Is Cork Safe? Crime Rates & Safety Report

Updated On November 7, 2023
Cork, Ireland
Safety Index:
* Based on Research & Crime Data
User Sentiment:
* Rated 93 / 100 based on 3 user reviews.

Cork is a city in the south-western part of Irland located in the Munster province, which is considered to be the second-largest city of the country.

It is believed to be a concentration point of maritime history embedded in a coastal environment where it is at the same time supplemented with stunning culture and beautiful people.

Also, it is known that if in Cork you will never get bored no matter what kind of experience you are looking for, you will surely find ones that are the most suitable for you.

Warnings & Dangers in Cork

Overall Risk


Overall it can be claimed that it is a safe destination for tourists if all precautions measures will be taken into account and choose wisely your accommodation.

Transport & Taxis Risk


Transport infrastructure is very developed in the city and as a result, traveling facilities are available everywhere and are claimed to be very safe.

Pickpockets Risk


Pickpockets are often met here and therefore it is advisable to keep a close look at your belongings especially on your documents and try if possible not to carry all you have with you but instead store them in a safe place.

Natural Disasters Risk


There are no considerable natural disaster risks that can somehow affect you negatively.

Mugging Risk


There is an increasing number of violent crimes in the city, meaning that in order for you to avoid such unpleasant cases you should opt for not walking alone at night is not so populated places and take all measures to safeguard your possessions as well as yourself.

Terrorism Risk


Terrorist attacks happening in the city can not be ruled out and the only solution to this would be to follow the advice of public authorities.

Scams Risk


There are scammers in the city but these could be easily avoided through using your common sense and not being easily influenced. If you feel some pressure on your choice from an unknown party it is advisable to report this behavior immediately.

Women Travelers Risk


This is definitely a safe place for solo traveling women as there is no differentiation between the tourists that opt to visit this city.

So... How Safe Is Cork Really?

Overall it is a safe destination for you as a tourist from almost all perspectives, but it is advisable to take all measures in order to preserve your safety and security.

In recent years with the development of tourism in the city the cases of robberies, thefts, and crime, in general, have increased, which means that you as a tourist should choose wisely your accommodation which will ensure your safety.

Be aware of a big gang of pickpockets that operate in the most populated areas of the city and keep a close look at your belongings, especially your documents.

Also, it is recommended to always have a mobile phone from which in case of emergency you will be able to call as well as have a list of numbers.

Even if it is claimed to be relatively safe there are some neighborhoods that are advisable especially by night to not be visited however, during the day these could be and are recommended to be visited.

These one could be easily found at the tourist information point together with a lot of more interesting and important updates related to tours, guides, experiences of any kind as well as the must-see and do of the city which will ensure you a safe and great trip.

Taking everything into account and following all the above-mentioned pieces of advice you will be able to safely enjoy your trip.

How Does Cork Compare?

CitySafety Index
Siem Reap (Cambodia)63
Phnom Penh (Cambodia)61
Niagara Falls (Canada)87
Calgary (Canada)82
Buenos Aires (Argentina)60
Vancouver (Canada)82

Useful Information



It depends on your citizenship whether you need a visa or not, but all the required information is clearly provided by the web-site of the public authorities.



The local currency is the Euro which is widely used in almost all European countries.



The climate of the city is mild, moist and rapidly changing from the perspective of precipitations.



Cork Aiport is the second-largest airport that operates a wide range of international flights.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

As it is always recommended to have travel insurance while traveling, no matter the destination, therefore, Cork is not an exception.

Click here to get an offer for travel insurance

Cork Weather Averages (Temperatures)

Jan 7° C
Feb 7° C
Mar 7° C
Apr 9° C
May 12° C
Jun 14° C
Jul 16° C
Aug 16° C
Sep 14° C
Oct 12° C
Nov 6° C
Dec 5° C
Choose Temperature Unit

Average High/Low Temperature

Temperature / MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec

Ireland - Safety by City

CitySafety Index

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3 Reviews on Cork

  1. Small, quite, and far less risk that this website suggests

    I have grown up, and lived in the small city of cork my entire life, and cork city is NOT a “medium” risk for pickpockets, not only have I never been a victim of this in the36 years I’ve lived here, but I have never heard of anybody else who’s been a victim of pickpocketing, cork is not big, or does it have huge crowds of people on the street, which would make pickpocketing easy, Cork City is a quiet place, that harbors no risk for tourists, and certainly no risk of pickpocketing, or mugging. Somebody would have to be extremely unlucky to become a victim of either crime. I’m not sure how up to date this page is, but those medium risks seem very much overstated.

    Cork is a lovely place, come visit 🙂 I’m sure you’ll find the people friendly and helpful.

    1. Safe for tourists

      Criminals in Cork are generally unlikely to target tourists or adults, but for younger people and teenagers there is a medium risk of being robbed if you’re just hanging around town, especially after dark or at the north side of the city limits.
      I’ve never heard of anyone being pick-pocketed, and muggings only ever occur with knife blades or unarmed – criminals will only target those who look like they won’t report to the authorities.
      In general it’s a very safe city as there aren’t large crowds and nothing other than your accent will make you directly stand out as a tourist.

  2. Having lived there all my life I would safely say that pickpockets hardly exist at all in Cork. You would need to be careful after dark in the city centre. Generally its fine but you’d want to avoid drunks or groups of young kids. In general its pretty safe, extremely safe during the day. People are also very friendly and helpful if you have an issue or get lost.

Cork Rated 4.67 / 5 based on 3 user reviews.

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