Ireland is one of the best places to spend your vacation.
If you want your vacation go different from the beach holiday, Ireland is a good idea.
Travelers are usually attracted by an extensive excursion program.
Due to the country’s historical past, the famous Irish beer, and unforgettable nature the tourists are coming here from all the corners of the world.
This is all predictable.
But what about the surprising facts that many of you had no idea of?
Let’s discover them right now.
1. Hold a Map
A paper map is a necessary “device” in Ireland.
The matter is there are lots of new and old roads that even Google cannot recognize well.
Therefore, when you travel to Ireland on a rented car or by any other means, you should buy and always hold a map.
Another fact that will surprise you well is the weather in Ireland.
Sometimes the winds are so severe that even road signs cannot stand it and fall down.
Be cautious and have fun while you are traveling in Ireland.

2. What’s Wrong with Northern Ireland?
We are all aware of the existence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
What about the Republic of Ireland?
The matter is the island of Ireland has been divided into two parts for as many as a hundred years.
It’s all about politics.
The north and the south have tough relations in terms of politics and economic relations.
The locals recommend staying out of politics when you have small talks in the country.

3. Clear the Way for Cows
In Ireland, it is recommended to be ready for everything.
Just like any other country in the world with beautiful green slopes, Ireland is proud of its sheep and cows and ducks and other creatures in large quantities crossing the roads.
When you find yourself driving in the middle of nowhere (remember we told you about the map), be very attentive and clear the way for animals.
In Ireland, they have right of way!

4. Never Fear
Of course, you should be careful in Ireland, as in any other relatively calm and safe place while traveling.
The country is considered a relevantly safe place to be.
In Dublin and Belfast which are two of the largest cities in Ireland, the crime rate is always higher.
No doubt, the rule of not walking in the dark remote places at night, in the country you are traveling in is applicable to any destination.
The most common crimes are somehow connected with gays, while rare racists are also present.
There have been fixed cases of ATM fraud, so you need to be careful when withdrawing cash and always look around.
The best way to avoid problems with money withdrawal is by entering the bank building to withdraw money in the ATM which is located inside.

5. You’ll Love the Rain
It is often rainy in Ireland.
It is always too rainy in Ireland, too.
Taking an umbrella and a raincoat with you would be especially appropriate for both short-term and long-term voyages.
Think of putting another sweater into your suitcase if you are going to visit Ireland from December through February.
It is always cold and there’s no central heating in many buildings.
You never know when you start loving this wet weather anyways.

6. Turn Off the News
Watching too much news concerning your place of destination right before a trip is not quite appropriate.
Ireland is a very attractive country with lots of sights and amazing views, nice people, and herds of cute sheep.
But when it comes to the news stories it seems like the blackest clouds thickened over Ireland.
Yes, certain regions of the country have high rates of crime.
Yes, there have been some terrorist attacks recently.
The Republic of Ireland faced real bombing and shooting years ago.
Now the country is relevantly safe although the terrorist attacks are still possible.
You should always check the current situation from either the reliable sources online or by asking the locals in the region you are going to travel to.

7. Crossing the Red Line
Nothing except for having to exchange your Irish euros to Northern Irish pound sterlings matters.
Crossing the red line which is the actual border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is easy in terms of the law.
You do not have to undergo some complex procedures when you have suddenly decided to move from one part of the island to the other.

8. Irish Traffic
In Ireland, you can relax, take time to listen to good music and have lots of small talks with your companions on the road.
Animals and other cars in front and behind you are the reasons for that.
Major cities in the Republic of Ireland are considered the worst in terms of traffic congestion.
Get ready for long trips and allow the fast drivers to be in advance, especially in the mountains.
Remember to drive on the left side of the road, please.

9. Buy Goods Until Sunday
This is a real day off in Ireland.
Sunday is the day when you won’t be able to buy many things you need so it is recommended to plan in advance.
The offices and banks are often closed in distant towns.
Eating out may become an issue too since many cafes are closed till the afternoon or do not open until Monday.

10. You’ll Find a Buddy
Be prepared to smile, have fun, relax and learn the culture of the country from the locals.
Irish people are mostly friendly and nice.
You will get a helping hand in case you need it so feel free to ask.
When you are having a glass of good Irish beer (is there any bad?), you might find a buddy at the bar.
This is part of the Irish lifestyle.

Ireland Safety Overview
READ THE FULL REPORT: Ireland Safety Review
Safety Index:
Reading a few of your blogs, and growing up from n.ireland but classing myself as irish, you don’t paint the North in very good light.
The troubles come from both sides and continue to do so because of society brainwashing.
I know a lot of protestants that wear green on St Patrick’s day…. celebrate st Patrick’s day, have a party for St Patrick’s.
Maybe speak to both sides of the fence, before giving out your opinions. Especially if your not from the Island. You can cause hurt by giving out your opinion, rather than letting people know the north is safe too.