Is Eswatini Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 84 / 100 based on 10 user reviews.

Eswatini is an absolute monarchy located in Southern Africa.

It is a landlocked country sharing its borders with South Africa in its west and Mozambique in the east.

Eswatini is one of the last absolute monarchies in the world and is, at the same time one of the smallest countries in Africa.

However, despite this, it has a giant heart: its reputation for friendliness is well known as is its interesting natural beauty and variety: it has several large game parks and reserves sponsored by the government.

Until recently it was called Swaziland, and they changed their name to Eswatini.

In comparison with other countries in the region, Eswatini definitely stands out as the most civil and peaceful one, with locals who exude warmth despite what they had to live through.

Namely, this country had poverty problems typical for Africa and apart from that one of the world’s worst AIDS crises.

In the past decades, the situation with AIDS was regulated and Eswatini regained a regular flow of tourists.

Hlane Royal National Park is one of the greatest attractions and the largest national park in this country: here, you can see a variety of wildlife including lions, white rhinos, zebras, elephants, and other rare mammals, not to mention rare bird species.

Warnings & Dangers in Eswatini

Overall Risk


Overall, Eswatini is mostly safe to visit, but it has many dangers that tourists should be aware of. Though it isn't notorious for violent crimes, you shouldn't carry or flash any possessions as this country is poverty ridden and your valuables might attract attention. Apply basic precaution rules to minimize chances of getting hurt.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Traffic accidents are one of the greatest dangers in Eswatini. Tourists are advised to be particularly cautious on the road as there are many road hazards in this country, such as: reckless drivers, speeding, poor lighting, ignoring traffic signals, livestock on roadways, slow vehicles on the road, drunk drivers, drivers texting, poor road conditions and extreme weather conditions (heavy fog, rain, hail).

Pickpockets Risk


Petty theft exists in Eswatini, mostly in the form of bag snatching and pickpocketing. Tourists are recommended to remain vigilant at all times when on the street. Make sure you don't flash your valuables on the street or eat expensive or quality foods in front of people if residing in impoverished areas.

Natural Disasters Risk


As for natural disasters, one of the more serious issues are the hippopotamuses that can (albeit rarely) be found in the Eswatini's rivers, and are one of the more dangerous animals in existence . They usually stay submerged in water during the day, and come out at night. They can be unpredictable and territorial so be vigilant around rivers. Crocodiles are a more common danger when swimming in rivers.Another threat posed by Eswatini's nature is the heavy presence of lightning: this country has one of the highest numbers of people struck by lightning per capita in the world.

Mugging Risk


Muggings and robberies are common in Eswatini; in fact many people have reported being robbed in broad daylight, in front of people, so the presence of other people on the streets is not a sign of any type of safety. Kidnappings aren't common in Eswatini.

Terrorism Risk


Although there haven't been any terrorist attacks in Eswatini's recent history, they shouldn't be ruled out so remain vigilant at all times.

Scams Risk


Scams are very common in Eswatini, so double check your change, never pay anything upfront and negotiate everything in advance. Watch out for people sending you free drinks and never leave your drink unattended.

Women Travelers Risk


Eswatini isn't the safest place for a solo female traveler. If you do visit this country, make sure you don't wear anything of value when walking the streets, and never ever leave your accommodation alone at night. It is best to move around accompanied even during the day.

So... How Safe Is Eswatini Really?

Eswatini is generally safe to visit, but it’s a country of many dangers.

Even though physical violence isn’t very common in Eswatini, walking around at night is advised against, especially outside Mbabane and Manzini where there is almost no street lighting.

As far as your possessions go, tourists are advised to not flash any of them, especially if they’re valuable in any way, and if you are working or traveling in impoverished rural areas, do not eat expensive foods in front of the locals, particularly the children, who aren’t used to eating quality foods, especially if they are AIDS orphans fed within the Sebenta school program.

Speaking of AIDS, Eswatini has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the world, though it’s under control nowadays.

Still, nearly 1 in 3 adults are infected, which is why it is important for tourist to know that if they find romance in Eswatini, they should insist on an HIV test and never have unprotected sexual intercourses.

Another issue to keep in mind is not to ever, under any circumstances, insult King Mswati III or the royal family of Eswatini.

There have been cases of people being shot or brutally injured for having something negative to say about the royal family.

Also, try to avoid all political demonstrations that are known to be held from time to time.

How Does Eswatini Compare?

CountrySafety Index

Useful Information



Most countries do not need a visa in order to enter Eswatini. Visitors will usually receive entry permission valid for 30 days. Make sure your passport. Make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 months from the date of entry into Eswatini and has at least 2 blank pages. If you are not sure about your visa status, visit which will let you know whether or not you need visa based on your nationality and the country you want to visit.



There are two official currencies in Eswatini: South African rand and Swazi lilangeni. ATMs are common throughout the country, while credit cards might not be accepted in rural areas so it is wise to have some cash with you at all times.



The climate of Eswatini varies from tropical to near temperate depending on the area of the country. In general, rain is usually expected during the summer months, often times accompanied by thunderstorms. Winters are usually mild and dry.



King Mswati III International Airport, originally named Sikhuphe International Airport is an airport in Eswatini. It is the only international airport in Eswatini accepting commercial flights with others being private and unpaved.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Eswatini, since it covers not only the costs of medical problems, but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Eswatini Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 21° C
Feb 21° C
Mar 20° C
Apr 18° C
May 16° C
Jun 13° C
Jul 13° C
Aug 15° C
Sep 17° C
Oct 18° C
Nov 19° C
Dec 20° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Where to Next?

10 Reviews on Eswatini

  1. A
    Anonymous says:

    Get your facts RIGHT!

    Please get your facts right people. What is the use of destroying a country’s safety reputation? for facts and info to be rendered under your “warnings and risks” subtopic, kindly contact the Eswatini Tourism Authority (

    1. D
      Dave Statham says:

      Why would you trust the paid mouthpieces of the government?

  2. M
    Marion Judge says:

    Well worth a visit

    As a family of four we’ve just left Eswatini. We had a great time. Not once did we feel threatened and found the locals to be very friendly. There is abject poverty to be seen all round and I was definitely a curiosity with my red hair but I’d happily travel back there again.
    Potholes are everywhere as are cattle, goats and chickens grazing on the sides of the road. You also need to watch out for locals walking on poorly lit roads. We actually found most drivers were excellent.
    In a nutshell we would happily travel back again.

  3. A
    Anonymous says:

    Very Safe

    This is exaggerated. It’s a safe country full of friendly and helpful locals. They may not be so diverse but they’re used to different nationalities so anyone from anywhere will be treated the same. Also the remark about “unlike the neighbouring countries” is ridiculous. In the region out of 10 countries 7 are safe and laid back by all Standards. Obviously South Africa distorts the perception

  4. C
    Chris K says:

    I’m born and raised in New York City. I’ve been traveling to Swaziland for a decade. Safest place I’ve ever been! Friendliest people I’ve ever encountered. I find unbelievable that this site would say anything but that about Eswatini.

    1. R
      Resources for Africa says:

      They have too it’s from Europe people

  5. w
    we the millers says:

    safest country

    i am a swazi born and breed in Eswatini

    most of what is written here is incorrect, especially the review on crime. you can flash all your belongings all you want during the day and no one will touch you and , obviously at night you shouldnt.

    “mugging and robberies” very rare especially to tourists, on that part our police are doing a very good job.

    overall we are very cool people

    1. H
      H. Bryant says:

      Having gone here a few times, to Eswatini… I have had issues. I am not sure if this was down to my appearance or what (I am mixed). I had someone steal my belongings right in front of me and run off with them. Another time, I was mocked by a group of younger men and then one of them made me trip and lose a bag in a body of water near to where I was standing.

  6. M
    Madelyn says:

    Check their markets for handmade gems

    Farm animals mixed with small kids were all around in the rural areas while cities like Mbanane are an eclectic mix of modern architecture and good food. I’ve found it rather safe and a pleasure to engage in conversations with locals, they were always smiling and willing to spend a couple of minutes helping us to get from one point to another.

  7. Been there in 2020… stayed for one month… really enjoyed my stay…very friendly…safe

Eswatini Rated 4.2 / 5 based on 10 user reviews.

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