Is Belgrade Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Belgrade, Serbia
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 89 / 100 based on 7 user reviews.

Belgrade is the perfect destination for tourists that are already tired of exploring the big capitals of Europe or the beaches of Greece and Turkey, and are yearning to visit and see the unexplored parts of Europe.

Belgrade is the reason why the tourist flow has considerably increased in Serbia during the past decades, since its nightlife and extremely friendly people are so welcoming and offbeat, that more and more tourists come to Serbia every year, especially during the summer months.

Of course, the political situation had a lot to do with the increase of tourists, since it has finally settled after many, many years of war.

Belgrade has always been a kind of an unknown surprise, even for people living in Europe, and they are always surprised, rightly so, at how welcoming the residents of Belgrade.

It is a cradle of many cultures and has a heavy load of history, which makes it a real gem for any tourist. And since its people are so warm – this country is considered to be very much safe.

Warnings & Dangers in Belgrade

Overall Risk


Belgrade is generally very safe. Its people are very kind and happy to help, and tourists especially shouldn't encounter any bigger problems in Belgrade. However, like in any other capital, it couldn't hurt to be extra cautious.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transportation in Serbia is overall safe. Just be on the lookout for pickpockets on public transportation, and double-check if the taximeter is on when you enter a taxi.

Pickpockets Risk


Pick-pocketing and bag snatching are the most common form of street crime in Belgrade, so if you do encounter any problems it will probably be pick-pocketing that mostly happens in public transportation. Be extremely careful when entering any bus in Serbia's capital, since its pick-pockets are very skillful and you won't even notice anything missing until you get off the bus.

Natural Disasters Risk


In the past couple of years, the only natural disaster that severely affected Belgrade and especially its surroundings were flooding of large proportions, with even fatal results.

Mugging Risk


Mugging exists but is rare. There have been reports of kidnapping either as a consequence of someone failing to pay a debt, or kidnapping by rival criminal organizations. Crimes like these do happen, but have declined in the last decade significantly, and are not likely to happen to a tourist.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorist attacks are more likely to happen in most popular European capitals such as Paris, London, etc., than in Belgrade. There is a risk of a terrorist attack happening but it is really low.

Scams Risk


Any newcomer is in danger of scams when visiting Belgrade. The most common scams are people ripping you off in bars or clubs, or by the street vendors, as well as drink spiking in strip clubs.

Women Travelers Risk


Belgrade is very safe for women travelers. Attacks rarely happen, if ever, but still, be on the lookout at all times, especially at night, or in deserted areas, empty, poorly lit streets, etc.

So... How Safe Is Belgrade Really?

Even though the main concern for visitors is pick-pocketing, it should be noted that the crime rate in Belgrade can be considered high is some sense, due to the activity of organized crime groups, constantly fighting over prominent areas, and their conflicts often end in violence.

As for its nightlife, which is highly popular in Belgrade, it is filled with clubs, bars and places called “splavovi” (meaning a club floating on water) that are open until early morning.

However, these floating clubs are generally owned by the Balkan criminal organizations and if any confrontation happens there, it usually also ends in violence, so although these places might be very attractive for newcomers, it may be best to avoid them.

Serbian people are very involved in sports and are usually ardent fans of one of the two most popular rival clubs: Red Star or Partizan.

Visiting their games could be potentially dangerous for tourists (and not only for tourists), since there have been cases of foreigners being attacked by the fans of these clubs, in Belgrade known as “hooligans”.

When it comes to street crime, the most dangerous thing that can happen to you is pickpocketing, usually in public transportation, crowded places such as bus stations in the city (the most popular city bus station Zeleni Venac is notorious for pick-pocketers) and the main pedestrian street in Belgrade – Knez Mihailova.

How Does Belgrade Compare?

CitySafety Index
Novi Sad82
La Paz (Bolivia)52
Sao Paulo (Brazil)45
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)43
Sofia (Bulgaria)73
Siem Reap (Cambodia)63
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)61

Useful Information



Visa is not required for any stays shorter than 90 days. Be sure that your passport is valid for at least six months from your planned date of return to the country you're visiting. However, if you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Serbian Dinar (RSD) is the currency in Belgrade. Avoid street money changers and exchange your money at official exchange offices and you'll find the best rate in the National Bank of Serbia. You can also withdraw RSD at a local ATM.



Belgrade is known to have very hot summers (reaching up to 40℃) and very cold winters (reaching as low as -15℃). Serbian climate is considered to be mild.



The busiest airport in Serbia is in Belgrade, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (BEG). It is located about 25 km northwest from the center of Belgrade.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Belgrade, since it covers not only medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Belgrade Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 1° C
Feb 4° C
Mar 8° C
Apr 13° C
May 18° C
Jun 21° C
Jul 23° C
Aug 23° C
Sep 18° C
Oct 13° C
Nov 8° C
Dec 3° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Serbia - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Novi Sad82

Where to Next?

7 Reviews on Belgrade

  1. I really enjoyed Belgrade

    Having just gotten back a week ago from Belgrade, I must say I had the time of my life! So many people told me not to go because it was unsafe. Rubbish! It was wonderful. I wanted to visit a friend who had moved there to be with and marry his now wife. I am planning on going back next year.

  2. H
    Hoosier Newman says:

    A New Secret Retreat

    I love Belgrade. One of the most relaxed cities I’ve been to in Europe. Nice easy pace and people overall friendly. The older people do still have a little ‘dislike’ of Americans, but the younger under 40 are cool. They will try to speak English with you if you do not understand or cannot read Serbian/Cyrillic. The shops, the prices, the transpo all relatively cheap. Hotels and residences are also cheap. So cheap that I came back with $100 in Dinar that wasn’t spent. Saved it for next trip. Can’t wait.

  3. Dream place

    I love Serbs, they are unbelievable friendly to foreigners.
    I bought a house, opened an offshore bank, got residency permit with Serbian people’s help during 2019 pandemic.

  4. Should visit

    Open and great people. Wonderful place with great clubs and restaurants.

  5. I visit Belgrade occasionally and am often stunned by how vast this city is!

    It’s your classical “big city” with everything a big city brings, except a metro 🙁 (for now!)

    If there weren’t any beggars, clowns, drunks, pickpockets, or such inconveniences, then it wouldn’t complete the big picture, right?

    Aside from that, there are literally tons of things to see there and long history.

    Just don’t be disappointed when you get a sense of deja vu from realizing that it looks almost the same as its neighbors’ capital cities (Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia..). It was trendy back then to look like that.

    1. Absolutely worth visiting

      The city is perfect to visit, it really has it’s own vibe. Even if the most building are old, and are in bad condition, even if there’s a lot of ugly commie buildings, even if Belgrade isn’t the cleanest city (still better than Paris), it has a vibe what makes Belgrade worth visiting. Almost everyone speaks English, much more people than in the rest of Europe. The cozy restaurants on Skadarska are very nice, with live music. The serbian cuisine is awesome too. Kalemegdan is a beautiful historical place, and the military museum is absolutely worth to visit, it processes Serbian history from the Illirians to the 1999 NATO bombing – yes, this lives still in the country’s mind, everybody remembers to the agression commited against Serbia. That’s why you might see a lot of nationalist, and anti-NATO graffitis all around the city. The public transport is way worse than the European average, the timetable almost doesn’t count, the ticketing system doesn’t really work (but there are no inspectors, so technically you can get around without ticket), and the most vehicles are very old and rusty. Belgrade is a very diverse city, and probably not the neighborhood around the bus station will give you the best vibes, but the Sava coast is one of the best places I almost saw, the wealthy apartment area around and the entire skyline, especially at night is beautiful

  6. Belgrade is safe, but watch your stuff

    Beware of young gypsies who pick pocketing in the middle of the day, in dense streets, while you’re walking!
    Gypsy beggars are working for handler(s), avoid them. Help those in real need.
    Avoid migrants also.

Belgrade Rated 4.43 / 5 based on 7 user reviews.

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