Is Amman Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Amman, Jordan
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 84 / 100 based on 5 user reviews.

Amman is the capital and largest city in Jordan.

Besides the fact that it has four million inhabitants, the city is generally reasonably well-organized and people are very friendly.

It is divided into the eastern part of the city, which is the area of the working class and is much older than the more modern western part.

When visiting Amman, you should go to Roman Amphitheatre, art galleries and Jordan Museum, or try its delicious cuisine.

Districts like Weibdeh, which is a very nice area for entertainment or Dabouq, a very wealthy area, are both safe and interesting to visitors.

Warnings & Dangers in Amman

Overall Risk


Even though there are certain risks in Amman, it is still considered as the safest capital in the region. Pickpockets are operating in crowded areas, the risk of mugging and scam risk exists, but there are no reports of serious criminal acts against tourists recently.

Transport & Taxis Risk


The public transport is dangerous because of the high risks of terrorist attacks that might occur there. Also, rush hours should be avoided and if you decide to take a rental car, make sure you have extra liability insurance for your car. Yellow and grey taxis are available and can be easily found anywhere in Amman, while white taxis are shared, and they have a specific route. You should ask the driver to turn on the meter. Never accept lifts from strangers.

Pickpockets Risk


Crime level when it comes to pickpocketing is medium, which means that occasional bag snatching and theft from cars happen, so tourists need to be vigilant and keep their money and passport in a safe place. Jordanian police are doing its best to protect people from thieves.

Natural Disasters Risk


The risk of natural hazards exists and floods can occur during winter. Jordan is located in an active earthquake zone and rockfalls and landslides can occur.

Mugging Risk


The fact that there is almost no kidnapping or mugging risk in the city does not make it fully safe since terrorist groups operating in Syria use kidnapping as a tactic. The ransoms are considered to make the hostage-taking even more developed.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorism risk is very high here and attacks could occur anywhere, especially in places visited by foreigners, particularly hotels, shopping malls, and tourist sites. The authorities in Jordan are doing their best to stop the terrorist groups from attacking and have successfully prevented several planned attacks.

Scams Risk


There are very harsh punishments for criminal acts, but still safety level is medium. Some scams are made by the taxi drivers when the meter is in fils, not in dinars, and vendors sell goods as they are handmade, when in fact they are imported from abroad. Scammers can be found in tourist areas, targeting single women travelers and are aimed at stealing money.

Women Travelers Risk


Jordan is a Muslim country and Jordanian people are mostly very welcoming to any foreign visitors. Still, reports of cases of sexual assault against foreign women are increasing recently. Female visitors should avoid traveling alone even during daylight hours, and consider dressing modestly when in public.

So... How Safe Is Amman Really?

Regarding the fact that Amman has a location score of 53 when it comes to safety, it is not such a safe place to visit.

Even though people consider that it is safe to walk anywhere in the city at any time of day or night, precaution is obligatory.

Serious crime is extremely rare, but the terrorist threat exists.

What is even worse is that the extremists have expressed a desire to attack targeting Western visitors in Jordan.

Considering the fact that it has a population of more than 4 million inhabitants, generally speaking, the state of criminality in Amman is moderate, with the most common threats like pickpocketing and bag snatching.

If you are a watchful and experienced tourist, the chances of running into trouble are rare.

How Does Amman Compare?

CitySafety Index
Sao Paulo (Brazil)45
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)43
Sofia (Bulgaria)73
Siem Reap (Cambodia)63
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)61
Niagara Falls (Canada)87

Useful Information



When coming to Amman, a valid passport and a visa are required. You can get a single entry visa valid for 1 month on arrival at the airports, and if you decide to stay longer in Amman, you can extend your visa up to a maximum period of 6 months. If you overstay your visa you will be fined. If you have previously visited Israel, this might cause some difficulties when entering Jordan.



Jordanian dinar is the official currency of Jordan. Cash machines can be found throughout Amman, as well as ATMs.



Hot summers and short winters are characteristic of Amman's climate, with a minimum of 6°C in January and 38°C in summer. Winter lasts from the end of November to mid-March and snow occasionally falls once or twice a year. The most rain falls between October and April.



Most travelers to Amman come via Queen Alia International Airport, located in east Amman, a few kilometers beyond the railway station. This is the largest one in Jordan, used by approximately 40 airlines from around the world.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

A travel insurance policy that will cover both medical problems and theft is the important fact when visiting Jordan.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Amman Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 9° C
Feb 10° C
Mar 13° C
Apr 17° C
May 21° C
Jun 25° C
Jul 26° C
Aug 26° C
Sep 25° C
Oct 21° C
Nov 15° C
Dec 10° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Jordan - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

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5 Reviews on Amman

  1. E
    Ewan Maher says:

    Terrorism alert exaggerated

    The last time Amman had a terrorist attack was in 2005. Even Australia has had a few terrorist scares and minor attacks (car ploughs, 2014 siege, stabbings), and yet you don’t put that country on high alert. Sure, Jordan is surrounded by countries that spawn Islamic terror, but so far it has been pretty safe.

  2. A
    A local Woman says:

    This review is inaccurate and not reliable..
    The most dangerous thing that can happen to you in Jordan is getting overcharged for things in local shops for being a foreigner (doesn’t happen everywhere).
    As for women chances of being catcalled is somewhat high depending on the place you’re in. For example: in Amman, Salt, Madaba and tourist spots you can wear whatever you want and if someone does sth that makes you uncomfortable you can call the cops on them, or even yell at them I assure you that other locals will help you out (Catcalling is illegal in Jordan and is enough to charge someone).
    I would advise women to wear modest clothes in other cities like Zarqa, Irbid, Mafraq.. local women get sexually harassed so I would assume that foreign women might stand out more in the streets.
    If you’re traveling with a male companion the chances of getting catcalled or sexually harassed are probably down to 5%.
    Other than that, terrorist attacks and mugging don’t exist in Jordan! What would Syrian terrorists be doing in Jordan?

    1. You know nothing about Jordan. Walk alone at night in Zarqa and tell me what will happen.

  3. L
    Local Jordanian says:

    Wrong Ratings

    Amman is probably safer than all of Europe, these ratings are completely inaccurate.

  4. ...

    The city is classified as safe from New York, Washington and Madrid and it is one of the security of countries in the world but some there is exaggeration but a warning I have visited Jordan 5 times and it was beautiful

Amman Rated 4.2 / 5 based on 5 user reviews.

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