Is British Virgin Islands Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
British Virgin Islands
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 93 / 100 based on 3 user reviews.

The British Virgin Islands, also known as the Virgin Islands, is a British overseas territory in the Carribean Sea located to the east of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands and north-east of Anguilla and consists of 4 big islands as well as other 50 smaller ones.

The so-called hybrid culture of the islands is a result of a mixture between European, African and Carribean elements as a result of their immigration to the island.

But this allowed people to develop from different prospectives build a well-functioning tourism industry.

Warnings & Dangers in British Virgin Islands

Overall Risk


Although almost all visits to the islands are trouble-free serious incidents do take place on the island and this is one of the main reasons why you should be very attentive.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Even though they have a wide range of transport vehicles that can meet the requirements of the tourists, taxi is considered to be the most reliable method from a variety of perspectives, but still, secure yourself. Car rental is not the safest method as there are terrible drivers on the island that can cause accidents.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpockets are often met here as it believed to be a very popular touristic destination and a great piece of advice would be to try not to look very expensive and keep a close look at their belongings.

Natural Disasters Risk


The hurricane season in the Carribean normally runs from June to November and it is recommended to follow the advice of the public authorities in this kind of situation.

Mugging Risk


There are few cases of mugging that are known, but still, this does not mean that we should be fearless.

Terrorism Risk


Even if there is no historic data of any terrorist attack happening on the islands, these can not be ruled out and you should get prepared.

Scams Risk


There are scams cases on the islands but these could be easily avoided through using your common sense and trying not to get easily influenced.

Women Travelers Risk


As it is considered to be a safe place for all travelers, it can also be considered one for women, but you should wisely choose your accommodation and always tell someone about your plans.

So... How Safe Is British Virgin Islands Really?

Even though it is claimed that the islands are safe for tourists, there is always a piece of uncertainty that should be taken into consideration and be always prepared to take all the necessary actions in order to avoid unpleasant events.

For you as a tourist just keep in mind to always try to look very simple and not expensive, keep a close look at your belongings and try not to walk alone in not so populated places.

It is believed to be a dangerous place if not informed therefore we consider that you should be aware of the presence of scorpions on the island and for this reason, it is advisable to check your shoes when putting them on.

Also, if you love fishing you should know all the rules and laws introduced by the state as the authorities ban the people who are illegally fishing on the island.

If you are planning on renting a car on the island, it is recommended to secure yourself and drive reglementary as locals are not the best drivers who love speed and therefore create unpleasant situations.

The tourism industry has developed drastically in recent years which means that the security system has also been changed and as a result of following all the pieces of advice you will be safe while enjoying your vacation.

How Does British Virgin Islands Compare?

CountrySafety Index
British Virgin Islands89

Useful Information



British nationals do not need a visa for visiting islands, but all other citizens are issued with an entry stamp for a month.



The official currency of the British Virgin Islands is the U.S. dollar.



The climate of the islands is tropical, which means that it is hot all over the year and you can enjoy warm and sunny weather in every season and there is no great difference in temperature between seasons.



Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport is the main international airport in the region that operates a wide range of flights.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

As it is always recommended to have travel insurance while traveling, no matter the destination, British Virgin Island is not an exception and also always check all the updates made by the public authorities regarding health-related updates.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

British Virgin Islands Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 25° C
Feb 25° C
Mar 25° C
Apr 26° C
May 26° C
Jun 27° C
Jul 27° C
Aug 28° C
Sep 28° C
Oct 27° C
Nov 26° C
Dec 25° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Where to Next?

3 Reviews on British Virgin Islands

  1. S
    Sarah Bryant says:


    The British Virgin Islands is BEAUTIFUL! My husband and I went here this year for our honeymoon. It was a bit of a mess because of COVID but we managed and went when there were downward patterns so we could avoid most of the hassles. I loved spending time on the beach. I felt as if I was living in a painting. We are going to go back for your 5 year anniversary and I can’t wait!

  2. J
    Johanna says:

    Seafood everywhere

    Seafood is a big part of the food you will get to eat there so if you’re allergic, stock up on your anti allergy medicines or bring some snacks! Some restaurants purely serve seafood so ask ahead or research the menus before going in. I can’t wait to go back there though! We just did a quick trip, I would love to stay longer.

  3. Have fun, the BVI rock

    Most of the people I’ve encountered were helpful, decent and honest. They really know how to do tourism the right way, you won’t feel like something’s missing.

    I would stay clear of the beach after dark, regardless if you’re traveling alone or not. If there’s an event or party on the beach then, by all means, go, otherwise I wouldn’t spend the late hours on the beach.

    We stayed on Tortola and just went to nearby islands on day trips. This worked best for us since island hopping allowed us to better experience the whole area and do more than just laying around in the sun all day long. You could rent a catamaran for this but make sure to double check the weather.

    If we were to come back we would choose St. John for its snorkeling and diving and skip island hopping altogether. I know people tend to opt between St John and St Thomas but for us the first is the best choice by a longshot.

    I’ve found zero threats, both on land and on the boat. Everyone was accommodating and for obvious reasons you won’t feel like a walking target like you might feel in crowded squares in big cities. I just avoid having expensive jewelry or accessories along with wads of cash. This along with simply being aware of who is around me was enough to keep me safe, regardless where on the BVI I found myself.

    Are you a foodie? Go for a food tour. Do you love the outdoors? Go hiking. A bit of underwater fun? Snorkeling and diving are sure ways to keep you entertained. Jost Van Dyke with its Soggy Dollar is THE place to go for a great drinking session.

    Friendly place, seemed very safe and you won’t get bored with so many islands around.

British Virgin Islands Rated 4.67 / 5 based on 3 user reviews.

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