Is Tonga Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 73 / 100 based on 3 user reviews.

Toga is an archipelago consisting of 169 islands from which only 36 are populated, located in the southern Pacific Ocean.

Far back in history with the injection of the Western population on the islands the culture of the inhabitants has been dramatically influenced and as a result, most of their traditions have been thrown away and other new have been adapted instead, which are interesting to be discovered.

The official spoken language on all the islands is Tongan and English, which means that from this perspective you will be easily interacting with locals.

Warnings & Dangers in Tonga

Overall Risk


Overall it can be claimed that it is a safe destination for tourists if all precautions measures will be taken into account and choose wisely your accommodation.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transport infrastructure is not so developed on the islands and as a result, traveling facilities are not available on all islands, but if available these are considered to be safe. However, domestic aviation systems are considered to be not the safest ones.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpockets are often met here and therefore it is advisable to keep a close look at your belongings especially on your documents and try if possible not to carry all you have with you but instead store them in a safe place.

Natural Disasters Risk


Tonga is part of the Pacific ring on fire, which means that it is located in a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that can in the end cause tsunami, therefore it is advisable to get familiar with all measures that should be taken in case of emergency.

Mugging Risk


There is an increasing number of violent crimes in the country, meaning that in order for you to avoid such unpleasant cases you should opt for not walking alone at night is not so populated places and take all measures to safeguard your possessions as well as yourself.

Terrorism Risk


Even if there are no historical records of terrorist attacks happening on the island these can not be ruled out and the only solution to this would be to follow the advice of public authorities.

Scams Risk


There are scammers on the islands but these could be easily avoided through using your common sense and not being easily influenced.

Women Travelers Risk


As it is considered more of a romantic destination it is really a low chance of you getting harmed, but still, this does not mean that no measures should be taken for preserving your safety.

So... How Safe Is Tonga Really?

Overall it is a safe destination for you as a tourist from almost all perspectives, but it is advisable to take all measures in order to preserve your safety and security.

In recent years with the development of tourism on the islands the cases of robberies, thefts, and crime, in general, have increased, which means that you as a tourist should choose wisely your accommodation which will ensure that all your belongings are safe also it is recommended to always have a mobile phone from which in case of emergency you will be able to call.

Another major drawback of the islands is that their transportation routes are not so developed and as a consequence, the most frequently used mean of transportation by tourists is the taxi and therefore it is recommended before taking one to agree on the fees and check their license.

There are some registered cases of air travel incidents and therefore international authorities have established a list of safe airlines, however, the absence of one does not mean it is not safe it just indicates a reduced level of safety.

Taking everything into account and following all the above-mentioned pieces of advice you will be able to safely enjoy your trip.

How Does Tonga Compare?

CountrySafety Index
New Zealand90
United Kingdom77

Useful Information



It depends on your citizenship whether you need a visa or not, but all the required information is clearly provided by the web-site of the public authorities.



The official currency in Tonga is the so-called “Pa’anga”.



The climate of the islands is tropical which means that there are two seasonal weather observed.



There are six airports on the island that operates a wide range of international flights.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

As it is always recommended to have travel insurance while traveling, no matter the destination and Tonga is not an exception.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Tonga Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 27° C
Feb 28° C
Mar 28° C
Apr 27° C
May 27° C
Jun 26° C
Jul 26° C
Aug 26° C
Sep 26° C
Oct 26° C
Nov 27° C
Dec 27° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Where to Next?

3 Reviews on Tonga

  1. J
    Josh Smith says:

    How is terrorist risk medium? You clearly do not know much of Tonga

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      because sense there have been none that does not mean there is none you should always beware of your surroundings

  2. Wanna go back so bad…

    Female solo traveler, I had the time of my life in Tonga! The water, the sand, the people, everything was picture perfect, way better than I prayed for. Everyone needs to experience the beauty of these islands at least once in their lifetime. I feel like most people always choose super popular destinations just because they’ve seen them on insta. People, there’s tons of amazing places, book a different location next time, preferably one that’s not Maldives.

    No scams, no petty theft, no unwanted looks, people just mind their own business which allows you to mind your own business.

    Because I traveled alone I paid even more attention when I visited a nightclub. Meaning I didn’t overdo it with the alcohol, never allowed my glass to get out of my sight and just ordered a taxi when I was done partying. Walking to the hotel, regardless how close you might think it is, is not ideal.

    If you plan to do a lot of swimming I would advise you to exercise caution and listen to the hotel staff. Jumping head first in the water might get you a room in the ER, that is if you’re lucky They have super strong currents, currents that might overpower even the strongest swimmer.

    For a huge whale lover like myself the fact that I was able to swim with whales made the whole trip worth the long flight, the jetlag, the overly pricey accommodation and so on. Flashing your fancy camera might impress people but it might also put you in the front set of a quick and effective robbery. Do yourself a favor and keep it under wraps until you actually need it. The same goes for your phone, drone, wallet. Don’t act like a douche and you will be left alone, simple as that.

Tonga Rated 3.67 / 5 based on 3 user reviews.

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