Is Haiti Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 75 / 100 based on 40 user reviews.

Haiti FlagHaiti : Safety by City

Haiti is a Caribbean country located on the western third of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

One of the dominating beauties of this country is that its north exits to the North Atlantic Ocean, while its southern parts boast the Caribbean Sea coastline.

And even though Haiti has had difficult years in the past and problematic history, its tourism industry has started improving since the 80s after its dramatic descent that occurred in the 60s.

This Caribbean country is slowly gaining the reputation of a tourist hot spot, with new resorts and luxurious facilities emerging quickly.

If you’re traveling to Haiti, you should bear in mind that this nation, although beautiful as it is, it is extremely poor.

If you’re a sucker for adventure and a revolutionary spirit with an open mind and a thirst for exploring, Haiti is perfect for you.

However, if you’re searching for a destination to visit with your family, you should probably stick to resorts and richer areas like Pétion-Ville

Warnings & Dangers in Haiti

Overall Risk


Generally speaking, Haiti is not a safe place to visit. Keep in mind that many people have reported that there are no safe places in Haiti. If you do visit, stick to maximum precaution measures.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transport is definitely not safe in Haiti. Upon arriving, make sure that no one is following you, as criminals have been known to watch people arriving and then following them and attacking them. The same thing applies to people withdrawing money from banks or ATMs. Apart from this, public transport has been known to be the site of many criminal actions, stabbings, murders, robberies and kidnappings, so avoid using public transportation, including “tap-taps” by all means.

Pickpockets Risk


The poverty in Haiti is present everywhere so it is, of course, highly advised against walking around looking like you have money. The situation in Haiti is crushing so it’s no wonder that people will try and steal from you if you look like a target with money. Apply maximum precaution measures in order to minimize the chances of getting stolen from.

Natural Disasters Risk


In the past, there have been numerous natural disasters hitting Haiti, such as cyclones, hurricanes, tropical storms, torrential rains, floods and earthquakes. The hurricane season is between June and November.

Mugging Risk


The chances of getting mugged or kidnapped are high in Haiti. By all means, avoid walking around Port au Prince alone, particularly at night, and if you do, stay away from the insanely high crime level slum areas Carrefour, Martissant, Cite Soleil, the Delmas road area, and Petionville.

Terrorism Risk


Even though there haven't been any terrorist attacks in Haiti’s recent history, they shouldn't be ruled out. Tourists are advised to remain aware of their surroundings at all times.

Scams Risk


As you would expect in a country ridden with crime like Haiti, people will probably try to scam you. Be wary of anyone using tactics in order to distract you. Double check your change and negotiate everything in advance. Be careful when entering any taxi vehicles and agree on the price in advance.

Women Travelers Risk


Haiti is not a safe place for women to travel to. Do not go anywhere unaccompanied, and under no circumstances leave your accommodation without company after dark. Women are easier targets and there have been many reports of sexual attacks, rapes and robberies.

So... How Safe Is Haiti Really?

The level of crime in Haiti is so seriously high that many tourists refer to it as “beyond horrific”.

There are virtually no safe areas in this country, and you shouldn’t relax anywhere in Haiti – the risk of violent crime is very real everywhere, and this refers to assaults, armed robberies, murders, kidnappings, rapes and any combination of the above.

When it comes to kidnapping, its rates remain “incredibly high” though it’s been said that it declined since 2006.

People are still being kidnapped in Haiti on a regular basis, while at work, traveling, off the streets, at home – whatever the situation, you are not safe from ending up in this situation.

Many people that ended up kidnapped had applied precaution measures, but they weren’t enough.

What’s worse, many of the kidnapped people reported being tortured or sexually assaulted before being let go.

The main motivation behind kidnapping people is money and ransom.

What you should watch out for are gangs in Haiti, as criminals usually tend to work in groups of two to four.

These are also incredibly dangerous, and they practice robberies and home invasions, seriously hurting or even killing people along the way, believing that it lessens the target’s opportunity to resist.

Be very, very careful.

Just handing over everything you have – in case of a robbery or mugging – might not be enough to get out of the situation unharmed.

These people might try to hurt you just because they can.

How Does Haiti Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Most countries do not need a visa to enter Haiti. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months past the date of your return from Haiti. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



Haitian gourde is the official currency in Haiti. Most major cities have ATMs, but keep in mind that they often run out of money or stop working. Credit cards are usually accepted in most establishments in the capital but rarely elsewhere.



Haiti’s climate is generally tropical, characterized by hot and humid weather. Fog and drizzle brought by the north winds interrupt Haiti's dry season from November to January, and from February to May, the weather is very wet, making it a wet season.



Toussaint Louverture International Airport is the busiest airport in Haiti. It is located in Tabarre, a commune of Port-au-Prince in Haiti.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we advise getting travel insurance when traveling to Haiti, because it would cover not only medical problems, but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Haiti Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 27° C
Feb 27° C
Mar 28° C
Apr 28° C
May 29° C
Jun 30° C
Jul 30° C
Aug 30° C
Sep 30° C
Oct 29° C
Nov 28° C
Dec 27° C
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Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Haiti - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

Where to Next?

40 Reviews on Haiti

  1. c
    come2haiti says:

    Haiti is very safe with a tour, resort or Royal Caribbean Labadee

    Haiti is very safe if you go with a tour, a resort such as Royal Decameron or the Royal Caribbean Cruise line that stops at Labadee, Haiti. If it is your first time in Haiti, it is suggested to do one of the latter. In addition, the gorvernment of Haiti a few years ago invested in a tourism police force.

    1. Excellent point and the truth.

    2. J
      Jeremiah says:


      I have been to haiti, and none of this is true. Haiti is a little unstable, but is a totally fine nation to visit. in haiti, they speak Haitian Creole, not French. I went to A-no, which is a very kind lovely village, but not the best town to visit. If you are looking for an amazing trip to a nation, go to haiti. Research the nation before you go. It is currently unstable now, but go to haiti this summer!

      1. I have been to Haiti many times, it’s not as bad as they make it seems. This is negative publicity for the country. I am currently planning on going back.

      2. J
        Judicaelle Celestin says:

        I agree with you. I don’t know why media always spread lie on Haiti. What is their problem?

        1. P
          Paul A Cormier says:

          Haiti is wonderful. Just don't flaunt your wealth.

          I agree. I’ve made over 40 trips to Haiti. I’ve never had a problem. I’ve spent a night in Cite Soleil with my rental car being fine. I purchased my house from a guy that lives in the La Saline. I’ve visited Vil de Dye. No problem. I have a house, a school, and a tiki hut on the beach in Leogane. The people of Haiti are wonderful.

        1. A
          Anonymous says:

          Eh bien que ça vous chante ou pas d’aller en Haïti à cause de cet article cela vous concerne mais il y a plein d’endroits en Haïti qui n’ont rien moi même j’irai au Cap-Haitien la semaine prochaine qui est une ville historique et très sécurisée si bien que les touristes s’y rendent jusqu’à présent et n’ont rien senti de tel. D’ailleurs lorsque ma famille ou mes amis de l’étranger vont en Haïti ils passent par là. Il y a plein de vidéos sur le net des touristes qui se rendent au Cap-Haitien et qui se sont senti en sécurité parce qu’évidemment c’est sécurisé.

  2. A
    Abdi Risack Ahmed says:

    The first I like Haiti country Really I love and I will hope to travelled

  3. Exaggeration

    This report is completely dramatized and exaggerated.

    1. It Definitely is. I travelled at night with another person, but did not have an issue. Personally I didn’t like Cap Haitien, but had a great time in Port au prince. I will be going back soon

      1. E
        EvilWhiteMan says:

        Was the other person you travelled with Sean Penn?

        1. d
          dolyclaire says:

          Exactly! love your response.

    2. d
      dolyclaire says:

      I just came back from Haiti on March 4th and it is the truth. I said the same thing that the news was exaggerated. It does depend on where what time and when? I have been going to Haiti every year same time for over twenty years on mission trip and OMG this is the worse I have ever seen Haiti. Shame on all of those responsible. Haitian are resilient people and I am praying that they will survive.

      1. why waste your time like this?
        they are only resilient due to fools wanting to “help” them

        1. Reply

          Why is it foolish to want to help people?

  4. D
    Daniel R. says:

    Good review

    I totally agree with the report you have here, thanks for posting this, now I know what I have experienced in Haiti makes sense and it’s not something that just happened to me.

    1. This just happened to you this whole thing is false I go to Haiti all the time

  5. A
    Ashley Young says:

    Applies to some not all

    I’ll just say it and be the bad person. Some of these apply to ALL tourists and some of these apply to tourists who stand out. It’s a majority Black Country. Not saying crime can’t happen to Black tourists but this is extremely exaggerated for a certain group of people. I’m going to Haiti in March and can’t wait!

  6. F
    Felix Pierre Louis says:

    I’m a black Haitian who is living in the USA and who go back home once in a while.

    Due to misery most of the people there are desperate, therefore if you want to visit Haiti, be careful.

    The Haitian people for the majority of them are friendly, hard-working and helpful, themselves have to be careful as well in their own country because they can be victimized just like the visiting foreigners.

    So Haitians are human, but as animals, when they are hungry, they can be very dangerous, so that is the case for the miserable Haitians who represent more than 80%of the population.

    A country with more than 70% of unemployed people, with no income what so ever, The hospitals are inadequate, only 30% of the schools are public, most of the people are undernourished, so if such situation existed in the USA, people would not have been able to walk in the streets of the US cities.

    At least in Haiti, you can walk around safely during day time.

    1. M

      Felix Hi :
      what tempted me to see Haiti detail- and safety assessment : Your Presidents assasination. I was trying to assess the possibility of visit to Haiti. I found all thru the year -weather is excellent and country is beautiful .
      I believe with so many interested people and beauty natural Haiti must engage more in promotion of Tourism with safety. For Eg: We have in India – Goa. Goa is one of the richest safe places to travel with nice beaches, and was a Portuguese colony till 1960. And most of its wealth is by Tourism. Haiti can lead like this for small population of 11 million ! Goa itself will 20 million !
      I saw rich and poor differences hi lighted on Google – but people look to me very beautiful and nice. Hope you overcome the current situation and reach safety and success soon with firm guidance of Politics .

  7. d
    dolyclaire says:

    Keep on praying for Haiti. Hoping for a better Haiti.

    I have been traveling to Haiti on mission trips every February for over twenty years. Upon returning on March 4th 2020, this is what I have to say. Accompany with my two daughters we were in different part of the country each one of us had a different experience. We found that Jacmel and St Marc was the best. Port-au-Prince (capital) the worse. The place looked worse than after the earthquake. It was fitly, scary and people looked horrible. I have no idea how these poor people are able to tolerate such horrible life. Lord please send rescue to all. People are dying of starvation. I really wish that I can do more, but unfortunately with a corrupted government it is very difficult. Haitian are resilient people and I know they will survive this. I vision a better Haiti in the future. Please don’t give up hope keep on praying. I will go back next year. Hopefully it will be better and safer.

    1. R
      Realist says:

      There is no lord. How can you see this suffering and still believe such fairy tales.

    2. A
      Anonymous says:

      You took your daughters there. YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!! Let me take my daughters there so they can run the risk of being raped or worse.

  8. h
    habanai says:

    You are wrong. You have to constantly look over your shoulder. Looking for the white car (kidnaping car) Please if you have not been a victim do not talk and give other people false information. You don’t know stay in the don’t know.

  9. H
    Haiti suck says:

    booo Haiti

    Haiti is very dangerous don’t go!!!!!!!!! kidnaping terrorist attacks never my mom says never ur all stupid!!!!!!!!

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Haïti IS not dangerous evrywhere !!!

  10. Tres Belle .

    Haiti is beautiful. But staying safe should be a priority.
    1..Dont flash money or valuables in the streets.
    2..Stick with legit Taxi companies.
    3..Avoid walking at night or into deserted areas, if possible find a trustworthy guide to show you around.
    4..The police can be corrupt and if your a victim of crime ,it can be a slow process .
    5..Learn some French.

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      So basically the same as New York

  11. Avoid

    If you’re white (blanc) don’t go. You’ll be in danger. Period.

  12. you would need you’re head examined to go to Haiti even if you’re getting paid to go, let them rot down there as they are hopeless as a nation

    1. A
      Andrina says:

      Is Haiti dangerous? Of course it is but do NOT call them hopeless! And let them rot? You’ve clearly never met a haitian before… because they are wonderful hard working, family oriented people who don’t deserve to live like this. The countries who’ve claimed to “help” Haiti have actually hurt them the most.
      Bottom line: Haiti is the first free black republic and they are STILL paying for that freedom, sadly.

      -an Italian lady who won’t let you talk down about Haiti or its people

  13. A
    Anonymous says:

    In Port – Au Prince is not the whole country. Have you heard of Mole. Look it up?

  14. A
    Anonymous says:

    Haiti is a lawless country-Its ravaged with crime and corruption-It would take a miracle to turn things around—Foreign investment will never come if potential tourists and visiting businessmen are not safe—It’s sad stuff.

  15. We made a small stop here while traveling to Jacmel, my wife was impressed with how colorful the city was. I was stricken by the extreme poverty. Yes, if you’re in a resort and have very little contact with the outside world you might not be very aware but the city is in shambles.

  16. I love Haiti so muchhhhhhhh

    I love Haiti. No one can describe my love for this country Haiti. I love it bad ass history and culture. It’s just the best. I will love Haiti forever🇭🇹🇭🇹Mw rinminw anpil ayiti Cherie!!!

  17. E
    El Alaway says:

    im in love with Haitian girl and we love each other we planned to visit her country next year 2023 march .anyone has idea for this

    1. A
      Anonymous says:

      Yess . Visit Cap Haitian

  18. A
    Anonymous says:

    Haitian are strong, they're survivors

    Haiti is no more dangerous than Jamaica, Mexico or even parts of USA eg Camden, NJ, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago or Parts of California where it’s gang infested. However, somehow because Haiti is a country of mainly black people it always gets represented in the media negatively. This propaganda has been going on for decades. The media always shows the negative side never anything good. Haiti 🇭🇹 has beautiful beaches, roaring hills, gorgeous waterfalls, an unmatched culture & history & the most hospitable people around. Now anyone with half a brain knows that No country is all good or all bad. Unfortunately Haiti is experiencing a very difficult time now due to a lot of foreign interference & corrupt government but Haitians are survivors they will not only survive but will thrive in the future.

  19. S
    Sucker4Punishment says:

    If at first you don't succeed...

    This article is so true. My first time in Haiti I was mugged, shot at, almost run over four times and my luggage stolen. The second time I went back it cost me £thousands as they kidnapped my wife and she was only released after I may several payments to the, each one increasing each time. I was also robbed and my passport stolen. The third time I went back, no kidnapping, but I was seriously beaten in a mugging and hospitalised. By the time I got out and returned to my hotel resort, all my belongings were stolen. The fourth time I went back was a bit better as it was just the taxi driver trying to scam me by attempting to take me to a secluded road and then demanding extra money from me to let me go. I paid him half of what he wanted and promised the rest at my destination, but I ran off before he could catch me. The fifth time I went back, robbed, mugged, money stolen at ATM, held at gunpoint in taxi, scammed at 2 shops with my credit card being copied. I am planning my next trip next month and this time I am really going to be cautious. These business trips are really taking it out of me.

Haiti Rated 3.73 / 5 based on 40 user reviews.

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