The United States Census Bureau, states that as of 2019 there were 731,545 living in the state of Alaska.
Alaska is one of the most dangerous states for women as a sexual assault occurs every seven hours in this state.
Furthermore, while the total crime rate dropped by 4.6% in 2018, however, violent crime increased by 3.3.% during that same period.
There has been a trend over the past year that saw property crime gradually decrease along with the national average.
The violent crime rate in Alaska is 8.4 per 1,000 people and 22.6 incidents per 1,000 residents.
The site goes on to explain that the violent crime rate in Alaska is double that of the US national average.
10 Safest Cities in Alaska
As per the FBI Crime Report Statistics for the period 2018/2019, the following ten cities were identified as the safest cities to reside in in the state of Alaska.
There were several factors taken into account, such as the law enforcement officers working in each city, the size of the population, as well as the number of crimes reported.

1. Haines
The city of Haines is located in Haines Borough, Alaska, and is located near Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
This is the ideal city to engage in outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, trailing, or rafting.
This city has a relatively small population of 2,508 residents.
There are a total of 10 law enforcement employees working in this city, which includes both full-time officers and civilian employees.
During the period, the city of Haines residents reported a total of 19 crimes.
Three of those crimes were violent crimes (0.119 per capita) and 16 (0.638 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
The two most common crimes in this city are larceny and burglary.
The average income per household in this city is 61,842 USD, while the average individual brings home 38,056 USD per year.

2. Wrangell
The city and borough of Wrangell is a borough in Alaska.
It is located in the northern part of Wrangell Island.
This city has a thriving fishing industry, making it the ideal location to go deep-sea fishing.
This city has a relatively small population of 2,521 residents.
There are a total of 12 law enforcement employees working in this city, which includes both full-time officers and civilian employees.
The city of Wrangel has made it to the number two position with only 24 crimes reported by the residents during this period.
One of those crimes was violent crimes (0.0387 per capita) and 23 (0.9123 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
The two most common crimes in this city are larceny and car theft.
The average income per household in this city is 53,894 USD, while the average individual brings home 27,083 USD per year.

3. Cordova
The city of Cordova, also known as the “the Crossroads of Alaska,” is located in Chugach Census Area, Alaska.
This, like many other Alaskan cities, is a thriving fishing city that proudly hosts the Copper River Salmon Jam annually.
This city has a relatively small population of 2,179 residents.
There are a total of 11 law enforcement employees working in this city, which includes both full-time officers and civilian employees.
Cordova residents reported 18 crimes during this period.
Six of those crimes were violent crimes (0.2754 per capita) and 12 (0.5507 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and aggravated assault are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 94,625 USD, while the average individual brings home 27,417 USD per year.

4. Valdez
The city of Valdez is located in Chugach Census Area, Alaska.
Valdez is situated on the eastern side of Port William Sound.
The population is 3,845 residents.
There are 12 law enforcement employees working in this city.
Valdez residents reported 73 crimes during this period.
Five of those crimes were violent crimes (0.130 per capita) and 68 (1.7685 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and burglary are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 85,085 USD, while the average individual brings home 44,693 USD per year.

5. Seaward
Seaward is located on the Kenai Peninsula in southern Alaska and is a port city.
The city has a population of 2,850 residents.
There are 21 law enforcement employees working in this city.
Seaward residents reported 80 crimes during this period.
Six of those crimes were violent crimes (0.130 per capita) and 74 (2.5965 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and burglary are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 73,611 USD, while the average individual brings home 31,081 USD per year.

6. Sitka
The city of Sitka is located in a borough near Juneau, Alaska.
The city has a population of 8,588 residents.
There are 25 law enforcement employees working in this city.
Seaward residents reported 248 crimes during this period.
21 of those crimes were violent crimes (0.2445 per capita) and 227 (2.6432 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny, aggravated assault, and burglary are the three main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 73,682 USD, while the average individual brings home 38,659 USD per year.

7. Unalaska
Unalaska is the primary population of the Aleutian Islands Alaska.
The city has a population of 4,546 residents.
There are 22 law enforcement employees working in this city.
Unalaska residents reported 66 crimes during this period. 17 of those crimes were violent crimes (0.374 per capita) and 49 (1.0779 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and aggravated assault are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 94,750 USD, while the average individual brings home 35,461 USD per year.

8. Petersburg
Petersburg is a city in and borough seat of Petersburg Borough, Alaska.
The city has a population of 3,262 residents.
There are 12 law enforcement employees working in this city.
The residents of Petersburg reported 87 crimes during this period. 10 (0.306 per capita) of those crimes were violent crimes and 77 (2.36 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and aggravated assault are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 70,750 USD per year and the average individual brings home 28,347 USD per year.

9. Homer
The small city of Homer is located on Kachemak Bay, which is found on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula.
The city has a population of 5,797 residents.
There are 21 law enforcement employees working in this city.
The residents of Petersburg reported 228 crimes during this period. 12 (0.207 per capita) of those crimes were violent crimes and 216 (3.726.1 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and burglary are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 60,993 USD, while the average individual brings home 31,553 USD per year.

10. Palmer
Palmer is located in Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska.
The city has a population of 7,403 residents.
There are 15 law enforcement employees working in this city.
The residents of Petersburg reported 270 crimes during this period. 26 (0.3512 per capita) of those crimes were violent crimes and 244 (3.296 per capita) incidents that were reported were property crimes.
Larceny and aggravated assault are the two main types of crime in this city.
The average income per household in this city is 62,339 USD, and the average individual brings home 23,712 USD per year.
5 Safety Tips for Traveling to Alaska
When traveling to the state of Alaska, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your safety:
- Never leave food, clothing items that smell like fish, or other edible items in your tent. They are a magnet for bears.
- Do not make loud noises when traveling through dense bush areas as that may scare or startle the moose or bears which may send them on the attack. Being trampled by a moose can be fatal.
- While most Alaskans carry a gun when traveling outdoors into the wild, this is simply not practiced for visitors. Instead, be sure to always carry bear-deterrent spray with you whenever you venture out into the wild.
- When going out onto the water, always wear a lifejacket for your safety. The weather in this area, as is the case in most areas around the world, can be very unpredictable.
- In addition, when traveling out, familiarize yourself with all of the poisonous and dangerous plants such as poison ivy or poison oak to mention a few.
Alaska Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Alaska Safety Review
Safety Index:
Frequently Asked Questions
How safe is Alaska?
Tourists do not need to be too concerned.
It is ranked as the top ten safest states to travel to in the USA.
How many days do I need to travel to Alaska?
Seven days should suffice to ensure that you see all the major attractions.
What are the primary dangers in Alaska?
There are several but the main threats are earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, floods, volcanoes, and natural hazards.
Hi.ive always wanted to travel to Alaska .ever since I was a child I’ve always thought that watching Christmas cartoons that actually take place in Alaska is in equivalent reality in Alaska and the North pole the same lifestyle but unfortunately I’ve gotten very disappointed to learn that was deception .I’ve always loved the fall& winter climate I have serious health issues & I feel a lot healthier in those two seasonable climates l get this special feeling I wish I could explain in winter around November to Christmastime that spring& summer takes away the fall& winter effects that linger& permiate in the air bring a very special feeling as I recall my childhood with my mother during this time of year .Mabie one day as I pray to LordHesus being a Christian I’ll get to travel there & enjoy all of Alaska activities I’ve been reading about throughout the years of it be God’s will l will see you there. Ez
I’ve always wanted to travel to Alaska just at least once in my life, the great spots and scenery are the reason why I like it there. I always research stuff about Alaska and it relaxes me.