Is Moldova Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 58 / 100 based on 8 user reviews.

Moldova FlagMoldova : Safety by City

Moldova is a small country located in Eastern Europe, north of the Balkans, squeezed in between Romania to the southwest, across the Prut river, and Ukraine to the northeast.

Moldova doesn’t have a good reputation with tourists, and during the last decade it was famously called the ‘least happy place in the world’ in the bestseller The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World, and apart from that, it’s considered to be one of the poorest countries in Europe.

However, in the past couple of years, Moldova managed to start shedding that bad reputation, and more and more tourists are considering this picturesque country as a charming weekend destination.

Green hills and picturesque landscapes with woods, vineyards, and villages, are ideal for biking.

When you go to Moldova, you can also visit its monasteries, wineries, and nature reserves.

It’s got its safety issues but generally, it’s a rather safe place to travel to.

Warnings & Dangers in Moldova

Overall Risk


Overall, Moldova is a relatively safe country to visit. Not too popular with visitors, it is a country where tourism is only starting to develop. Moldova has its issues concerning crime rates and organized crime, but it is mainly safe and if you apply the basic precaution measures, you will minimize the chances of something going wrong.

Transport & Taxis Risk


The most reliable means of transportation is the bus - it will get you to most parts of the country. Chisinau is the main transportation hub for the country. There are three bus stations that serve every city and town in Moldova.The fastest form of transport is small minibusses which seat around 15 people. Larger buses also exist and are safer, because they travel at slower speeds.Be aware that taxis from the airport may charge more than originally expected. Tourist should only use official "yellow taxis" to avoid getting overcharged.

Pickpockets Risk


The biggest threat to travelers is petty theft, such as pickpocketing and bag snatching. This generally occurs in the usual areas of risk like crowded city streets in Chisinau and on buses and trains. Some tourists have even reported items missing from accommodations, so use common sense and be wise when handling money.

Natural Disasters Risk


Moldova is located in a seismically active area and small earth tremors can happen; they are recorded throughout the year without consequence. The last significant earthquake occurred in 1986, causing fatalities and damage to buildings.

Mugging Risk


It is known that some Moldovans dislike minorities and will verbally and sometimes physically harass them. Some tourists of other races have even reported being denied entrance into certain clubs and restaurants or harassment by the police. Violent theft is rare, and so is kidnapping but you should stay away from unlit parks and dark alleys when muggings could occur.

Terrorism Risk


There haven't been any terrorist attacks in Moldova's recent history, but they shouldn't be ruled out. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Scams Risk


Watch out for taxi drivers and restaurant or bar staff overcharging you for everything. Negotiate everything in advance and never pay upfront. Always ask to see the menu prices in writing before ordering.ATM scams have also started happening with tourists reporting unauthorized transactions, most likely from skimming devices or hidden cameras stealing pins. The solution for this could be to never use an ATM on the street but to get your money from the ATM inside the bank.Unfortunately, police officers might also try to extort money from tourists. It's common for them to ask to see your passport; you can show it to them, but try to avoid handing it over. It might be expensive for you to get it back.

Women Travelers Risk


Moldova is not the safest option for solo female travelers. Use your common sense and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid wearing purses and do not walk alone or ride in taxis at night.

So... How Safe Is Moldova Really?

Moldova definitely has its safety issues since it’s been, for a long time, the least visited country in Europe.

However, it’s slowly starting to shed that reputation even though these problems call for precaution measures.

Many say that Moldova people are very friendly and warm, but Moldova’s per capita alcohol consumption rate is among the world’s highest.

Running into drunks especially at night is common.

Most are friendly but they often come off as aggressive, trying to invade your personal space.

This can be scary the first couple of times, but if you politely walk away and try to ignore them, they probably will too.

When it comes to crime, there is some petty crime in Moldova, as well as violent crime, but it is also infamous for organized crime.

Organized crime groups in Moldova are responsible for human and drug trafficking, and there are even some reports that more than 400,000 women have been trafficked from Moldova since the country’s independence in 1991.

It is also the main shipment point of drugs into Western Europe.

There isn’t much the authorities are doing concerning this issue, however.

They do care but the lack of adequate equipment prevents them from implementing thorough investigations.

Even though bribery and police corruption are still problems in Moldova, the situation is improving.

It is recommended that tourists have the number of their embassy with them as well as the contact information of where they are staying.

Tourists have also reported that it’s possible to pay your way out of traffic violations in Moldova, be it real or imagined by the responding officer.

How Does Moldova Compare?

CountrySafety Index
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Visas are no longer required to enter Moldova if you plan on staying less than 90 days. However, the authorities in Moldova have strict penalties (including deportation) against foreign visitors who overstay the terms of their visas. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Moldovan leu is the official currency in Moldova. Unfortunately, there are more and more ATM scams in the country, so it is best not to use ATMs on the street. Also, be careful when handling money on the street and exchange it in national banks, preferably.



The climate in Moldova has four distinct seasons: winters are cold and snowy, springs and autumns are mild, and summers are warm to hot.



Chișinău International Airport is Moldova's main international airport, located 13 km southeast of the center of Chișinău, the capital city.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Moldova, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Moldova Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan -2° C
Feb -1° C
Mar 4° C
Apr 11° C
May 17° C
Jun 20° C
Jul 22° C
Aug 22° C
Sep 17° C
Oct 11° C
Nov 5° C
Dec 0° C
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Moldova - Safety by City

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8 Reviews on Moldova

  1. K
    Kevin G. says:

    Be careful and you'll be fine

    A few friends and I traveled to Moldova last year to take in some of the scenery, food, and whatnot. We can handle ourselves fine, we aren’t small guys. With that being said, we ran into a number of issues with local drunks just as you mentioned. Some were just getting too personal and too “in your face” while others were actually trying to pick a fight. One of them said they specifically hated Americans. My one friend Joe, however… He got into an altercation. The local officials sided with us thankfully. Other than this, we had a fantastic time and recommend it to anyone.

  2. Q
    Quinn Lesley says:

    Really excited to go here!

    I have wanted to go to Moldova for several years now. I am making a point to visit all of Europe but I had been told to wait on going here a few years ago. If my biggest concern is friendly drunks, I think I can manage just fine! I have a long line of Irish blood in my heritage after all.

  3. Moldova

    I Will definitely go to Moldova.It is Safe!You should have put Low for Mugging. But Moldova is safe.

  4. J
    Just a girl from Moldova says:

    Not true

    Compared to countries like America, Mexico, cities like Paris, Barcelona …. Moldova is probably the safest place of all.

    The crime is extremely low. People don’t shoot left and right like in the USA and people here don’t own guns like in other countries where every family owns a gun, that says a lot about the country.

  5. A
    Are you sure you visited Moldova? says:

    Omg! I am very sorry that you had that experience, it seems like you’ve visited another country, not Moldova. We never had problems there, it’s one of the safest places I’ve ever been.

    My friend from Mexico was filming the kids on the street, she was shocked that they are going to school by themselves. The locals are so nice, the food is exceptional and of good quality. You described it as a cartel. It’s a post-soviet country, they are very conservative.

    They won’t jump on you and smile if they don’t know you, they are very sincere. Once they get to know you, they will give you their house and their bed.

  6. “Some tourists of other races have even reported being denied entrance into certain clubs and restaurants or harassment by the police. ”

    This is really a rather silly observation, since almost all foreign tourists will be ‘of other races’ by definition. I suppose there may be some people of Moldovan origin who are visiting from abroad who wouldn’t be ‘of another race’, and I suppose Romanians are closely related enough to blend in.

  7. T
    Tourist says:

    Try to avoid this country (questionable rule of law)

    If you are thinking about going to Moldova, I’d suggest that you avoid it.

    Step 1. Border control.
    Communication with the border control staff was very difficult, not because of a language barrier, but just because they didn’t care to answer our questions.
    – After they collected the passports, they asked me to fill out a standard form (name, address, phone, etc.). After I filled it out, they said that I might be refused entry and did not explain why, but hinted that it was due to my citizenship (no, I’m not Russian, but even if I were, there are no laws that ban all citizens of any country from entering Moldova without adequate grounds);
    – There were no more questions to me afterwards, and after half an hour, without my presence, they brought my passport back with a refusal stamp and documents. They did not respond to my questions about the reason for refusal, either just remaining silent or answering something like “you can read about it later in the internet.”
    – Most flagrantly of all, they put different reasons for refusal in the documents they gave us and in my passport – and again, they refused to comment on this.
    Just to note: I haven’t been to Moldova before and haven’t had any violations of laws anywhere else, and I had stamps from about 15 countries in my passport.
    There was no obvious suggestion that they wanted a bribe, but I also can’t be sure that wasn’t the reason for all this.

    Step 2. Appealing
    By law, it’s possible to appeal that decision… in a court located in Moldova. When I wrote to the Border Police with a detailed description of the situation, they answered in a week without any word – only attaching a standard file where they claimed that the letter should be signed with an electronic signature… again, a Moldovan one.

    I’m not complaining now – actually, I’m quite happy I didn’t end up going to this country, seeing how the rule of law functions there. I’d avoid dealing with it entirely.

  8. s
    someone says:

    its fine not much happened

Moldova Rated 2.88 / 5 based on 8 user reviews.

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