Is Ghana Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 76 / 100 based on 58 user reviews.

Ghana, a country that means “warrior king” is located in West Africa, bordering with Côte d’Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, and Togo to the east.

It is a very friendly country and is recommended for tourists who have never been to Africa and want to get a sense of what it’s like before venturing into its depths.

The people of Ghana are warm, welcoming, and willing to help at all times.

They are known for being laid back and not caring too much about being organized and reliable, and while it can be annoying for some, others find this as one of the country’s charms and adorable quirks.

Tourism in Ghana is growing quickly and it is becoming a desirable travel destination.

Since it is rich in gold, it is a stable country with a lot of potential for growth, and with a low crime rate compared to other African states.

Warnings & Dangers in Ghana

Overall Risk


Ghana is relatively safe, although you should consult your guidebooks and forums on the internet before traveling there, since they may help you prepare for suspicious activities, frauds, and petty crime going on in Ghana.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Means of transport are relatively safe in Ghana but you should be very cautious because there have been reports of passengers in taxis being robbed by drivers. There have also been incidences with impostors posing as the tourist's taxi drivers at airports and then try and extort money from them upon entering the vehicle.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpocketing definitely exists in Ghana, as does mugging and theft of valuables. Beaches are often the hotspot of crime throughout Africa, and it doesn't only apply to Ghana. Travellers are always advised to watch their belongings and keep their belongings by their side. Never leave them in plain sight.

Natural Disasters Risk


Ghana is exposed to some weather related threats. The country is most exposed to risks from floods and droughts, especially in the Northern Savannah belt. There are also some coastal threats, including coastal erosion as well as landslides, earthquakes and wildfires.

Mugging Risk


Armed robberies and other types of assault, such as rape and house invasions are increasing but they are still not that common. Tourists should extremely cautious around areas known for expats. These are often the target for muggings and robberies. Always get a taxi to and from bars at night, never walk the streets after dark. African cities in general are not safe for tourists at night.

Terrorism Risk


In March 2016 Ghana’s National Security Council announced that Ghana was taking enhanced security measures due to attacks elsewhere. Keep in mind that these attacks could be indiscriminate, including places visited by foreigners.There have also been terrorist groups in west Africa performing attacks since 2015 in Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Mali, targeting beach resorts, hotels and restaurants.

Scams Risk


People in Ghana trying to scam you is not a rare occurrence. They usually do it by posing as someone else. Thefts by individuals posing as airport staff frequently occur at Kotoka International Airport. Always keep in mind that legitimate members of airport staff should have identification cards with their name and photograph. If there are no photographs on their cards, they're frauds.There have also been reports of individuals posing as police officers and extorting money from tourists, or incidences of individuals approaching travelers before the main arrivals area claiming to be the traveler's driver or contact. After the tourist enters their car, they extort money from them.

Women Travelers Risk


When it comes to women traveling on their own, they are often the target of crimes such as muggings, bag snatching, pickpocketing, etc. These crimes mostly happen in crowded places and beaches, but women should be mostly cautious at night and avoid going anywhere after dark. They are often the targets of sexual assaults or petty thefts. Africa is not particularly safe for women to travel alone.

So... How Safe Is Ghana Really?

Ghana is a relatively stable country, a gem in a region where peace, stability and low crime rates are not very common.

However, there are some issues when it comes to the crime that tourists should be aware of.

Pickpocketing and mugging, even though not as common as in other African countries, exists and you should be vigilant for any dangers or possible incidents.

Avoid walking alone at night, since Ghana is not a safe country for tourists at night.

Foreigners, even during the daytime, are often the target of thefts and muggings.

Watch out for your belongings at all times.

There have been many reports of valuables being stolen on Ghana’s beaches since they are the main hotspot for thefts and pickpocketing.

These crimes also happen in markets, tourist attractions and other crowded places.

Another issue in Ghana is individuals posing for official personnel on airports or train stations and then extorting money from tourists.

There have also been reports of passengers in taxis being robbed by drivers.

You should always look for identification cards with the name and photograph of the individual providing you with their service.

Identification cards without photographs are not valid.

How Does Ghana Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



A visa is necessary for all travelers intending to enter Ghana. Your passport should be valid for at least six months before and after applying for the visa. However, if you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Ghanaian cedi is the official currency in Ghana. If possible, avoid using credit cards in Ghana, since there is a growing number of tourists that have experienced credit card fraud.



Ghana has a tropical climate, being located on the Gulf of Guinea, only a few degrees north of the Equator. The weather in Ghana is predominantly hot all year long, with some variations depending on the country's region.



The busiest airport in Ghana is Kotoka International Airport, located in Accra, the country's capital. The second busiest is Kumasi International Airport, located in Kumasi.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Ghana, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems, but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Ghana Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 29° C
Feb 29° C
Mar 29° C
Apr 29° C
May 29° C
Jun 27° C
Jul 26° C
Aug 26° C
Sep 26° C
Oct 28° C
Nov 29° C
Dec 29° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Where to Next?

59 Reviews on Ghana

  1. A
    Anonymous says:

    Absolutely not a safe place my daughter was attack

    1. T
      Travel Enthusiasts says:

      Anonymous that very unfortunate but 1 attack dosent rule out the whole country. Ghana is totally safe

    2. A
      Anonymous says:

      Are there no prisons in your country? Which people are kept there? Criminals! You can be attacked in your home country. We read of serious crimes in USA and other countries. Ghana is relatively safe.

    3. a
      anonymous says:

      do not assume ghana is not a safe place. You are just trying to bring negativity into people’s heads about the safety in Africa. You can say that about South Africa, Libya, Somalia, Kenya, Eritrea and Nigeria, but do not start saying lies about countries you have not lived in/Temporarily stayed in.

    4. N
      Nana Yaw Quayson Anthony Hon. says:


      We are sorry about that…. Ghana is like any other country in the world that crimes can totally be killed, I know USA,UK,CHINA etc that boast of high security system but crimes grows high day by day….. you only have to be careful and friendly to the people of Ghana.
      Ask your daughter what really happened because GHANA IS PEACE AND PEACE IS GHANA

      1. I want to go to Ghana one day

        1. A
          Anonymous says:

          Im planning to visit it also, just want to know about the protocol now because of the covid-19

          1. I loved Ghana

            I’m from the United States and lived in Ghana for 3 months. I never felt I was in danger. I went everywhere from between Accra and Hohoe/Jasikan. The people were great

          2. K
            Kobby Pink says:

            I’m a Ghanaian and it is safe out here

          3. I would like to visit Ghana in January 2023, a little nervous. Accra is one of the places and going south as well

            Can any one tell me about their experience staying there. Is it safe??? I live in Canada Thanks.

      2. W
        William says:


        My wife and I spent 10 days in Accra. Had a wonderful time.

    5. C
      Colin P. says:


      Ghana is a nice place, but do not let your guard down. Though people are generally friendly, do not be deceived: you are still in a third world country where people can take advantage of you if given the opportunity. I consider myself relatively street smart, yet I was robbed at Aflao. So much for being a safe country!

    6. Well I guess then we should rule out all European countries as well as not being safe to travel. Unless there has never been an attack on tourist in Europe?

      If anyone finds a country where women can walk alone at night let me know and I will move my family there.

      1. D
        Deborah Luik says:

        Head for Rwanda now! I don’t know about the schools but it meets your first criteria. Alternatively you could move to Japan.

  2. A
    Anonymous says:

    I been to accra Ghana by myself many times I haven’t had no problems with the people there

  3. Wonderful place with wonderful people. One of the safest countries in Africa. Like any country anywhere else in the world, be vigilant and cautious.

    1. T
      The dim reaper says:


      Tell any country that is safe!!

  4. s
    sir emmanuel says:


    i traveled from nigeria to ghana by road and i enjoy the stay there.

    ghana is safe enough.
    i love ghana currently am ghana

  5. Visa problem

    Problem with visas at Ghana Embassy. Do not apply for a single entry visa more than 3 months in advance, before you visit. They will process the visa and it expires 3 months from your APPLICATION date OR DATE THEY RECEIVE IT. Regardless of your itinerary travel date. Case in point visa was requested March 8, expired June 8th and travel date was June 29. The visas of $60 per person were worthless and they could not board their flight. Lesson here is, read the small print word for word. Therefore the visas were of no value with the date, stamp and signature when it left the Ghana Embassy!!!.

    1. K
      Kaitlin says:

      I’m planning on going to Ghana sometime in the new year. Do I have to get a visa if I’m only staying for 1 week?

      1. D
        Douglas, says:

        Yes you need a visa
        It’s one of the safest places on earth.
        You will love the place.

  6. A
    Anonymous says:

    My wife was attacked and robbed in ghana.
    She was scared for her life for a good portion of her time there. But she is home safe now – Thank God!!

    1. Alot of people not only your wife

      1. 🇩
        🇩🇪 Gigi 🇬🇭 says:

        I I was almost kidnapped in Gomoa Mpota (day 3 of Volunteering) –

        In the moment – In this election year not safe at all!!! I am working with Ghana 🇬🇭 very close – too much violence since June 2020 – because of a Electoral Commission Registration (Presidency Election 07.12.2020)

        1. M
          Moses joohson says:

          Not safe.

          I was mugged and left did not feel safe at all.

        2. V
          Volunteer says:

          What organization did you volunteer for?

  7. W
    Wilfred Mejier says:

    Very safe and the people are friendly.

    What a great country. I can tell you if you go, you’re Ghana have a good time!

    1. My time in Ghana

      Just came back in April of this year 2022 had a wonderful time want to go back and stay a little longer.

  8. T
    Thinker says:

    Ghana is Mother Land so most of Ghanaians are kind and careing .
    We love to help and Welcome foreigners . We always show kindness and make sure our foreign Visitors feel Safe and at Home.
    It is much better if you know someone before you to the whole of Africa . You. Will. Feel Happy . Not Worry about the Native side of Africa IF you have some MONEY

  9. T
    Thinker says:

    Ghana is Mother Land so most of Ghanaians are kind and careing .
    We love to help and Welcome foreigners . We always show kindness and make sure our foreign Visitors feel Safe and at Home.
    It is much better if you know someone before you to the whole of Africa . You. Will. Feel Happy . Not Worry about the Native side .

  10. Ghana Is Very Nice And The People Are Welcoming

    Ghana Is Very Very Very Safe For Travelers It Is One Of The Safest Countries In Africa

    1. When did you visit. I would like to go in January for 3 months. Is it safe?? please give me ideas thanks

  11. A
    Anonymous says:

    Would never go

    Most Ghanians are scammers and liars

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Never go

      Ghanaians are definitely liars and scammers I have first hand experience

      1. You are so right with this, many years ago I dated a Ghanaian man, he was cheap and I must admit that he used me for free meal, I was a single Mom and thought that he was kind, but he wasn’t, so I packed up my apartment and moved to Florida to get away from him because he refused to leave me alone and the police in Chicago refused to do anything to help me with the problems that I was having with him. As it’s said that just how anyone acts at home they act the same way when they go to another house or country.

        1. G
          Great One says:

          yes that was your experience but I was married to a woman in US here o my God it was
          hell wow so we are all not the some in the world we live in.

      2. you just met the wrong people, do not generalise your experience with just a few citizens to the rest of the nation

    2. This is giving me Nigerian vibes. Especially “Ghanians” Shame on you lol

    3. P
      Penelope Pit-Stop says:

      Ghanians are the BEST

      Ghanians are known world-wide for being extremely friendly and kind. I have met dozens of Ghanians and they are lovely people. I didn’t become close to “all” of them – just like any other people – but I clicked with a few who have now been my friends for years. If you go anywhere and look like “a mark” yes – someone will rob you. They do it in the USA all the time especially in places like NYC, Boston, Philly, Chicago, LA and San Francisco. When you behave like an idiot, you are like a beacon of light to the one mugger in a 3 mile radius. In Florence, I watched idiot Americans get pick-pocketed – it was so obvious to me – watching street people work in pairs or small groups. They just weren’t that slick – but they were definitely looking for “easy pickings” If you don’t know how to travel – then stay home. Tourists are easy. They are often flashy and walk around gawking at things. I’m not saying anyone deserves to be robbed or mugged – but at 60 years old – it’s never happened to me. And I’ve got some stories that would make your toes curl.

  12. A
    Armand Belanger says:

    Not safe for tourist & women

    This country has changed, crime and fraud is taking over. Not safe for women traveling alone. Has friendly has the comments posted may seem to be one thing they all agree on is how going out on foot is not safe. That alone should give you an idea just how safe this country is to travel.

  13. F
    Flawsome says:

    We are all not perfect in this world

    Ghana is a nice place with good people as well as bad people and it’s the same with every country in this world. You won’t have it 100% smooth.
    Liars are everywhere in the world
    Scammers are everywhere in the world
    Just because of a bad experience doesn’t mean all the people are like that.
    We can’t be perfect beings.
    Before you say anything bad about a country,first check yours.

    1. G
      George Banson Graham. says:

      That is so true overall Ghana is Generally safe with very few pockets of Violent Crime.
      Night time is dangerous in most Nations.Stay home by 7 PM every night.
      Most of the Big Cities are quite safe but like any other Nation like even in the USA one ought to be careful where one ventures.

      Scammers are found in every Nation of the Globe and Ghana does not have a monopoly on that issue.
      Get Genuine Ghanaian Friends and of course do be weary of Fraudsters both offline and Online.

      I myself was a Victim of a Laptop Scam back in 2019 where I paid 1000 Ghana Cedis but didn’t get the machine I sought for.

      For Students Please be wary of People who approach you with unwanted favours and stay within thy Halls and Dorms away from Scums and Criminals.

      Romance and Gold Diamond and Diamond Scams should be avoided.

      Employment Scams from Ghana should also be avoided especially Online and Even Offline.

      If you are a victim of a crime call the Ghana Police at 00233 193.Toll Free

      The Ghana Police can handle most Reports of Crime in Ghana together with the CID.

      1. M
        Maria Addotey says:

        Safe in Ge eral but be wary at Tourist sites where pickpockets are quite active and Could cause your bags to be stolen.

        In Hospitals and labs be wary ones belongings can be stolen.

        At Folleges and Dorms be very wary of petty theft of money and other items especially Tvs and Computers.
        Petty theft is the numbre one Problem throughout Ghana and the rest of West Africa.
        Also Credit and Debit Card Fraud has become common in Hotels and Even Banking Halls.

        Get informed that is all.

    2. T
      Tiffany says:

      About countries

      I’m going to Ghana in the middle of December all places have crime and fraud why just say negative stuff about Ghana Nigeria and African countries my first time going there what u read and what u see are two different things

  14. C
    Clive Peters says:

    Definitely recommend

    The people are so warm it’s very admirable. Every time I went out I made a new friend watching sports in pubs and having a pint. The night life is vibrant and I enjoyed places like Laboni and Osu. Met some amazing gooners there as well.

  15. K
    Kwadjo Asante says:

    Ghana is safe to visit

    You could be stolen from and frauded in any part of the world!
    Ghanaians are very hospitable and affable. Of course, like every country in the world Ghana is not utopian; it has its share of petty crimes which I must emphasize, are very minimal and unlikely. With some caution and vigil, you’re less likely to encounter any problems in Ghana, even from pilferers and thieves. Thus, Ghana is undoubtedly one of the safest countries you could ever visit.

  16. J
    Jonathan Sarpong. says:

    All the big Cities are safe in General even th e Villages.Get Proper travel Books about Ghana.

    Like going to Israel or Saudi Arabia get informed.Get the right Information about the nations you visit.

    Awareness is the key unless you are blind in sight.Be totally aware of your Surroundings when travelling about.

    Criminals prey on unsuspecting Persons that travel inland or outland.

    Ghana has a lot to offer visitors so get the right info.
    Ghanaians are also victims of 2008 a Gh Businesswoman was scammed by a Malaysian Computer user in Kuala Lumpur losing about 9000 US Dollars.

  17. Ghana is great

    I was in Ghana for 2 weeks and I loved it….. super friendly people , no problems with Uber and taxi drivers…. I’ll be back soon….. even thinking of buying me a house there.. is fantastic…..if you never been to africa visit Ghana it’s is a very nice place

  18. b
    barbara says:

    it is the best you can find in Africa

    Ghana is not bad as people see it. its just the internet that sometimes make it look as such. its one of the best places in Africa one can visit. just be vigilant and cautious. there are equally bad people everywhere. Every country is dangerous so just get a guide who will show you around. people keep saying its not safe but a lot of foreigners were here during year of return and other festivals. i usually host foreigners and make sure they are very comfortable.

    1. J
      James Bedu Kodjo Eric Graham says:

      Well said.

  19. K
    Kelvin Kwesie says:

    Crime rate is increasing.

    Ghana is changing. Robberies are becoming more and more common especially in Accra. The good thing is they don’t kill you if you don’t challenge them. We sleep in fear every night.

  20. Enjoyed Ghana

    Being an Irishman, I visited Ghana 3 times and enjoyed each time.
    Went up north to Mole Park to see elephants in their natrual surrounding, Paga to see crocodiles. Tamale was very hot.
    But I didn’t have any real issue, I had a Ghanaian guy accompany me to guide me and had great craic.
    Visited Accra and Tema to see my guide’s home and his family members who made me feel at home.

  21. I was thinking about meeting my Nigerian husband there in the next few month I’m beginning to have second thoughts

  22. K
    Katelyn says:

    Amazing people

    Never felt I was in danger and I tend to panic from everything. The locals were all smiling and happy to be of help, no need to get a guide, look for places and things to do in the city you stay, you’ll find your way around it in a matter of minutes.

  23. Beautiful culture and friendly people

    Ghana is a safe place for the most part but it does have certain regions in some cities that are very dangerous. I wouldn’t give it a 73 on the safety index. Maybe a 60. You generally have to be careful and watch your belongings, especially your smartphone as that’s one of the first things thieves go after. There are pickpockets and thieves as I’ve seen them up close.

    Are there more than in other countries? Maybe, especially recently (in the past 2-3 years things have started going a bit downhill). And yes, I’ve also heard about people posing as taxi drivers and then just stopping somewhere and robbing you. Haven’t experienced it myself but it happens. Make sure to only use taxis from known companies. I have also seen and heard of people that pose as airport staff (among others) and try to take your bags or ask for bribes for who knows what. Be careful and use your judgment and don’t just give your things to anyone who asks.

    The people here are almost all very friendly which makes it a great place to visit. People are full of life and energy and will welcome you. The people and their culture is amazing and for some people, Ghana has become their second home. It’s only because of not having enough that some people (a small part) do bad things, just like anywhere else.

    I particularly liked Mole National Park, which is the biggest wildlife in Ghana. More than 250 species of birds live here amongst lions, buffalos, hyenas, elephants and others. Paga Crocodile Pond is a special place, where you can see crocodiles up close and personal and most are quite friendly believe it or not. Accra (the capital) is filled with interesting things to do and visit, from museums to markets. It’s a more crowded place, hosting 2 million residents and can show you a lot of Ghanian culture.

  24. M
    Meta F. says:

    Accra and Ghana

    I have been to Accra 3x. My most recent visa experience with the Washington DC Ghana embassy was frustrating.

    This time round I paid for ’10 year’ visa for each – $750 USD total for 3 people, expedited. Expedited still took 3 weeks to have passports back in hand.

    AND, the embassy gave us each 5 years, not 10 for which I’d paid.

    There is NO way to get hold of anyone at the embassy other than ‘live chat’ – and good luck with all the holidays they take, half days, time difference.

    You may have a 1 hour window to get hold of someone.

    Why does Ghana require a USA citizen to get a visa at all!? This ‘visa’ is road block #1 in getting more tourists from America – which they’d hoped to get in 2019 for the Year of the Return.

    Not many are willing to spend that kind of money on visas, and if you go the normal visa route, your passport could be held hostage for 2 months.

    But, nonetheless, we are visiting in December 2022.

    The economy is bad right now in Ghana, the president has destroyed the economy and the people are irritable, to say the least, and I don’t blame them.

    The Cedi has crashed, worth nothing now, and believe me, most want you to pay in USD anyway.

    Ghana has requested another bailout from the IMF, they simply cannot get their country running the way it should run.

    Bribery and thievery from government will never end on the continent, but these days with instant news and media the people are becoming less and less tolerant and much more educated.

    Don’t rule out anarchy and a coup in the near future.

  25. J
    Jahbruce Oyiborode says:

    I too love Ghana

    If no be because of serious poverty, the way things cost for nigeria, and financial hardship, I for done go Ghana by now. I want to spend my whole life in Ghana and I regret been borne in nigeria

  26. B
    BusinessAndPleasure says:

    Neither here nor there

    Accra is relatively calm. This did not fool me into going out at night unaccompanied, or being tourist-daft.
    The people are super friendly, but not very unreliable, in terms of punctuality and service etc.
    I did not feel safe going for walks, running etc, so I just used a gym. I used Uber several times but didn’t generally feel warm and fuzzy – the service runs efficiently but the cars were most beat up, with windows down because the air conditioning did not work. This can be problematic in traffic jams. The drivers also all held their phones in their hands while driving, to look at directions. Sometimes, seatbelts worked.
    Driving is horrendous.
    At the mall and supermarkets, there was no one hustling me like in Turkey or Nigeria.
    I stayed away from open markets and tourist spots.
    If you have business to do here, or really want to come visit, come. The crime rate is not prohibitive, but you do need to observe caution. In general, women should exercise greater caution, but that is the same in most places in the world. You are a target for what is between your legs. I would love a world where that is not the case, but for now? it’s just not.

Ghana Rated 3.81 / 5 based on 58 user reviews.

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