Is Turkey Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 78 / 100 based on 61 user reviews.

Turkey is a country in the Mediterranean, situated in the Anatolian region of West Eurasia.

Turkey shares its borders with Bulgaria and Greece to the west, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the northeast, Syria, Iraq, and Iran to the southeast and flaunts the Black Sea coastline to the north, the Aegean Sea in the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the southwest.

You won’t go wrong going to Turkey: it offers a skyline you won’t easily forget, filled with domes and minarets of various sizes and heights, Roman ruins and contrast between a coastline stretched against a mountainous backdrop of Lycia as well as Pamphylia’s sunny beaches.

What tourists often emphasize as their favorite part of Turkish experience is the unique Middle Eastern cuisine, with baklavas as their number one dessert specialty.

And though Turkey’s beaches are its most famous feature, don’t forget that winter sports, especially skiing, are very popular in Turkey between December and March with temperatures at a constant below freezing point.

Warnings & Dangers in Turkey

Overall Risk


Turkey is safe to visit if you avoid some parts of it - namely those near the border with Syria. You should be aware that tourist hotspots, restaurants, shops, and public transportation are places where most thefts and pickpocketing occur, and that violent crime exists here, too.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Generally, transport in Turkey is rather safe and reliable, though if you're driving you should keep in mind that local drivers in the country are reckless and tend to ignore traffic rules and signs.

Pickpockets Risk


As for pickpocketing, it is a recurring concern on the streets of Turkey, especially Istanbul, which is a popular tourist destination, so be careful and hold your bags tightly by your side. Places, where you should watch out for pickpockets, are Taksim Square, Sultanahmet, the Grand Bazaar and the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, earthquakes have been known to hit Turkey, as well as severe droughts causing the lack of tap water in some parts of this country.

Mugging Risk


The majority of violent crime happens near the Syrian borders, where kidnappings, muggings, and assaults have been reported. Terrorist groups here usually target those involved in humanitarian work or journalism.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorism is the greatest worry for tourists, as it's been active in Turkey in recent years. The last terrorist attack happened in January 2017. Most of these attacks are linked to Kurdish separatist terrorist activities in south-east Turkey.

Scams Risk


The common scam in Turkey is locals befriending tourists, taking them out for a drink, or dinner and then expecting the tourist to pay for it. Taxi drivers might try to trick you into paying more, giving you wrongful information about the price of the ride.

Women Travelers Risk


If you're a woman traveling solo you should avoid walking alone after dark in this country. There have been reports of sexual assaults and verbal insults. These can happen even if you're accompanied by a group. Avoid isolated or poorly lit areas.

So... How Safe Is Turkey Really?

Turkey is mostly safe when it comes to crime and its biggest risks stem from its political situation and terrorism risks.

However, that isn’t to say that violent, as well as petty crimes, don’t exist in Turkey, because they do, especially in Istanbul.

Snatching, pickpocketing, and mugging are the most common kinds of petty crime.

However, lately, with the newly developed camera network that supervises the streets of Istanbul 24/7, the mugging and purse snatching declined.

It is useful to know that once you leave the big cities, you’re in a mostly safe zone where tourists have had nothing but positive experiences.

Another advice that might come in handy in Turkey is that you should take every precaution while driving, as drivers in this country are mostly reckless and completely ignoring traffic signs, commonly causing traffic accidents.

Apart from this, transport is mostly safe in Turkey and works quite well.

The real danger in Turkey and the reason many tourists are a skeptic when it comes to safety in this country are the continuous and frequent terrorist attacks all around Turkey that have to do with the political situation in the state and most of them are linked to Kurdish separatist terrorist activities in south-east Turkey.

However, recently the situation has settled and the last attack happened in January 2017.

How Does Turkey Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Some nationals do need a visa in order to enter Turkey, but they can be purchased online at before traveling to Turkey. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months past the date of your arrival to Turkey. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



The Turkish lira is the official currency in Turkey. ATMs are widespread throughout the country and credit cards are widely accepted in most establishments.



The coastline bordering the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot and dry summers and mild, wet winters, while the coastline bordering the Black Sea has a temperate climate with warm winters and cool, wet summers. Generally, the best time to visit Turkey is during April, May, September, and October as they are pleasantly warm. The summer months from June through to September are very hot.



Istanbul Atatürk Airport is the main and busiest international airport serving Istanbul and the biggest airport in Turkey. It is located on the European side of the city, about 24 km west of the city center.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we advise getting travel insurance when traveling to Turkey, because it would cover not only medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

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Turkey Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 0° C
Feb 2° C
Mar 6° C
Apr 10° C
May 16° C
Jun 20° C
Jul 24° C
Aug 23° C
Sep 19° C
Oct 13° C
Nov 7° C
Dec 2° C
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Turkey - Safety by City

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Where to Next?

61 Reviews on Turkey

  1. Quite true

    One thing, most of the terrorist attacks of 2016 and 2017 were linked to isis. It costed a lot of innocent lives. Kurdish terrorist organisation (pkk) is still a concern though everything started to settle down after Turkish armed forces TSK stormed the borders.

    1. T
      Travel Enthusiasts says:

      The Kurd terrorist group dose not pose a threat for tourists, it only targets the government

      1. They actually said to target tourists to hurt the tourist revenue

      2. Sadly, no. Especially in eastern Turkey, it targets many civilians. although the EU wants people to think that it’s a peaceful group they have mostly killed, civilians, unfortunately.

      3. 6 People just died, and 80+ injured by a street bomb November 14, 2022.

  2. Feel free to travel to Turkey. Recently there isnt any terrorist attack from any parties. At recent past it happens at special days at crowded marching etc. If you are afaraid just avoid going city big city centers at special days.

  3. T
    Travel Enthusiasts says:

    The page is laughable

    This page is so wrong its laughable. Overall risky is High? its probably safer than the united states or the UK. People in turkey are very nice. they also have great coffee, when it comes to women i i would agree with the page but mugging, pick pocketing, and terrorism are not issues at all. there hasten been a terrorist attack in turkey in over 100 years. and if there is one its extremely unlikely you’ll be a victim because they mainly attack the government and never attack tourist destinations. turkey has a lot of reasons to go there. you got ancient ruins from the ottoman empire, the abalone empire, the Assyrian empire, the Persian empire, its one of the most beautiful places on earth

    1. Hi it’s a bit confusing saying there haven’t been terrorist attacks and then saying they mainly attack the government. Can I just clarify with my plans to drive all through north Turkey and into Armenia and then return through central Turkey to the southwest and up the coast back into Bulgaria. I’ll obviously steer very clear of the Syrian border. Is this a sensible and safe plan?

    2. I agree.

      it is laughable.

    3. I was hoping for a trip and even learning some Turkish, but the bombing yesterday on a busy road in Istanbul killing people shopping has put me off. I am American and just read America or Kurds are being blamed by Turkey. What? That was the nail in the coffin so to speak.

    4. Im confused, Terrorisim or not ???

  4. S
    Stella Oz says:

    Unfair rating! Please read

    As an American woman, I have traveled to Turkey many times due to my spouse being from there.

    This rating is very unfair –ranking just barely above the safety of countries that are crime havens.

    You literally never hear about rapes, murders, petty-crime. One good thing that comes from having a Despot as a leader, is people are frightened of breaking the law.

    You couldn’t pay me to visit some places like Mexico.

    Turkey has 80 million people and is the size of Texas – so terrorism is about as much of a treat there as it is in any European country.

    It is a gorgeous country full of amazing history, food, and friendly people – modern and tolerant people.

    Like most people visiting Turkey, I have only been to places like Istanbul, Antalya, Fethiye.

    I don’t think when people are asking about vacationing in Turkey, they are visiting anywhere near the Syrian border (Turks don’t even visit those areas).

    I’ve been out at night on my own and never worry about my safety, as I do here in the USA.
    I love my trips there!

    1. C
      Chris . says:

      Pancho the great ?

      Whilst much of what you say about Turkey is quite true i’m afraid the ” Texas” bit is just not true ?neither as the borders stand now ! or even less so
      if the US were to return land it stole from Mexico during its struggle with “ Pancho the great “ .

    2. what??

      “You literally never hear about rapes, murders, petty-crime.” girl you sure about that?? as a native, femicides and rapes are happening nearly EVERYDAY. and they dont even arrest criminals. think twice before spreading false information. you are just lucky bcuz someone didnot rape and dismember you and easily get away with it.

      1. Why are you lying x?
        Turkey is safer then most countries in the world. It is not true that criminals dont get arrested. Criminals of rape and murder getting more punishment then European countries

      2. A traitor tries to show his country bad...

        A traitor “opposing” tries to show Turkiye bad. hahaha. Turkiye is one of the safest country on the earth. Does that mean you will be safe %100? No. Of course its not. You will be safe %99. But a crime occurs to you by luck, you can go to police which is more trustworthy than European law enforcers.

    3. you hear about rapes in turkey every f’ing day.

    4. This was my dream trip. I watch a lot of Turkish films to learn language, but now this bombing of a busy pedestrian street in Istanbul has me changing my mind especially since I just read Turkey is whispering bomb was fault of Kurds or America. America? Seriously?

    5. A
      Anne Campbell says:

      Mexico is Probably as Safe as Turkey for Tourists!

      We’ll, just to reassure you about Mexico, I live and travel throughout this country. What is dangerous for a US government employee, vis a vis kidnappings etc, is not necessarily the case for tourists. Caution is needed everywhere in the world, including Brooklyn, New York!
      Thanks for weighing in on Turkey! It seems the most helpful sources are those that live in the country in question.

  5. N
    None of your business!!!! says:

    Get your facts right and stop blaming Turkey!!!!

    Sure, whatever fits your agenda, “Travel Enthusiasts”. That Kurdish terrorist group doesn’t target the government, but us, the people!!! Go check some of the explosions that were undertaken by PKK in Turkey! After all, you were not there and you never had to lose one of your loved ones because of those sick, disgusting pigs. Shame on you!

  6. Unlike this article terrorism attack risk is too low

    This article is really so exaggrated.Turkey is absolutely same with U.S .All the countries have dangerous streets like Skid Row Street in Los Angeles.It doesn’t make dangerous whole country.By the way there is no risk about terrorism if you don’t visit east side of Turkey.But the other risks are accurate.You need to protect yourself from muggling especially if you are in a crowded city like Istanbul or Ankara but this risk is low in Izmir,Antalya and the other touristic cities.Izmir is one of the safest city in Turkey so I suggest you to visit there if you are so worried about safety BUT I need to say that visiting Istanbul and visiting Los Angeles are exactly the same in terms of security.

  7. A
    Arya Tatiana Lutin says:

    You can sleep on lara beach !

    Southcoast. S east /east ankara ist izmir
    food 7. 10. 10
    View 10. 10. 6
    Seaswim 10. – 3
    Safety luxury towns 10 10. 6
    Comfort 7. 10. 10
    Price. $$$ $ $$$$
    Alanya antalya fethiye bodrum anamur mersin
    Antep adana urfa diyarbekir hatay bitlis tunceli erzurm agri van
    The only place i dont know is the north coast
    And not interested in.
    You will enjoy Turkey if you visit.
    You take a risk of a country have a blast more than the europe combine.
    You go to a country that requires no visa. So anybody can come in.
    You should visit Turkey while you are young, for honeymoon. Just don’t leave the wife after meeting russian german girls.
    Turkey is probably the best place to visit in the world , just not to live in it.
    Unless you are a footballer. 🙂
    I dont agree with east is more gangerous.
    Ankara and istanbul is more valnurable.

  8. D
    David=king says:

    you are so wrong

    I will still go to turkey cause it is-sure it borders syria but it does not let any terorists go to turkey

  9. E
    Enayat Ansari says:

    Felt safer than mentioned here.

    Felt safer than mentioned here, place is full of helpful people.

    We drove 100 of miles from Istanbul, Cappadocia and Antalya.

    No one tried to scam or anything, people are helpful and friendly.

  10. as a tourism geographer, this review is full of lies, we are safe.
    of course everyone know that media is giving people stereotypes in all channels.

  11. As a native

    It is truly unfair. 45? So you’re saying we’re worse than many African countries. Make it 25 if that helps you push your agenda.

  12. W
    World Traveller says:


    Well, Turkey is safe. If you research on YouTube you gotta see. Also Turkey is one of the most popular destinations in the world as i know. (6th 8th something like that) There is no terrorism

  13. G
    Gabriel Marchesse says:

    This article was so wrong ppl!

    Thats a shame that showing a perfect country that bad. As a Italian person, I have been in Turkey a lot and what you mentioned in this article is so not true at all. I have been in Istanbul Ankara Izmır Antalya Fethıye Mersin Kapadoccia Samsun and Rıze. Istanbul and Ankara are mix cities. They are modern but that much religious in the same time. There are living locals from both sides in there. Izmır Antalya Fethıye and Mersin was just sea culture. I had so many Turkish friends in there and they are def pro-eu. Locals and tourists women were wearing so free and modern. Bars and clubs were also good as much as I didnt think. I even joined pride walk eith thousand of Turkish ppl years ago in Mersin and Izmır. So not expected at all! Kapadoccia was amazing, I cant even say something. Rıze and Samsun had a wheather and forest same as I saw in Ukraine but locals were religious in there. What I see is; South and west sea coast european and safe, capital and Istanbul are mix, north is religious.

  14. Life expectancy in Turkey is higher than in USA as of 2021. I dunno what they are talking about XD

    1. Life expectancy?

      That’s because USA people eat sooo much unhealthy processed and fast food and die from diabetes, heart disease, cancers, dementia, and obesity, not because it’s any more or less dangerous. However, USA does not border Syria type dangers. It has its Issues but not that.

  15. M
    Max Smits says:

    Atatürk Airport is out of operation for public aviation since April 6, 2019. All flights are transferred to Istanbul Airport, in Arnavutköy, except for military and freight.
    The new Istanbul Airport is serviced by Havaist bus services from various locations in Istanbul.

  16. G
    Garvin smith says:

    Not a place to visit.

    I just got back from Turkey and that place is horrible. They find every way to exploit you once they know you are a tourist. Taxi drivers drive soo reckless they dont care. They cheat you asking for more money, the switch your cash if you are not watching lying you gave them less once the notes look almost the same. They rip you off. My overall experience with the taxi, people and driving was so horrible I am never going back or advice anyone to go.

    1. O
      Omer Erselcan says:

      How easy to critisize the whole country with a single nasty experience which is highly doubtful… Shame on you…

    2. G
      Georges says:

      I couldn’t agree more Garvin Smith on every single fact you mentioned.
      I would never go back to Turkey:((

      July 09, 2022

    3. Absolutely true, had one of the worst experiences in Turkey, the Cab driven threaten u , cheat u and when we complained to the cops at the airport they did nothing about, it. Absolutely disastrous day with uber cabas well. Not safe at all, please avoid this nation if its in your travel list. Absolutely not worth it

  17. How current is this article?

    Why are there no dates of when this article was posted, or when comments were posted? How current is this article? Is this as of August 2021?

    1. C
      Calamity Jane says:


      I was wondering the exact same thing! Would be nice to have some context here…

  18. E
    East Asian dude says:


    Come on. Turkey is one of the nicest and safest country to visit. Delicious food, nice people, and beautiful women. And there many ancient ruins to enjoy and wonderful sceneries. The USA or UK are much less safer for tourists.

  19. M
    Max Wehrli says:


    I travelled through Turky for 1 month and I would have stayd longer if my visa had allowed it. Turkey is a great country with tje most hospitable people in the world. I travelled to Istanbul, Ankara, Konya and Trabzon. The further away you get from Istanbul the friendlier the people get, and the cheaper and better the food gets (I love Istanbul anyways). I have to say that I never felt unsafe or uneasy during my whole trip.

  20. O
    Omer Erselcan says:

    Where are u from?

    Your title lists 9 cities in Turkey. 7 of them is in green (safety high), and two of them is orange (safety medium) where almost all of the countries people live (istanbul). As a little math and lets say you are right about the safety level of medium cities, the overall ratio must be at least 65, where you have chosen 45… Congratulations…

  21. Turkey is safe and exciting

    I have to say this: I think saying that Turkey has a HIGH risk is not fair, not fair at all. From personal experience and from the experience of friends and family who have visited multiple cities in Turkey, we can all say that Turkey deserves a much better rating. It’s currently rated with a 45 on the Safety Index and imho this should be closer to 70 or more. I will mention why I think this is the case below.

    Safety wise, I feel Turkey has a lot of safe cities and just a few areas in a few cities that are rather dangerous. But you can’t give it such a low rating just because of that. This country is filled with friendly, welcoming people. These people are hospitable and they will even help you if you have trouble. Just to give you an example: my phone was stolen in a market and some seller there saw what had happened. He came right over, talked to me and encouraged me. I was sad that I had lost some important numbers. It honestly felt good to have someone to talk to at that moment. And like this person, there are so many in Turkey.

    Most people that have visited this country have a good impression of it and its people. And there’s so, so much to see and do here. Their food is amazing, they like to haggle when trying to sell you something and I can understand that – it’s just their nature – and maybe some people are put off by this thing but not me. I see why they do it and sometimes, it’s fun to negotiate a bit.

    I haven’t yet been to a city that I did not like. There’s always one or more things to like. Visited Alanya, Istanbul, Antalya, Bursa and Kusadasi. All great cities, with some pickpockets here and there (but which relatively big city doesn’t have them?). And I don’t see Turkey having a High terrorism risk. Maybe medium, yes. You never know what can happen of course, but we should just scare people away like that.

  22. D
    Danielle Cooley says:

    I visited Turkey before COVID 19 hit, and again at the end of Nov/Dec 2021… I traveled solo, I took precautions as I would in any other country. people are mostly friendly and helpful, except for some of the staff at The New Airport, especially the female attendants for the Queue, I had never felt so much aggression towards people, I thought this is not a good start. Remember the tourist pays your salary.

    Apart from this, I enjoyed Istanbul very much and I will return again. The only other Negative I felt was the older Male Receptionist at the Hotel I stayed at I was afraid of because practically every time I used the lift he came in beside me stood so close in my personal space and stared me out. Needless to say, I moved to another Hotel.

  23. There is currently war in Ukraine and the safety level is around 30. But normal day in Turkey is 45? How recent is this? There is no war, terrorism, or anything like that in here right now. I am Turkish but I lived in Italy, France and traveled most of the EU. I would say might not be as safe as Florence but bigger cities like İzmir, Ankara, and İstanbul are a lot safer than cities like Athens and Budapest, etc.

    You might need to be careful about taxi drivers that might try to overcharge you or pickpocketers like in every big city, especially in İstanbul. But other than that there is nothing to ‘get scared’. -March 2022

  24. R
    Riccardo says:

    Love Turkey ❤️

    I am Australian born from Italian parents and I also think that this is wrong, I went for 5 weeks between Istanbul, Antalya, Kas, Fethiye and back to Istanbul and yes there are people who tried to get extra money here and there out of me but hey that is usually normal when you’re a tourist and don’t speak the language… try going to Rome and see what happens… it shouldn’t be but it is, so as tourists you need to lighten up a little and go with the flow of things.

    I felt so safe, one time I had to walk for 30 mins through many dark back streets at night as I couldn’t get a taxi and it was raining on and off, and as much as I was worried it was perfectly safe with girls walking through the alleys also.

    I never once felt at risk, and everyone is friendly. I went from Dec 6 to Jan 14 2022 and wished I could have stayed.

    Am looking to move there for good this year if all goes to plan… had enough of Sydney Australia, born and raised here but this country isn’t what it used to be, slowly going to the dogs because of our fantastic government agendas and prison lockdowns for 2 years.

    Rather be closer to Europe and enjoy culture and history…

    1. Hi ,
      I like your reviews, and I’m writing here because ,in few days I’m traveling to Turkey myself 65 woman plus a dog on my backseat of the car . So , of course I have some worriers about turkies people . I’ve been few times to Istambul . This time , just west coast , along the sea up to Antalia , along nice beaches , to stay a bit warmer than my country can offer.
      Hope nothing bad could happen to me there .


    I am a Turkish guy who lives in İstanbul. Kindly warn all of my women fellas, West of Turkey might be safer but mostly Turkey isn’t safe for SOLO WOMEN travelers, those creepy perverts won’t harras you if you are with a man. If you hear someone who tells you that women are very safe in Turkey, that person prabably working for a travelling agency or stu’id as hell.

    1. C
      Calamity Jane says:


      I totally agree, and yet I am headed there in 9 days. My first time in Turkey was spent only in istanbul. I didn’t want to be among the tourists so I stayed in Istiklal, or so I thought (it was along Tarlabasi). Early morning, middle of the afternoon, early evening…NON-STOP being harassed, followed, hissed at – men just wouldn’t leave me alone. It was very uncomfortable BUT it is my favourite city on earth! I hope it has improved since, but I am sure it has not.
      Happy to hear Izmir is safe though, and Antalya as I will finally get to visit them on this next trip!
      Thx for your honest comments, especially a male’s perspective.

  26. This is not objective point. I cant imagine how Italy can be more than 70 point but Turkey is 45.
    I have never heard something in Turkey. Which happen in İtaly or another European cities

  27. E
    European says:

    Do NOT go on holiday to Turkey. Every dollar you leave turns into bullets against the Kurds, Syrians, Iraqis and Cypriots murdered by the Turkish state. Turkey has invaded and occupied half of Cyprus for 50 years, part of Syria and is now invading Iraq as well. Turkey is a criminal state that does exactly what Russia does but with the tolerance of the West. Turkey is the country with the most jailed journalists in the world

  28. Revenge on tour guide Manager didn’t like

    Our small tourist bus with 12 were arrested as manager of small motel decided one of us had stolen a blanket. Instead of asking us, he had police stop us as we drove off ferry to go to Gallipoli. It took about four hours to find someone had lent a blanket to one traveller who was cold the night before.

  29. SAFE

    Be aware, this is an old article. In current day Turkey’s risk levels are mostly low eventough, it becomes medium sometimes.

  30. R
    Richard says:


    The country Has a very good natural landscape and an in – order police and military combatants. But There have been many terrorist attacks, especially in the last few years, if anyone wanted to go there they had to make sure that their belongings are safe.

    NOTE: Avoid Walking in the streets at midnight, several crime cases like kidnapping has been reported at the time.

  31. A
    Anonymous! says:

    Very distressing

    Given how popular Turkey has become for golfing holidays I feel that British citizens need to be aware that, if your Husband dies suddenly in Turkey, as mine did 4 months ago, be prepared that Turkish authorities will impose Muslim culture and therefore rules upon the family. Widows are treated in the same way as divorcees and seen as a threat. I have been in battle with the British consulate to get my beloved husbands belongings back and they just will not let me have them. I am also struggling to obtain a cure of death and will have to wait several more months before I have more information. I cannot grieve for my husband properly and I am desperate for closure on a Turkey. Please wives and girlfriends, be aware of the agony your family will face if you lose your partner in Turkey.

  32. I
    Istanbul Tour says:

    Turkey is safe to visit

    Turkey is the best place to visit and it is safe.

  33. C
    Charles says:

    As A British Tourist , I would like to say that Turkey is Safe if you follow the rules and Guidelines. There is a risk of Terrorist attacks, but these are only used to Target the Government , Military People and Workers.

  34. H
    Half Turk says:

    Turkey is fine, the government is the worty

    I lived in Turkey for many years and my children were born there (Etiler) to their Turkish mother – best food ever, worst traffic ever, sort of insane people (screaming matches all the time) but I did love to go on the roof of my building when the first call to prayer echoed through the city, very, very dramatic. I was able to maintain my status as a hard drinking American but now I guess they are clamping down on that a bit? If you are a typically obnoxious American you will have problems but if you respect Turks they will reciprocate 100% – visit a place on the Bosporus for brunch, you won’t be disappointed- my wife was almost killed at the HSBC bomb site so there is risk

  35. A
    Anna Bohach says:

    Loved it and will go again soon

    I’m a British woman and I cannot say one bad word about Turkey. I think that people’s opinions are shaped by their experiences. I stopped in Istambul for three days en route to Zanzibar as I was flying with Turkish Airlines in 2019. I loved the architecture, I loved the food and people were friendly and helpful. Last year I spent two weeks in Calis Beach, which is next to Fethyie and I had a great time. I also visited Olu Deniz. I enjoyed scuba diving, kayaking and shopping at the Friday’s market in Fethyie.
    If you don’t drink to excess, don’t take drugs, don’t wander on your own at dark and don’t mix with the wrong crowd, you significantly minimise the risk of trouble anywhere in the world. I spent 9 weeks in South East Asia in 2017, 6 weeks in Mexico in 2018 and 4 weeks in Sri Lanka in 2018 and I never had any problem.

  36. An absolute disastrous experience when I think of Turkey. Airport Taxis are thugs of A grade and very unsafe. Never recommending anybody to travel to Turkey for Tourism. Even if you complain to the cops of the taxi guys threatening you to pay more than the meter , they never bother . Nothing worth seeing here. please dont waste your time and mental peace

  37. Solo woman in 2019. Safe BUT near Grand Bazaar some men loiter and I had one ask me (in a polite tone) sometime around 6pm if I can go home with him but he kept persisting and even walking with me as I walked away! Never experienced that before. He was small and I didnt feel scared but VERY uncomfortable. Also beware of hamams if you have asthma. I had a horrible episode the last day and was almost denied boarding my flight!

Turkey Rated 3.89 / 5 based on 61 user reviews.

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