Is Iran Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 78 / 100 based on 29 user reviews.

Iran FlagIran : Safety by City

Iran is a large country located in the Greater Middle East, between the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea.

It is part of the South-Central Asian Union and is sharing its borders with Iraq to the west, Turkey, Azerbaijan’s Naxcivan enclave, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to the northwest, Turkmenistan to the northeast, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the east.

The entire northern part of Iran is completely covered in rain forests called Shomal, which mostly resemble simply forests or woods rather than rain forests, but they are still called the Jungles of Iran.

If you’re more into deserts, there are plenty of them in the east of the country.

You will have a great time in the Dasht-e Kavir, Iran’s largest desert, located in the north-central portion of the country, and the Dasht-e Lut, in the east.

The country also offers some salt lakes, but don’t be fooled that you will be bored in Iran.

There are plenty of activities that Iranian deserts offer, like desert tracking, camel riding, bicycle riding, safari, and 4×4 driving excursions.

Warnings & Dangers in Iran

Overall Risk


Overall, Iran is safe to visit when it comes to the crime rate but you have to avoid some very dangerous parts of the country if you want to have a safe trip.

Transport & Taxis Risk


You should be careful while on the road, as accidents while driving are known to happen frequently. The roads aren't all bad and they vary from being in an excellent condition to being in a very poor condition. However, there are other factors that make driving in Iran dangerous, such as poorly lit roads, reckless drivers that ignore traffic signs, etc. There is also a risk of being attacked by pirates operating in the Northern Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Oman.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpockets are definitely an issue in this country and you should keep in mind that they operate mostly in the overcrowded bazaars and public transports. Remain vigilant at all times and leave your most valuable belongings in your accommodation.

Natural Disasters Risk


Among natural disasters that are known to hit Iran are extremely high temperatures sometimes exceeding 50C, sandstorms that are a regular occurrence, and severe sandstorms that occur sporadically. Earthquakes are also a threat.

Mugging Risk


Except in the tourist area of Isfahan, where mugging has been on the rise lately, this isn't generally a concern in Iran. Make sure you only take licensed taxis as 90% of muggings occur in unlicensed ones.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorists are likely to carry out attacks in Iran. The threat is believed to be coming from the Sunni extremist groups, which are probably the perpetrators of several bombings that have taken place in the south-eastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Scams Risk


There are almost no known scams in Iran. Still, just in case, be wary of people trying to distract you or offering you unwanted help, check your change twice and always negotiate every service beforehand.

Women Travelers Risk


Many women have traveled to Iran without having any negative experiences. Generally speaking, it is no more dangerous in Iran than in most European countries, Australia or USA. Still, you should be very vigilant if you're traveling alone and always apply basic precaution measures you would in your own country.

So... How Safe Is Iran Really?

Generally speaking, Iran is a safe country when it comes to violent crime. Its crime rates are relatively low, with the exception of the dangerous areas in the southeast of the country.

You should be aware that there is a lot of petty theft in the urban areas of the country, especially in crowded bazaars, bus and train stations, as well as airports.

Mugging has become more common during the last couple of years in the tourist center of Isfahan.

There are certain areas that are best to be avoided, and considered dangerous for foreigners, like all areas east of the line running from Bam to Jusk, the Sistan-Baluchistan province, and the area within 20km of the entire border of Iraq.

These areas are especially dangerous because they are known for drug traders using them to smuggle heroin from Afghanistan here.

Because of this, there have been robberies, kidnappings and even murders happening here.

Cities of Zahedan, Zabol, and Mirjaveh are particularly dangerous.

Do not go anywhere within 120 km of the entire Iran/Afghanistan border.

These areas are regularly affected by ethnic conflicts and they have been known as places where kidnappings of foreigners occur on occasion.

The tourist center of Isfahan is also known for problems with muggings of foreigners in unlicensed taxis.

Keep in mind that there are fake police officers making random and impromptu checks of tourists’ passports.

Only use official taxis, and never let these fake officials search you without asking for identification.

How Does Iran Compare?

CountrySafety Index
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Many countries do need a visa to enter Iran. If you're from Israel or have been to Israel, your visa is going to be denied. Your visa must be acquired before traveling to Iran and it will be issued for up to 30 days. Make sure your passport is valid for at least the next six months. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Iranian Riyal is the official currency in Iran. Don't count of ATMs and credit cards. You can't use them or debit cards, or travelers' cheques. Bring lots of cash.



The climate in Iran varies depending on the area. In the northwest, winters can be cold with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures during December and January. Spring and fall are relatively mild, while summers are extremely hot with temperatures reaching as high as 50C.



Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport is the busiest and primary airport of Tehran, the capital city of Iran. It is located 30 km southwest of Tehran, near the localities of Robat Karim and Eslamshahr.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Iran, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Iran Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 4° C
Feb 7° C
Mar 11° C
Apr 17° C
May 23° C
Jun 28° C
Jul 31° C
Aug 30° C
Sep 26° C
Oct 20° C
Nov 12° C
Dec 7° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Iran - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

Where to Next?

29 Reviews on Iran

  1. wrong

    You are wrong about terrorists risk , there is not such a thing in Iran . There may be conflicts in shared borders with Afganistan and Pakistan but not inside Iran .

    1. C
      Curious Westerner says:

      Can US citizens visit?

      1. M
        Mr.Irani says:

        Yes but you have to visit Iran in group of tourists not alone

        1. A
          Anonymous says:

          I am about to go in Iran on december, but i am kinda afraid but i still wanna visit the country because i wanna see on my own eyes how iran is beautiful country and i wanna make people regret what they negative say about it.

  2. F
    Fatemeh says:

    There are absolutely no terrorist attacks!! Where did this info come from? Can you name one single terrorist attack that happened in the past 10 years?

  3. M
    Morrissey says:

    Just beware of the imbecile Trump bombing you at the airport.

    1. R
      Red White and Blue says:

      As Americans we love that

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        As non-americans we hate that

      2. b
        baffled Iranian by the cruelty of americans says:

        as Iranians, you seem to be sick…very much.

  4. there is no terrorist attack in Iran , in general Iran is very safe to travel , also pickpockets risk is not high ,i would say its medium like any other normal countries , but keep in mind that you should not do any political related things in Iran as the government is very sensitive about political activities by foreign people .

  5. Such a bullshit! Terrorist attack in Iran!!!! No way! There is not any terrorist attack in Iran at all!

    1. Iran is bigger than you think buddy!

      Iran is not only Tehran, some big cities and the northern parts.
      While I can agree there is absolutely no risk of terrorism in most parts of the country, the regions close to Pakistan and Afghanistan are not very safe and unfortunately the terrorist groups are active in those regions.

  6. There is no terrorist attack.

  7. R
    Richard says:

    Top of my “must see” list of countries – birthplace of civilization, and wonderful people. Can’t wait to go!

  8. Best country in the world

    Iran is one of the best countries I saw.

    no terrorist attacks, no discrimination, and many beautiful things like Milad tower and much more things that I love.

  9. I have visited over 46 countries in the world. I will put Iran first because of the culture, history, food and especially the people who are extremely kind. I didn’t feel insecure at any point. I’ve talked to a lot of people and I haven’t heard from anyone that they hate America or Americans. People will be at your service at every step.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Amazing place with great people

      I totally agree with you Dragan. I am an avid traveller and have visited many countries in Asia, Africa, South America, etc… I was skeptical when my husband brought up the idea of visiting Iran. After a lot of convincing, I agreed and am I ever glad I agreed!!!! One of the best experiences I’ve ever had – the country itself, the hospitality! Goes to show how biased media can be – all about politics!

  10. I live near the borders of Iran (northwestern Iran), so I have never encountered a terrorist. In my opinion, the mentioned security indicators are determined based on political relations and not on the existing reality.
    Ask those who came to Iran and see if Iran is a safe country. This is nothing but a media game against Iran.

  11. Generally accurate except the part about terrorist attacks. The possibility of terrorist attacks even in the border areas are quite low and would be higher in most European countries.

  12. A
    Anonymous says:

    I’m an Englishman who spent an entire month travelling with my wife to several Iranian cities including Tehran, Mashad, Shiraz, Isfahan, and Banda Abbas, and had never felt threatened at any time throughout my travels in that beautiful country.

  13. I’m Italian and I went to Iran in June 2022. It is an amazing country with great things to see and very friendly people. I felt very safe in this country, and I would be very happy to go back.

  14. This is not true!!!

    Oh my GOD why on earth would someone go anywhere within 120 km of the entire Iran/Afghanistan border, or Pakistan or Iraq border?! There is nothing there for tourists! Or anyone else!! Iran is a huge country, there are literally thousands of places to visit only in the northern area, Tehran and central area! So, you’ve got The capital, the forests, Tabriz in the norther area too, the deserts, the historical cities like Shiraz, Isfahan and Yazd,
    and in the southern area like Boushehr or Islands like Hormoz, Kish and Qeshm you can see a really different, beautiful, stunning nature!! Yes, Sistaan and Balouchestan is not really safe, unfortunately! But what I am saying is, there is a very long distance between these places!! You can see everywhere and everything without even being nearly around any dangerous areas!
    And, honestly, Seriously, terrorist attack?! No!!!! Not in Iran! Not inside of the borders of Iran!!!! Never! No way!

  15. L
    Lucario says:


    This place is run by cruel and heartless group of terrorists who call themselves the Taliban. I cannot travel there cause i am a united states citizen. So go at your own risk.

    1. Dear Lucario
      Taliban is in Afghanistan not Iran! you mixed up the countries. There is no terrorism risk in Iran and of course you can travel to Iran if you are US citizen. Please come and see how beautiful is this country and how kind and friendly are people with you. Do not believe so much in Media!!

      1. DANGER HIGH

        Dear Fahi
        Stop tricking unaware people.
        The IRGC end even the whole IRI itself are both akin to Taliban. Iran is a hellhole occupied by the worst scums and thugs who have no regard for human lives and even enjoy killing children.
        Tourists could be kidnapped, tortured, raped and killed and no one could do anything to rescue them because the IRI and their thugs do not answer to anyone but themselves.
        No tasty food or pretty tilework is going to change the reality.

    2. a
      anonymous says:

      awesome, we dont want you there too…no choke on your McDonalds, while I eat delicious and healthy ghorme sabzi

  16. H
    Hichkas says:


    If you travel to Iran as a foreigner 100% sure you will be arrested!
    Just check the news or search google for this, and see how many foreigners are in prison now

    1. Because you’re western and you believe media so much

  17. y
    your EYES says:


    iran, best country to see in the world…

    iran, worst to visit from international media point of view cause it dosent spends money on international mafia media…

Iran Rated 3.9 / 5 based on 29 user reviews.

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