a US Expat

    Lived in Serbia for 4 years. It is safer than the US. Never felt unsafe even in odd hours of the night wandering the city. There is a reason that Serbia has many US expats like myself. Most of the nonsense here is untrue about Serbia’s safety. I wouldn’t recommend bribing because many cops don’t put up with that. Flase picture of Serbia.

  23. B
    Balkanman says:

    Visit and then comm

    Great Country., very friendly people, visit and enjoy it,,,,!,,

  24. Definitely worth visiting

    Serbia is a very safe country, Like anywhere in the world, crime happens from time to time, but overall, it`s safer than the US. People are kind, smart and well educated. Food is great, Belgrade is modern and cosmopolitan city. Beautiful mountains and nature overall. Affordable prices, comparing to the US. Affordable and high quality health services, brings Serbia to the top of the list for Medical tourism. Generally, Serbia is not known as being good for LGBTQ+ community, but as an openly gay male, I didn`t feel unsafe…as long as you don’t show any public affection, than it may become an issue. That`s the area to work on in order to attract more tourists (and tourist that are usually able to spend more $$$), but this applies to most of the Europe overall (besides a few states).

    If you are considering living there – it`s very walkable lifestyle, healthy oriented (way less GMO and plastic tasting food than in US), many sport activities available everywhere, housing costs ridiculously low compering any place in the US, internet and communicational networks are excellent quality and affordable.
    Some negative areas: it`s a very bureaucratic State. Yes, it will take forever to do any simple task that involves any public institution, and a lot of non-sense requirements. Corruption is so-so, I feel that`s more a part of the past, maybe just a slightly more than corruption in the US (yes, corruption exists everywhere). Politics is ugly, just like everywhere again. But I fell probably due to size of the country (around 7 mil people), everyone is involved into politics, and they still don`t move on from some bad experiences in the past.

    Overall it`s an interesting mix of western and oriental culture, not appealing to everyone, but definitely worth visiting or living some part of your life!

  25. Dangerous

    Unless you are a str8, white Serbian man, it is a very dangerous country. This doesn’t mean Serbians are bad people, but it is a corrupt nation with an autocratic leader. The “safety” meter here is misleading. Be careful and very aware if traveling to Serbia.

    1. vros albanian aleksandar vucic is not a autocratic leader hes my pookie bear

  26. N
    Nicholas says:

    Great country to visit!

    I had a great time in Serbia! Belgrade is clean, safe and with very, very good restaurants and bars (I’m Italian, I’m very picky about food).
    People are extremely helpful and cheerful, most people speak English.
    Due to very high inflation, prices are pretty high, comparable to Germany as I write.
    But you get much better quality food than elsewhere.
    No signs of homophobia, at least in my experience.
    Just very skeptical opinions about gender theory.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      It’s not clean Nicholas, I’ve lived here years, there’s dog mess everywhere, people in garbage bins, the Danube is filthy, the drains block regularly in floods leading to awful sights n smells. Smoking in restaurants. But…….I love it. We live in a nice area Vračar, and all the aforementioned are prominent, sadly.

  27. N
    Natasha says:

    True and false about Serbia

    Some of the comments are just hilarious! 🤣 No, we do not carry a gun around the street and no, we do not put it in your face just for fun! 🤣 We are not terrorists, we do not hate muslims (or anyone) and you’ll be safe here. But yes, we have a problem with dirty cops, that is the truth. We are not open-minded about the LGBT population, but nobody will kill you or beat you up on the street if you are gay. Serbian food is mostly with meat, but also a lot of us are vegans so we have a vegan restaurants and you will easily find something to eat here if you don’t eat meat, that’s not a problem. Come to Serbia, it’s a beautiful and safe country! ❤️

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Not the best for Vegans if I’m honest, I’m from UK live in Kalenić, Vračar. My Mrs is Serb and menu’s are very repetitive for vegans. Mayka is about the best off Knez and there’s one on Beo Waterfront but forgot name, that’s nice.

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