Is Zimbabwe Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 78 / 100 based on 11 user reviews.

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located Southern Africa, sharing its borders with South Africa to the south, Botswana to the Southwest, Zambia to the Northwest, and Mozambique to the east and north.

What is truly stunning about this country, making it a top tourist destination is the fact that the Zambezi river forms the natural boundary with Zambia and when in full flood (which usually takes place from February to April) the massive Victoria Falls forms the world’s most impressive water curtain.

The Victoria Falls are a major tourist attraction and one of the greatest natural wonders in the entire world, which makes Zimbabwe a country where tourism flourishes.

Apart from the great Victoria Falls, there are other tourist highlights in this country, and it is truly a destination of many wonders.

There are the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, the gorgeous Lake Kariba, and two major cities: Harare and Bulawayo.

Move further to the east and you will find the so-called Eastern Highlands, a country ideal for smaller pleasures like fine walking and fishing.

It is actually sometimes so breezy that during certain parts of the year, the grass in the morning is trimmed with frost.

Move away and go to the west, and you will find the Matopos National Park, known for the famous jumble of granite rocks.

Warnings & Dangers in Zimbabwe

Overall Risk


Zimbabwe is, for the most part, a safe country to visit. However, it does have an extremely high rate of both petty and violent crime, though it's mainly ridden with petty street crime. You should be vigilant and take all possible precaution measures in order to minimize the risk of getting stolen from.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Means of transportation in Zimbabwe are limited and not very reliable. Driving in Zimbabwe is not recommended since the driving conditions are really bad and the country is filled with irresponsible drivers. Taxis are available, but be wary as drivers might jack up prices for tourists. Always negotiate the price before your ride.

Pickpockets Risk


There is an extreme threat to petty crime. Pickpockets are an everyday occurrence, so you should be extremely careful when handling your valuables and never carry your money in a purse or a pocket. Never carry all your money in the same place, and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, the greatest risks in Zimbabwe are the floods that are known to kill people and leave large numbers of homeless people, causing irreparable damage.

Mugging Risk


Violent crime is also a common occurrence in Zimbabwe and you have to be very careful. If you are visiting Nyanga, you should avoid Pungwe Falls, Mterazi Falls, and the Honde Falls, as there have been many instances of armed robbery, theft, all kinds of assaults, and attempted rapes reported at these sites.

Terrorism Risk


There haven't been any recent terrorist attacks in Zimbabwe's recent history, but they shouldn't be ruled out. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Scams Risk


Scams are an everyday occurrence in this country. There are a number of scams performed on tourists, and the locals use every situation to try and get money from you. Double-check everything, and negotiate everything in advance. Be careful when taking a taxi and make sure they use the meter or negotiate the ride before getting into the cab.

Women Travelers Risk


Zimbabwe isn't the safest place for a woman to be visiting alone. If you do, be sure to avoid remote streets, both during day and night, and do not flash your belongings or handle money in public. Stay out of the streets at night and be vigilant for any possible dangers at all times.

So... How Safe Is Zimbabwe Really?

Zimbabwe is a somewhat safe country to visit.

Currently and during the past couple of decades it has hit a rough patch and its troubles aren’t over.

Due to bad economic conditions and the fragile government, many have turned to crime so petty theft is very common as is a violent crime, such as muggings, bag snatching, and carjacking, especially in urban centers and tourist areas.

Bear in mind, when exploring the country, that many tourists have encountered trouble precisely in areas frequented by tourists: for example, many tourists have been robbed and even killed while visiting national parks.

You are advised to always move in groups, preferably with an organized tour group.

Avoid being on the streets at night – you may become targeted by criminals.

Another issue to watch out for is bad traveling conditions.

Many crimes happen precisely on the roads.

Theft from vehicles is common and you are recommended to drive with your windows up and your doors locked.

Also, when driving, do it without flashy valuables as criminals are known to target cars that stop at intersections.

Tire slashing is also a common occurrence as are accidents due to irresponsible driving and many local reckless drivers.

At night, they usually avoid stopping at red lights and then just proceed after checking the road is clear.

How Does Zimbabwe Compare?

CountrySafety Index
South Korea82
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Many countries do need a visa to enter Zimbabwe. Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival in Zimbabwe. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



The Zimbabwean dollar is the official currency in Zimbabwe. Visa is the preferred card for ATM cash withdrawals, though MasterCard is becoming more and more used and accepted.



The climate in Zimbabwe varies from region to region. Generally speaking, there are two seasons: a dry season, including a short cool season lasting from May to September when there's very little precipitation; and a rainy season, with heavy rainfall lasting from November to March.



The Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, formerly known as the Harare International Airport, is the largest and busiest international airport in Zimbabwe. It is the base of Air Zimbabwe and is located in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Zimbabwe, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Zimbabwe Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 22° C
Feb 22° C
Mar 21° C
Apr 19° C
May 17° C
Jun 15° C
Jul 14° C
Aug 17° C
Sep 20° C
Oct 22° C
Nov 22° C
Dec 22° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Zimbabwe - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Victoria Falls60

Where to Next?

11 Reviews on Zimbabwe

  1. A
    Anonymous says:

    For the most part this has lies in Zimbabwe if someone gets mugged it becomes breaking news maybe scams but most of the info here is lies.

  2. Zimbabwe

    Y’all , I’m Zimbabwean myself and who visited most tourist places mentioned in this article , the country is for sure safer than this article thoughts. Visit some parts of Joburg South Africa if you wanna see a real Hollywood movie scene in front of your eyes and if see that it be thankful coz you still alive.

  3. T
    Tellmore says:

    Don't miss the chance for an Amazing Experience in Zimbabwe

    My review is rather detailed, but more information is what we want, right!
    Firstly, the ‘Mugging Risk’ is quite exaggerated. Violent crimes are low in Zimbabwe and criminals hardly carry guns or any other weapons. Zimbabweans are generally very peaceful and welcoming, not violent. They are also generally very hard working, well educated and intelligent so they use their heads, rather than violence, to cope with the current economic hardships facing the country. That’s why you are more likely to encounter scam artists and pick pockets.
    And come on, reckless and irresponsible driving?… that is found in every country- unless you’re attributing it to some of the roads, which can be bad.
    As for ‘Tourist Killings’, as stated above, please be very clear! The only tourist killings in Zimbabwe are sadly as a result of wild animal attacks, when tourists get too close. This is unfortunately expected of all wild animals in the rest of Africa and the world as a whole.
    For more, go to World Nomads and follow these steps: Home- Travel Safety- Southern Africa- Zimbabwe.
    Thank you.

    1. Bad drivers

      Regretfully, from some of the most courteous drivers in the world Zimbabwe drivers are now amongst the most irresponsible and reckless That is a fact and I experience it every day on the roads of Harare

    2. C
      Christian says:

      I agree with you, I have been to Zimbabwe many times.
      They are lovely people.

  4. D
    Desmond McCready says:

    Increasing crime in Zim

    I got married (to Zimbabwean lady) June 2019 and have to say at that time never once felt unsafe anywhere in Zimbabwe.
    Over the past couple of years however it is very evident that crime has increased significantly in Zim – particularly knife crime and even gun crime/armed robberies etc which the local police don’t seem to be able to get a handle on.
    My wife was just informed in the early hours of this morning that her eldest brother was stabbed at a market in Zim yesterday and was in hospital and we are praying he makes a full recovery.
    Zimbabwe is a beautiful country and the people are overwhelmingly kind and welcoming to tourists so it is still rare to hear of visiting tourists being attacked or killed.

    1. I get the feeling that they don’t attack people from other countries unless they know they can get away with it. This is why it is very rare. I have been to Zimbabwe 5 times in the last 15 or so years and never had an issue. I think it is a beautiful place and most people are very kind and welcoming.

    2. J
      James Bedu Graham says:

      Africa in a positive light.

      Yeah very much so.
      Most tourists are safe with low numbre of victims you know.
      This is a bonus for most Tourists out there.

  5. T
    Titus feya says:

    there are bad roads not reckless drivers

    This artcle is biased…. Can’t say anything more
    It i is misleading our visitors

  6. Safety in Zimbabwe as a tourist

    I would view Zimbabwe safer than what the article is insinuating. There are rare circumstances where one encounters violent crime, especially a tourist. The problem you could encounter, in Harare or Bulawayo CBD could be pick pocketing. I am yet to hear of a tourist who was killed by a person and not by wildlife, or one who was robbed. The roads are bad in Zimbabwe, though recently the government has been concentrating on road rehabilitation. The bad driving cited comes from the need to avoid potholes and also congestion at non working traffic lights at CBD intersections. Overaly, Zimbabwe is a safe country to visit and stay.

  7. Z
    Zim local says:

    I would say the article is 85% percent true ,unfortunately rape ,assault and robbery do happen but mostly in the more densely populated areas, the suburbs and tourist attractions find less if any cases ( if you are a tourist I guarantee you will be safe as long as you avoid the CBD, there have infact been no cases of tourists being killed by a local and if you just use your head and practice basic caution I promise, you will be fine). Floods aren’t as severe or common as the article suggests the most recent large scale flood Zimbabwe experienced was cyclone idai in 2019 and most deaths were due to the unpreparedness of the locals ,because they were informed beforehand that a cyclone was coming.

Zimbabwe Rated 3.91 / 5 based on 11 user reviews.

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