Is Dubrovnik Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 90 / 100 based on 4 user reviews.

Dubrovnik is an old city in its entirety, located on the Adriatic Sea coast in the extreme south of Croatia.

It is one of the most visited tourist destinations of the Mediterranean, especially after the shooting of the globally popular TV show “Game of Thrones”.

You can even take a tour of the set if you’re interested!

Dubrovnik is considered the jewel of the Adriatic and surely worth the visit.

It’s also often referred to as the St. Tropez of the Balkans, and it’s definitely a delightful destination when you want to escape from your everyday life.

Dubrovnik has also been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.

Warnings & Dangers in Dubrovnik

Overall Risk


Dubrovnik is overall a very safe city to visit, even compared to other tourist cities in Europe. However, there is some petty theft around the tourist landmarks, but using your common sense should get you out of any trouble.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transportation and taxis are generally safe and reliable in Dubrovnik, but be careful when asking taxi drivers for recommendations of clubs or bars as you might get ridiculously overcharged at those places, and be extra cautious on public transport.

Pickpockets Risk


Even though Dubrovnik is not exactly known for pickpockets, it is still recommended to remain vigilant, especially around the popular tourist landmarks of these gorgeous cities, and on the beaches.

Natural Disasters Risk


Dubrovnik is a city located on a seismically active spot, but serious earthquakes are extremely rare. Apart from that, there are no threats of natural disasters.

Mugging Risk


Muggings do not happen in Dubrovnik, nor do kidnappings. However, it is best to avoid poorly illuminated areas and streets filled with bars and clubs because they are usually filled with intoxicated and aggressive people.

Terrorism Risk


Even though there were no terrorist attacks in Dubrovnik's recent history, tourists should remain vigilant and be aware of their surroundings at all times.

Scams Risk


Dubrovnik is a city where you could get scammed, so you should check your change twice, and never let your credit card out of sight. Be wary of people trying to distract you by offering you unwanted help since it might be a trick to steal from you.

Women Travelers Risk


There are no risks for women traveling solo in Dubrovnik. You can relax, but remain careful and stay out of dangerous situations such as finding yourself alone with strange people, or in poorly lit or empty streets.

So... How Safe Is Dubrovnik Really?

Dubrovnik is a very safe, touristy city to travel to.

Crime rates are low: the number of violent crimes is minimal here and the only thing that should concern you are the petty thieves: when walking in a large crowd, be careful of pickpockets.

However, most tourists report that they are much worse in Italy than in Croatia.

When going out, partying, etc, take reasonable caution as you would do in any other place: don’t get in drunk fights and avoid strip clubs at all costs.

They are run by Croatia’s underground and shady characters, often with bouncers ready to beat you senseless if you say you aren’t ready to pay ridiculous prices for what you ordered.

There have been reports of a bottle of champagne costing 2000 euros.

Since you aren’t likely to strike a deal with the bouncers, it’s best to avoid these shady places completely.

If you’re a woman traveling solo, there’s also no reason to worry: Dubrovnik is very safe even at night, but you should still avoid roaming down abandoned areas and streets or hanging out with drunken men or people that you don’t know.

When in Dubrovnik, just don’t do what you wouldn’t do at home.

When at the beaches of Dubrovnik, be very careful not to get sunburns.

Even though there are no ozone holes over Croatia, it’s fairly easy to burn so make sure you use adequate SPF.

How Does Dubrovnik Compare?

CitySafety Index
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)43
Sofia (Bulgaria)73
Siem Reap (Cambodia)63
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)61
Niagara Falls (Canada)87
Calgary (Canada)82

Useful Information



For most countries, visas are not required for stays in Dubrovnik under 90 days. Any longer than that, you will have to obtain a visa. You should also own a password valid for at least six months from your planned date of return. If you are not sure about your visa status, contact your local Croatian embassy where you'll get further information about the visa needed for your country.



Croatian kuna is the official currency in Dubrovnik. ATMs are widely available throughout the city and credit cards are accepted in most establishments such as hotels and restaurants. However, smaller restaurants, businesses, shops, and private accommodation owners will probably require cash payment.



Dubrovnik has a warm temperate Mediterranean climate characterized by dry and warm summers and mild, wet winters. The best time to visit this city is probably in May-June or September-October when you can enjoy the warm sunny days.



Dubrovnik Airport, also known as Čilipi Airport is the international airport of Dubrovnik. This airport is located around 15 km from the center of Dubrovnik. It was the third-busiest airport in Croatia in 2017 after Zagreb Airport and Split Airport.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Just like anywhere else, we recommend getting travel insurance when traveling to Dubrovnik, since it covers the costs of not only medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Dubrovnik Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 9° C
Feb 10° C
Mar 11° C
Apr 14° C
May 18° C
Jun 22° C
Jul 25° C
Aug 25° C
Sep 22° C
Oct 18° C
Nov 14° C
Dec 11° C
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Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

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4 Reviews on Dubrovnik

  1. A
    Anonymous says:

    Dubrovnik is a great place to visit. However, it is not a country (not these days at least). It is a city in the nation of Croatia. Overall, I would recommend
    Dubrovnik and the rest of Croatia, quite highly.

  2. Had fun

    Had fun visiting in early 2021, I didn’t feel unsafe for a minute. great place to visit.

  3. The jewel of Croatia

    I loved Dubrovnik before everyone found out “Game of Thrones” was shot here. It’s nice even now but most of the time it’s a lot more crowded. A special place that is safe and has a lot to offer.

  4. Female traveler exploring Dubrovnik

    Not only is it safe but it’s also a pleasure to visit. It gets touristy and touristy by the year.

    A drive along the Adriatic coast is a must but I would stick to the speed limit and watch the road at all times. I’m not used to driving on such narrow roads so it took me a bit of time to get used to this.

    These guys know how to explore their hospitality sector to get the most out of it. Don’t get me wrong, they’re very friendly with tourists so you’ll have zero issues, I just meant that they tend to over commercialize some experiences.

    Most young people there will speak at least basic conversational English so I would always refer to them if you find yourself in need of directions/tips on where to go next.

    The biggest danger I could see was club-related. A lot of young girls seemed to accept drinks from strangers despite spiking being a known fact all around the globe. I don’t accept drinks from people I don’t know in LA. Why would things change in Croatia?

    In my attempt to avoid pickpockets – that exist in almost every city around the globe – I tried to avoid looking like genuine tourists – no shirts or caps with Croatia’s flag or any other symbol that would scream tourist is my biggest tip. Having your street smarts with you definitely pays off.

    Big points for keeping everything clean. From their roads to the area around clubs and hotels, everything is well taken care of. Also, I saw zero homeless people during my 12-day stay, a crude change from what I am used to.

    Use common sense, don’t flash your wallet/phone and try to stick to the tourist areas within Dubrovnik, there’s plenty to see and so, especially during warmer weather.

Dubrovnik Rated 4.5 / 5 based on 4 user reviews.

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