Is Trinidad and Tobago Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Trinidad and Tobago
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 65 / 100 based on 25 user reviews.

Trinidad and Tobago FlagTrinidad and Tobago : Safety by City

Trinidad and Tobago is a country consisting of two Caribbean islands located off the northeastern coast of Venezuela.

This country is known as the most prosperous and industrialized in the Caribbean.

Surprisingly enough, tourism is not the main industry in this country which makes this country a paradise on Earth for nature lovers as the natural beauty of these islands is completely unspoiled by the human hand, a quality not common in other Caribbean countries.

The two islands of Trinidad and Tobago are completely different from two different qualities to them.

Trinidad is the larger one and is where the country’s city life is centered.

If you’re more about that city vibe and activities like shopping, sight-seeing or experiencing a night out in a strange country, Trinidad is your island.

It’s also where the country’s industrial center is, thanks to which Trinidad and Tobago have a reputation of the most prosperous country in the Caribbean.

Tobago, in turn, is the tourist paradise, and tourism is actually the main industry here.

That isn’t to say that you shouldn’t visit both, as they both have their share of unique beauty.

Warnings & Dangers in Trinidad and Tobago

Overall Risk


Trinidad and Tobago is a country definitely not known for safety and you should take into consideration both the high rate of petty crime as well as the high murder rate in this country. Tourists are filled with disturbing stories from Trinidad and Tobago, but if you take all precaution measures, you might just have a good time.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transport is not very safe and reliable in Trinidad and Tobago, and it seems pretty chaotic and unpredictable. While you're standing at a bus station, waiting for a bus, you might get asked if you need a lift by many cars passing by. Never enter them, and your best bet is to either learn the bus schedule by heart or rent a car in this country, keeping in mind to always drive with the windows up and never leave your valuables in sight.

Pickpockets Risk


Petty crime is definitely common and ever-present in Trinidad and Tobago, but, unfortunately, it is not the country's greatest problem. Again, you should apply all possible precaution measures and remain vigilant at all times, making sure not to flash your belongings in crowded places such as bus or train stations, or public transport.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, they haven't been known to cause severe destruction to this country. Hurricanes have hit Trinidad and Tobago in the past, though rarely, and severe storms are common.

Mugging Risk


Violent crimes such as muggings, robberies, kidnappings and other kinds of assaults keep happening in this country. If you're going somewhere after dark, which is not recommended, be careful that someone isn't following you. If you're staying in a villa or other kinds of accommodation, make sure your building security is tight. In this country, you can never be too cautious, so just make sure you're safe wherever you go.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in Trinidad and Tobago. Although there have been no recent terrorist attacks in Trinidad and Tobago, over 100 Trinidad and Tobago residents have traveled to Syria and Iraq in order to fight with Daesh and are likely to pose a security threat on return.

Scams Risk


There are many scams in Trinidad and Tobago, the most popular being the ATM scam - particularly in Trinidad. A thief uses X-ray film to make a pocket that is placed in the card slot of the ATM, so that once you insert your card you can't withdraw your money, or eject your card. While you're standing, you're helped by a "good Samaritan" who tells you that the way to fix this problem is to type in your PIN backward. The person who tells you this is probably watching your PIN while you're typing it in, and when you leave without your card, the thief removes the x-ray film, takes your card and inserts your PIN. Apart from this, street vendors and cab drivers might try to cheat you and rip you off if you are not careful.

Women Travelers Risk


Women are definitely at high risk when visiting this country. There have been reports of sexual assaults, rapes and at best you will get hassled by male attention on the streets. It's best to say a polite "good day" or "good morning" than to ignore them completely, but you should never walk around Trinidad and Tobago alone.

So... How Safe Is Trinidad and Tobago Really?

The reason this country has a bad reputation with tourists, when it comes to safety, is the fact that it has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and you should keep this in mind more in Trinidad than in Tobago, which is surprising given the fact that Tobago is more frequented by tourists.

Areas to avoid are Port of Spain, areas east of Charlotte Street, East Dry River, Belmont, and Laventille.

Back in the day, crime on the streets of Trinidad and Tobago used to peak during the Carnival (that lasts from January until March) and around Christmas (period from October to December), but in the past couple of years, crime is ever-present and people have to be very careful all year round, though recently this has ceased due to the shift in government.

And though this island has some pretty disturbing statistics when it comes to crime and violence towards tourists and many horror stories from other people’s experiences are circling, making this country an unpopular destination with the travelers, there still are ways to minimize the risks and have a good time here.

The golden rule is to try and resist the temptation to search for remote beaches far away from other tourists and travelers.

You should definitely strive to stay where the crowd is, as this is probably the only place where criminals won’t target you.

Isolated beaches you should avoid because crimes have been reported there are Englishman’s Bay, Las Cuevas, just beyond Maracas Bay, and King Peter’s Bay.

How Does Trinidad and Tobago Compare?

CountrySafety Index
Trinidad and Tobago43
South Korea82
Czech Republic88

Useful Information



Some countries do not need a visa in order to enter Trinidad and Tobago for any stays shorter than 90 days. Make sure your passport is valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Trinidad and Tobago. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need a visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Trinidad and Tobago dollar is the official currency in Trinidad and Tobago. ATMs are widespread throughout the country, and many banks have drive-through ATMs and credit cards are accepted in most establishments.



Trinidad and Tobago have a tropical climate, and is hot all year round, with two main seasons - the dry season, from January to May and the wet or rainy season, from June to December. During the rainy season, mornings are sunny, with rainy afternoons that ensue.



Piarco International Airport frequently referred to as Piarco International is an international airport serving the island of Trinidad and is one of two international airports in Trinidad and Tobago. The airport is located 30 km east of downtown Port of Spain. The other is A. N. R. Robinson International Airport, located near the town of Canaan, about 11 km from the capital, Scarborough.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Trinidad and Tobago since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Trinidad and Tobago Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 26° C
Feb 26° C
Mar 26° C
Apr 27° C
May 28° C
Jun 27° C
Jul 28° C
Aug 28° C
Sep 28° C
Oct 28° C
Nov 27° C
Dec 26° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Trinidad and Tobago - Safety by City

CitySafety Index
Port of Spain55

Where to Next?

25 Reviews on Trinidad and Tobago

  1. T & T is not a Paradise anymore

    I am a Trinidadian now living in the USA. I remember a time when I could go to a club on Saturday night, leave the club at 2AM and head into St James for some food. We would hang out and eat until about 4AM and then head to the beach. Las Cuevas beach was the spot because there was a back “road” (muddy 4-wheel necessary track) that we used to get directly onto the beach. On the beach, we’d get a 1-2 hour nap before heading into the water. My girlfriend (now my wife) and our friends did this for years and never had an incident. Those were the great old days!!
    I’m older now, my mom is retired and still lives in Trinidad and my wife and I visit every 3 years. The last time we went to Trinidad (Nov. 2017), my mom had a List of Dos and Dont’s for us. She felt that it was time we accepted the reality that Trinidad was not the home we once knew and loved. Here is the list:
    1. Purchase T&T Currency from Bank or friends and family only.
    2. Borrow, rent or hire a car while in country to travel – do not use public transportation.
    3. Pay attention to all around you at all times.
    1. Do not use public transportation.
    2. Do not go out after 10PM or stay out after 10PM.
    3. Do not go to beach before 8AM and stay pass 4PM.
    4. Do not us U.S. currency to purchase anything in Trinidad – always buy with T&T currency.
    5. Do not wear jewelry while walking the streets.
    6. Do not carry a handbag or wallet. Always keep monies spread about your body – some in your pocket, your underwear, your shoes, your bra, etc.
    7. Do not use cell phone excessively on the street – it’s distracting.
    8. Do not leave anything of value in plain view in your vehicle.
    9. Do not park on the street – Use paid parking lots or garages.

    1. It has it good areas and bad areas like every country.

      I used public transportation while I was there for a month and when I was there for three weeks again. Never hired a taxi. Nothing happened. I used my handbag but did not walk with a lot of money and left important papers home. I just had my money in my bag. Yes, do not wear expensive jewellery. Blend in with your look. A lot of people are very paranoid especially older people. Are there thousands of criminals roaming the streets. Just be cautious as you would be in New York city. Like everywhere else in this world there are areas where I would never go. Find out where those areas are.

      1. K
        K. Barton says:

        Fun Rejuvenating

        I was there in Feb 2016 for three weeks…I had no issues..santa cruz, st james..stay in familiar areas or roll with ppl from there that are not into trouble n u shld be just fine.

    2. A
      Anonymous says:

      Marrying a lady from Trinadad and relocation

      Hello I am Musa by name from Nigeria please there is something i want know is their ladies setting people up? Because i have been dating a lady online and she is disturbing me to come to Trinadad and marry her but i told her am not going to stay there she said we will stay together in Trinidad. I need your advise please

  2. J
    Jason Mzsaz says:

    Take Some Care

    Trinidad and Tobago are two very different islands. If you’re travelling from a sanitised European or North American type city then you may be surprised at how dirty and run down a lot of places are. This is common to both islands.
    I keep reading that public transport is not safe, but I assume this advice refers to Maxi Taxis – just Maxis – which are a bit on the rough side and as a white traveller I often got funny looks, but never any travel. If you want a taxi, then your better phoning someone who is recommended although I have used street cars as well with no problems. Buses between the major conurbations of San Fernando, Chaguanas and Port of Spain are good and cheap. They are mostly air conditioned an quite comfortable. There is also a water taxi service between Port of Spain and San Fernando which is quick and reliable.
    Travelling between Trinidad and Tobago is cheap and easy either by a very short flight or a ferry crossing of about 3 hours. The ferry is extremely dirty and often unreliable. It is either late or doesn’t go at all, which is very frustrating.
    I never experienced any crime. Murder rates are extremely high, but they are mostly restricted to gangs in depressed areas. The biggest problem I suffered on that side was aggressive beggars.
    There are people constantly trying some form of scam on you, but if you are sensible this can be avoided.
    Food, particularly street food is amazing in this country thanks quite a diverse range of cuisines. Pubs and bars are a lot of fun whether you partake in alcohol or not and are relatively inexpensive.
    If you’re reasonably sensible and keep your wits about you, Trinidad and Tobago is a great country to visit. People are generally friendly, helpful and very welcoming.

    Keep your wits about you and you’ll have a great time

    1. k
      knowing says:

      bad info to tell people you be fine… don’t tourist Trinidad

      1. My brother and sis in law were murdered in their home in Tobago a few year so we will NEVER visit
        To us IT IS NOT SAFE

    2. P
      Phillip says:

      A twin island state of confusion

      Not sure why anyone will choose Trinidad for a vacation.

      They are trying too hard to be like Miami and the food there is mediocre. People are not friendly. Service is not in their culture and everything is a joke to them.

      There are many islands in the Caribbean but none such as this twin-island state.

  3. Thisis very true . Citizen.

    I live here and if i had a choice i would not. Carnival is violent especially leading up to the events. Locals are robbed . Killed by other citizens and this is to get money to attend parties.

  4. 2
    2019 citizen says:

    misleading review just be cautious

    Unfair rating the fact that Honduras is rated safer to travel speaks for itself….doe with it problems Trinidad and tobago is generally safe for tourist just know the does and donts
    be cautious after dark
    Always travel with a register taxi or in groups
    No reported terrorist attack has taken place in over 29 years

    1. A
      Allan R. says:

      A more realistic view

      The “Warnings & Dangers in Trinidad and Tobago” part is accurate except for the Terrorism part.Once folks stay away from the Hotspot areas and take the same safety precautions you would take in any other country, you’ll be fine. Aside from crime , you have to deal with archaic, poor and slow customer services with Government offices (immigration and legal affairs specifically), lack of freedom and privacy in general , expensive hotels that aren’t worth it and ridiculous prices in some restaurants and most supermarkets .T&T makes up for all of this with their cuisine,music and culture. A melting pot of nationalities and highly creative people.

  5. Its bad but not this bad

    Some of the details in this article are exaggerated, i live in Trinidad and it’s not bad. There are a few bad spots but there’s no reason to go there, our fenders and taxi drivers aren’t scam artists and you’re safe to take a car passing on the road as long as it has an H on the number plate, Also there has never been a terrorist attack in this country for the 20 years I’ve been living here and majority of the murders that take place are gang related so tourists have nothing to worry about.

  6. A
    Angela Robertsn says:

    Do more research and get your facts right.

    OMG, I cannot believe this write-up. Granted that crime has taken a surge, albeit a small surge, it is in no way as the writer as described us. I have lived here for 59 years and still feel quite safe. Wow, wish some people who tend to write or be “influencers” get their facts right. What terrorist attack have we had?? and then to say that Honduras is safer…. well please. Go do the math. Talk to foreign celebrities who have come and will continue to come for our Carnival.

    1. hello there we are planning to visit T & T coming year can you please guide which place in T & T is better to stay /

      1. A
        Anonymous says:

        stay where you are.

  7. Exaggerated...

    Been in Trinidad 2 times for work. Although I didn’t explore that much I didn’t feel unsafe at all and I would take any chance I can to go back there! I stayed in PoS but spent most of my time in Chaguana, went out for lunch, strolled around and no one was trying to scam me or anything. I did a trip to Maracas beach and same there, no one tried anything on me. For people heading there for business trips I would recommend to arrange for a driver picking you up at the airport, the hotel you’re staying should be able to help you with that.

    The only thing preventing me from putting 5 stars is the fact that people did advice me not to wonder around when it was dark and to be cautious about my surroundings.

    Finally, thanks Trinidad for the hospitality!

  8. M
    Mike Sheen Neutron Brozowski says:


    They don’t sell mandarin oranges at grocery stores.
    You can only find cute boys in the rich neighborhoods.
    Too much crime like jeez chill.
    No concerts from international artists. BOO.
    Pollution. Need I say any more?
    Creepers. Aw man.
    Some druggies on the streets which give me the heebie jeebies.
    That’s not even the tip of the iceberg tbvh



  10. k
    knowing says:


    You Could be kidnapped as a tourist and human smuggled through Venezuala. but apart from that, have a good time!

  11. High crime

    T&T has changed within the years. It is not as safe as it use to be. Crime has increased drastically.

  12. P
    Phillip says:

    Trying too hard to be Miami.

    If you want a cultural experience then you will have to venture towards the rural areas in the South of Trinidad.

    The North is pretentious and tries too hard to be Miami. It’s an island that screams “LOOK AT ME” It’s a status-driven society whose identity changes like the tides that kiss its shores.

    Tobago is great for birdwatching but the beach bums are a filthy nuisance. Visitors are viewed as targets and not treated with a warm safe welcome.

    The Caribbean is a lovely place to visit but not Trinidad and Tobago. Good luck.

  13. It’s not safe

    I’m a Trini and I can say that Trinidad is not a safe place. Too many murders and gangs fighting for turf. Too many innocent people getting murdered and robbed. If gang was killing gang then ok but gangs killing innocent people just for walking in their neighborhood. If you living in south you can go to laventille it’s like Peter paying for Paul. You can’t even go out once it gets dark in Trinidad. Trinidad is a war zone. This is 2022 and I’m not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel for Trinidad.

  14. Had no trouble there

    Been to both Trinidad and Tobago in 2018, travelling alone. Only after booking I realized how high crime in that nation is, which made me a bit anxious, almost regretting my decision.
    In Tobago I rented a car, and explored the western half of the island by car. Made some friends among the German and Austrian expats there and had a good time. Never felt threatend at all in any way. Locals as well as expats were friendly and helpful, the other tourists were mainly honeymooners from Trinidad, because I was traveling outside of tourist season. Food was good and quite affordable.
    Before going over to Port of Spain, I had asked everyone that seemed trustworthy about where to go or not to go in the capital, and they warned me of some places.
    When arriving in Port of Spain I also asked my taxi driver, which was a friendly, helpful and trustworthy guy and the manager of the small hostel in Woodbrook where I stayed about safety concerns and they again warned me of some places, Laventille, etc.
    Heeded their advice and explored Downtown, Woodbrook, Queen’s Park Savannah Area and part of Saint James by foot and on my own without going too far east. Never felt threatend in any way, and everyone I ever met was friendly and genuinely helpful. Actually been to a lot of places with a much safer reputation and got into more scary situations (Cambodia, Bali). Had some excellent street food (Trini as well as Jamaican). Never went out late at night – not after 9 or 10 pm. Never got drunk or otherwise intoxicated.
    Overall it was a short, but very enjoyable vacation and I am determined to return to T&T at some point in the future.
    Not sure if I was just lucky, or if the precautions I mentioned are enough just enough to make the travel experience a safe one. Not sure if things have changed in the four years.

    1. D
      Daphney says:

      Thank you ill be going solo soon

  15. No Exaggeration!

    Not exaggerated
    I know first hand from a friend and his wife were shot in front of their kids in an attempted robbery and car theft. He was shot in the neck and she was shot in the abdomen. All suffered from trauma and stress thereafter.

Trinidad and Tobago Rated 3.24 / 5 based on 25 user reviews.

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