4 Tips for Traveling Responsibly as a Smoker

Updated On June 7, 2023
Tips for Traveling Responsibly as a Smoker

Smoking is one of the most common habits around the world.

OurWorldinData.org notes that one in four adults in the world (or 23%) smoke.

If you’re part of this population group, you’ll likely run into another smoker wherever you travel.

However, regulations and attitudes toward smoking can change depending on your location, and it’s crucial to keep these in mind when going on vacation.

Not doing so can land you in hot water with authorities or locals, which is never a favorable situation, especially in a foreign country.

To prevent issues and keep you and those around you happy, it’s important to be conscious of when, where, and how you smoke when abroad.

Here are a few tips for traveling responsibly as a smoker:

Learn About Smoking Rules

Responsible travel begins with doing your part in learning about the place you’re heading to beforehand.

It allows you to plan efficiently, and smokers can learn about the country’s rules and perceptions of smoking.

Some places have strict laws on tobacco, and smoking areas are limited.

Spain is one such example; they’ve amplified the number of smoke-free outdoor locations by banning smoking on beaches and making rules on indoor smoking stricter.

Other countries have also limited or banned the sale of certain products, so if you’re planning to buy them during your trip, you might have difficulty finding your preferred options.

Doing research can help prevent you from running into trouble while abroad.

Use Smokeless Nicotine Pouches

With many countries increasing smoking regulations, cigarettes are no longer travel-friendly.

Smokeless products like nicotine pouches make for an ideal alternative, thanks to less strict legislation against them, as well as easy portability and disposal.

For example, industry leader Prilla.com offers fast and secure nicotine pouch delivery if you need to pack a few cans before your trip.

Their selection includes top brands like VELO, ZYN, and On!

They also offer fast delivery within the US, so even if you make a last-minute order, you’ll still receive your pouches in time.

Nicotine pouches are great for travel since you can tuck one under your lip and continue doing activities; no need for a smoke break in a designated room.

If you’re not ready to try nicotine pouches, nicotine patches are another product you can consider.

Brands like Nicorette offer patches of various nicotine strengths that can cater to smokers of any experience level.

They’re also great for travel since you can stick a patch onto your skin and go about your day while receiving the dose of nicotine for up to 24 hours.

Mask the Smell of Smoke

Cigarette smoke can bother others, especially non-smokers around you who may not enjoy the smell or have conditions like asthma that are aggravated when inhaling secondhand smoke.

It may also not be pleasant to travel with someone who smells like cigarettes constantly, so carrying products to mask the scent can help you be a responsible traveler.

Neutralizing sprays can help eliminate the smell from your clothes, and you can make one from scratch with lemon juice and baking soda.

Products like perfume can cover the scent of smoke up for a while, and something like dry shampoo can also prevent your hair from smelling like smoke.

Brushing your teeth often, washing your hands, and bringing around extra clothes can further help minimize the scent while traveling.

Respect the Local Culture

Besides being aware of the regulations on smoking, it also pays to look at it from a cultural standpoint.

Our “Cultural Sensitivity: Tips for the Considerate Traveler” post highlights that looking up your destination’s cultural customs is crucial for respecting locals and their way of life.

Smoking may be frowned upon due to people’s religion, attitudes, or lifestyle, which should all be considered as you’re a visitor in their area.

Some countries may be more tolerant of the habit, but smoking only in the proper places is still essential.

Observing and asking locals can help you understand where smoking is permitted and if it’s respectful to practice it.

Cultural awareness can prevent you from giving off the wrong impression while traveling, showing that you’re a responsible tourist who cares for your surroundings and others.

For more tips and advice on how to stay safe and respectful in different countries, do read our other articles on TravelSafe-Abroad.com.

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